What To Do the week of March 19th-25th

Make it a night to remember in Beaufort

The production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream presented by Shakespeare Rep will be this Thursday – Sunday March 19-22 at USCB. Shakespeare Rep continues its Season of Wonders with a lovely, modernized interpretation of Shakespeare’s most popular comedy A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Set in 1967, the Summer of Love, A Midsummer Night’s Dream brings a lot of happy vibes and great music to help fuel the comic masterpiece. You can get tickets to the play by visiting http://www.uscbcenterforthearts.com or calling 843-521-4145. The tickets to the show are $20.  Plus, on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights you can make it an evening to remember by starting with dinner hosted by Southern Graces at the Beaufort Inn. It will be four courses that promise to make your mouth water. And all this for only $25 per person. Reservations are required (843-379-0555).

First in free organ concert series to begin

Dr. Sarah Mahler Kraaz will present the first in the free spring organ concert series on Friday, March 20th at noon at the Parish Church of St. Helena, 505 Church St. in downtown Beaufort. Dr. Kraaz is Professor of Music and Chair of the Department and Organist of the College at Ripon College in Wisconsin, where she teaches piano, organ, harpsichord, music history, counterpoint, Women in Music, Topics in 20th-century American Popular Music, and Music and War. Her Scottish folk songs and sea chanteys have been published, and her anthem, “The Bitter Winter,” was premiered by the Ripon College Choral Union in 2008.
Concerts are free and open to the public. For further information contact Patricia Gould, 843.522.1712, ext. 214 or email her at pgould@sthelenas1712.org; or visit www.sthelenas1712.org.

March event at the St. Helena Branch Library

This event is a “Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre” on Friday, March 20th at 4 p.m. This is a fundraiser for teen services through the Friends of the Beaufort Library. Join Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson along with a host of book characters to solve the mystery of who killed King Henry, VIII. The cost is $10 per person (payable at the door) for dinner which gives you a choice of either Chicken and Broccoli Alfredo or Plain Pasta with marinara sauce and steamed broccoli. Dinners are served with beverage, salad, garlic bread, and dessert. All proceeds are tax deductible. The event will take place at St. Helena Branch Library, 6355 Jonathan Francis Sr. Rd; St Helena Island. For additional information or to RSVP, please call 843-255-6487.

Lookin’ for just the right thing?

The annual Beaufort Academy Junior Class Community Yard Sale will be held on Saturday, March 21st – in the BA gym.

Spring cleanup planned for Port Royal

The Beaufort County Public Works Department, Solid Waste and Recycling Section, and Keep Beaufort County Beautiful, an affiliate of Keep America Beautiful, Inc., are jointly hosting a Great American Cleanup event in the Town of Port Royal.  The event will take place on March 21st. Keep Beaufort County Beautiful will lead a land cleanup beginning at 7:30 a.m. Beaufort Kayak Tours will lead a water cleanup beginning at 10:00 a.m. from the Sands Beach to the Fort Frederick Heritage Preserve. Great American Cleanup events offer volunteer opportunities for individuals, schools, communities, businesses, and other groups to take action and get involved with their environment.  Volunteers are needed to help make this event a success. Those interested in volunteering for the land cleanup should contact Kathryn Madden at kmadden@bcgov.net and plan to meet at the Port Royal Town Hall located at 700 Paris Avenue. Individuals interested in the water cleanup should contact Beaufort Kayak Tours to reserve a kayak free of charge at info@beaufortkayaktours.com or 843-525-0810. Event organizers will provide trash bags and safety vests.  Volunteers are strongly encouraged to bring gloves and a bottle of water.

Players invited to adaptive golf clinic

Adaptive golf instructors will be out at The Legends at Parris Island this Saturday teaching players with disabilities how to enjoy the game of golf. The free monthly clinic, sponsored by Beaufort Memorial and Legends, is being held this Saturday, March 21 from 9 to 11 a.m. on the driving range. Civilians, veterans and active military personnel are invited to join the free two-hour session and learn how to use adaptive techniques and tools to tee off and putt better than ever. Whether you’re recovering from a stroke, spine or joint injury, amputation or traumatic brain injury, you can have fun playing golf and improve your balance and coordination in the process. Adaptive Golf clinics are held the third Saturday of each month and are open to everyone. Other events and tournaments also are scheduled regularly. For more information or to register, contact either Beaufort Memorial physical therapist Steve Giammona at (843) 522-5850 or Sgiammona@bmhsc.org, or PGA professional Andy Hinson at (843) 228-2240 or hinsonca@usmc-mccs.org.

Marines’ charity dinner helps military families

Do two things at once. Enjoy a delicious spaghetti & meatball dinner with all the fixins’ on Saturday, Mar. 21st between, 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. and at the same time, raise money to help military families. If you close your eyes you’ll think you’re dining in Italy…OK, Port Royal. This fine feast is provided by the nonprofit Marine Corps League Yellow Footprints Detachment chefs! Where will this feast be? At AMVET’s located at 1831 Ribaut Rd., The cost is only $10 for adults and kids eat for $5; Dine in or takeout plus a cash bar. Dinner, silent auction & chances to win a home defense shotgun will benefit Youth Scholarships & Marine Family Outreach programs. You can buy tickets from League members or at door. You can also get them at Spectrum Graphics, 196 Sam’s Point. Rd., Lady’s Is. & Computer Dynamics, 399-B Parris Island Gateway. For additional information contact Bernie Eveler at (843) 525-1059 or email him at eveler1154@yahoo.com.

Are you ready to run? Ready to eat?

Join in the 7th Annual Beaufort Twilight Run 8K/5K in Habersham, on the weekend of March 20-21st beginning with a pasta dinner on Friday night and followed by a fun day of racing starting at 2:30 p.m. on Saturday. There will be 1/4 mile Fun Run for kids and a Lowcountry Oyster Roast with live music from Tell Scarlet on Saturday night. The Beaufort Twilight Run supports Riverview Charter School opened in 2009. The school’s mission is to create a small, diverse learning community that actively engages students in meaningful and innovative learning experiences. Emphasizing “learning by doing,” family and community involvement, and engaged citizenship. For more information visit www.beauforttwilightrun.com.

Dr. Ken Meyer gives lecture on Swallow-tailed Kites

If you love birds, and support the protection of our birds, don’t miss this important lecture on March 21st by Dr. Ken Meyer who founded and now directs the nonprofit Avian Research and Conservation Institute (ARCI), located in Gainesville FL where they study and supports management and conservation of rare birds. Prior to the 1900s, Swallow-tailed Kites nested in 21 states, but a decline from 1880 to 1940 resulted in the present scattered population mainly in six southeastern states. The Swallow-tailed Kite is of critical conservation concern to all state agencies, the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Partners in Flight, Audubon, and the U.S. Geological Survey. Since 1988, the staff of Avian Research and Conservation Institute (ARCI) has studied the yearround ecology and behavior of Swallow-tailed Kites to inform management and conservation planning. Ken will share with us critical strategies in place for conservation and the support of a rigorous population monitoring program. The Meet and Greet will begin at 6:00 p.m. at the Fripp Community Center followed by the lecture at 7:00 p.m. If attending, please bring a small plate of nibbles. For additional information, please contact: patrick.r.cotter@gmail.com.

Welcome spring with Bridges Prep art auction

Help us raise funds for public restrooms to be added at the Washington St. Park. Join us on Monday, March 23, between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. at our Main Campus located at 1100 Boundary St. in downtown Beaufort.

Program honoring five local women 

The Hestelle Woodbury Women’s Missionary Society of Grace Chapel A.M.E Church presents it’s Annual Women’s History Month Program Sunday, March 22, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. The national theme for 2015 is “Weaving the Stories of Women’s Lives.” Five women in the areas of education, social services, cultural arts, administration, and community services will be honored at the program. Please join us as we celebrate the accomplishments of these amazing five local women. For more information call 843-525-0708 or 843-524-6091.

AAUW to host dinner and yoga info session

The Beaufort Branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) will meet on Tuesday, March 24, at 6:00 p.m., at The First Presbyterian Church at 1201 North Street. Our dinner will be catered by Debbi Covington. Glenda Stecki, Yoga Instructor, will speak about “The Benefits of Yoga.” We hope all members will attend and bring a friend. We also invite new members to join our group, which works to advance equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy, and research. For details, contact Dr. Diana Steele at 522-2796 or steele.diana@comcast.net.

Tween event at the Lobeco Branch Library

Nail Art for Tweens is being offered FREE at the Lobeco Library. Come design your own nails, a perfect afternoon for 9-13 year olds, but registration is required so call early to reserve your spot. It will be on Thursday, March 26 at 4:00 p.m. at the Lobeco Library, 1862 Trask Parkway. For additional information contact the library at 843-255-6481. Website:  beaufortcountylibrary.org.

Join the second annual VOLKSMARCH

The Friends of Hunting Island announce the second annual VOLKSMARCH or People’s Walk on Saturday, March 28th. Walks along the lagoon and through the maritime forest will feature major segments of the Hunting Island Trail System. Walkers can start from the Nature Center (next to the fishing pier) anytime from 9 a.m. to 3pm. Following signs along the path, the walk can be completed in 1.5 hours. Contributions ($10 for a participation pendant) will benefit the Discover Carolina Program for local schools.So, get your friends and neighbors together and join us! For more information, visit www.friendsofhuntingisland.org.

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ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays

What’s Happening

ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays