What To Do the week of Jan. 29th-Feb. 4th

Souper Bowl of Caring accepting donations

The BCHS SADD Club is working with youth groups around the nation on the Souper Bowl of Caring Campaign to collect cans of any kind of soup for local food banks/pantries. Collection started January 6th and ends January 30th.  Donations may be dropped off in the front office of Battery Creek High School. For more information, call Diane Grooms at 322-5580.

Beaufort District Collection’s Program

The Beaufort District Collection (BDC) is the Library system’s special local history collection and archives. BDC supports research and provides free programs about the people, places, events, and themes of our long, broad, and deep history. The Shaping of South Carolina is on loan from the South Carolina Historical Society and will be on exhibit Mondays–Fridays, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. at the Beaufort District Collection, 2nd floor, 311 Scott Street through January 30, 2015 except Mon., Jan. 19th when the library system is closed to commemorate Martin Luther King, Jr. day.  Learn how troublesome establishing our state boundaries was and remains in this traveling exhibit on loan from the South Carolina Historical Society. The price is free. For more information, please contact Grace Cordial, 843-255-6468 or gracec@bcgov.net or visit the website at beaufortcountylibrary.org.

Youth competition for scholarships

The ACT-SO youth initiative is looking for high school students with talent and interest in competing in any of the following categories:  Sciences, Humanities, Performing Arts, Visual Arts, & Business.  The ACT-SO youth initiative will have its first informational meeting on Saturday, January 31 at 12:00 p.m., at the St. Helena Branch Library. Lunch will be provided.  All Beaufort County youth in the 9th-12th grades, who are interested in participating in this year’s competition are asked to attend. Winners from the local competition who advance to the national competition, will compete for cash awards and prizes totaling over $200,000. To RSVP and gain more information, please contact: Tonya Johnson Phillips at (843) 441-4985 or Regina Jefferson at (843) 812-6259.

Public invited to join a Lowcountry choir

The Threshold Singers of the Lowcountry is a choir whose goal is to bring ease and comfort to those at bedside by offering gentle voices and simple sacred songs, along with sincere kindness.  Two to four singers go to a bedside when asked and sing a cappella and in harmony   They practice at St. John’s Lutheran Church the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays of the month from 2:30-4:30.  Their songs are their gift of service. There is no charge.  If this speaks to you, call Pat Keown at 843-476-6073 or just join them for practice.

Free tax preparation for qualifying taxpayers

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) of the Lowcountry, a program of Together for Beaufort County, will offer free income tax preparation services to assist low to moderate income taxpayers beginning February 2, 2015. Last year, this effort helped to return more than $4 million dollars to local taxpayers. The program will be offered at multiple sites throughout the area on a rotating schedule to help accommodate those wishing to utilize this service. The tentative daily schedule and list of sites can be viewed at www.vitalowcountry.org. Qualifying taxpayers can also visit www.myfreetaxes.com to prepare their income taxes independently for free. For more information or to volunteer with VITA, contact Mark Schneider, VITA Program Coordinator, at Mark450sl@aol.com or George Friedman, VITA of the Lowcountry Lead Site Coordinator, at georgefriedman@sc.rr.com.

YMCA offers Creative Movement Class

The YMCA of Beaufort County is offering a new, 12 session Gymnastics/Creative Movement class for kids age 4-7 beginning on Feb. 2, 2015. This is a non-competitive movement class that will incorporate dance, tumbling and gymnastics at a basic level. Curriculum will include warm-ups and learning tumbling skills like the cart-wheel, round-off, bridge, various roll-overs as well as dance, stretching and flexibility movements. Register at the YMCA or online (ymcabeaufortcounty.com).The class will be taught by instructor Destinee Andrews who brings more than 9 years of gymnastics training. Students should wear comfortable t-shirt, shorts (or leggings) and tennis shoes. Register soon – space is limited! The 4-5 year old student class is Mondays (starting Feb. 2, 2015) and 6-7 year old student class is Wednesdays (starting Feb. 4, 2015) at the Wardle Family YMCA, 1801 Richmond Avenue, Port Royal, SC 29935. The cost $100 per student for YMCA members and $120 per student for non-members for all 12 sessions. Please contact Lisa Redwine, Sports & Aquatic Boating Director at ymcasportsco@gmail.com  or 832.522.9622 or visit ymcabeaufortcounty.com for
more information.

Join fellow officers to help yourselfs and troops

The Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) is committed to our nation’s defense. MOAA protects interests of all US commissioned & warrant officers: Active, Reserve, NG, former & retired. Meet MOAA’s Low Country Chapter at its quarterly social/biz luncheon, Feb. 11, MCAS Beaufort Officers Club. Speaker: CAPT Patricia Cole, USN (Ret.), MOAA Dep. Dir. for Career Transition Svcs (job guru). Meet ‘n’ greet, 11:45 a.m.; buffet lunch, 12:30 p.m., $25; casual dress; reservations, contact Rich Baker:TL9198@embarqmail.com/(843) 694-1329 by Feb. 4; Web:http://www.lcmoaa.org. Call now; be part of a great group with a vital mission!

Sea Island Fly Fishers to meet

Sea Island Fly Fishers, will meet on February 11 at 6 p.m., at Bay Street Outfitters, 825 Bay St. Beaufort. The event is free and the public is welcome. The speaker is local guide Ja Malphrus, born and raised on the Broad River. Ja will talk about fishing for redfish with top water flys and on tactics for Winter reds. Join us for refreshments and tall tales. Contact Jack Baggette at 522-8911 with questions or visit our website at www.seaislandflyfishers.com.

Archaeology Society to host series of speakers

The Beaufort Chapter of the Archaeological Society of SC is pleased to announce an upcoming Spring series of speakers and events. On February 12th at 6 p.m., Dr. Steve Smith will discuss “Francis Marion and the newest information about Fort Motte” at the Beaufort District Collection space upstairs in the Beaufort County Library, 311 Scott St., Beaufort, SC. On February 28th, the Annual ASSC Meeting will be held at Gambrell Hall at USC in Columbia.  This year’s theme is the Yamasee War, which should be of particular interest to those of us in the Low Country.  Check website for addition information. On March 21 at 1pm, Dr. Sue Moore and Lilith Logan will explain the artifacts relating to the “Heart of the Home” exhibit (Heart of the Home; Kitchen Archaeology at Mont Repose Exhibit March 16-June 12 Beaufort District Collection). All these wonderful meetings and events are free and open to the public; however, membership in ASSC is encouraged.

Sportfishing and Diving Club to meet

The Beaufort Sportfishing and Diving Club meeting will be held on Thursday February 12th at the Beaufort Yacht and Sailing Club on Ladys Island off of Meridian Road.  Our guest speaker will be local marine dealer Chris Butler.  Captain Butler will have an array of depth/fish finders with mock set ups.  He will describe what the anglers are seeing on the bottom and varieties of fish and or structures.  The social begins at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. You do not need a reservation and guest are welcomed. For additional information call Captain Frank Gibson at 843-522-2122.

TCL to host Valentine’s Day Luncheon

You are invited to TLC Women’s 3rd Annual Valentine Luncheon, to be held Saturday, February 14, 12 – 2:00 p.m. at Cat Island Sanctuary Golf Club. The featured speaker, Leslie Roldan, will be signing her newly released book, Joy Unspeakable. Activities include creating Valentine’s Day cards for the elderly at Bay View Nursing Home. The cost of the luncheon meal is approximately $10-15. Please join us for an afternoon of food, fun, and fellowship! All are welcome to attend, RSVP Tonya Johnson Phillips @843-322-0262 byThursday, February 12. Thanks in advance!

Events for Adults at the St. Helena Library

• Family Law Issues: Divorce, Custody, Visitation & Support: This 30-45 minute lecture will be followed by an open question and answer session and will be held Monday, February 16th, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. at the St. Helena Branch Library, 6355 Jonathon Francis Sr. Road, St. Helena. The price is free. For more information, please contact Meghan Kilgore at 843-255-6559 or mkilgore@bcgov.net  or visit beaufortcountylibrary.org

• End of Life Issues: Health Care Power of Attorney, Living Wills, DNR Orders, Power of Attorney, Funeral Planning & Cremation: This 30-45 minute lecture will be followed by an open question and answer session and will be held on March 16th, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. at the St. Helena Branch Library, 6355 Jonathon Francis Sr. Road, St. Helena, The price is free. For more information, please contact Meghan Kilgore at 843-255-6559 or mkilgore@bcgov.net  or visit beaufortcountylibrary.org.

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ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays

What’s Happening

ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays