What To Do the week of April 30th-May 6th

Quilters meeting

The Sea Island Quilters are having their Quilt Show May 1 & 2 at the Holiday Inn on Boundary Street, in Beaufort. Over 100 handmade quilts will be on display. Members of the SIQ have a strong community outreach program. Finished handmade quilts are donated to various organizations such as CODA, CAPA, Friends of Caroline Hospice, Quilts of Valor, and the Franciscan Center on St. Helena Island. For additional information about the show, the judging and the organization, please contact Lynn O’Neal at creativeclutter2010@yahoo.com or Brenda McLeod at claudemcleodjr@gmail.com.

BA to hold cheerleading clinic this weekend

New Beaufort Academy cheer coach, Amanda Patel, will hold a cheer clinic and tryouts from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, May 2. Participants in the clinic and tryouts will need to wear shorts, T-shirt and tennis shoes. A brief informational meeting was held on Tuesday, April 14. Anyone who was unable to attend the meeting must sign up prior to the clinic. For more information on the upcoming clinic, email Patel at awilson-patel@beaufortacademy.org.

Church youth yard sale for summer camp 

The Red Dam Baptist Church Youth Group is organizing a Yard Sale for Saturday, May 2nd, at the church’s secondary campus – Euhaw Baptist in Ridgeland, SC. Proceeds from the event, scheduled for 8 a.m. to noon, will go toward the cost for a youth summer camp. Donations are welcomed. Euhaw is located at 2576 Bee’s Creek Road, Ridgeland. For more information, please call Youth Pastor Aubrey Mixon at (843) 783-1799 or the church at (843) 784-6083. You can also send an email to info@reddambaptistchurch.org or visit the church’s website at www.reddam.org.

Music won’t get any better than this!

On May 6th, The Beaufort High School Concert Band, the Beaufort High School Symphonic Band, the newly minted Lowcountry Wind Symphony and the Parris Island Marine Band will perform together in a joint concert at the Beaufort High School Performing Arts Auditorium. The concert is free to the public. No ticket required with open seating. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. The ensembles will perform both separately as well as together on stage during this memorable event. Familiar compositions from the world of Rock, Broadway, Hollywood, and the classics will be performed. Don’t miss the opportunity to hear these fantastic groups of Beaufort youngsters, Lowcountry adults and patriotic Marine musicians combining forces for the first time- together on stage! The Beaufort High School Performing Arts Auditorium is located at 84 Sea Island Parkway, Lady’s Island.

Beaufort Aglow International to hold meeting

Beaufort Aglow International will meet at the Gilligan’s Seafood Restaurant, 2601 Boundary St. Beaufort on Saturday, May 9, 2015 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The speaker is Elder Patricia Bee, our local group advisor. She is a graduate of Iowa State University Science and Technology, and holds a certificate from Rhema Training Center in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. Patricia is also a teacher in the Beaufort County School District, and is the author of two books. Currently, she faithfully serves in ministry at the Lighthouse Christian Center. For info: Please call (843)290-5563 or (843) 525-0525.

Rev up those motorcycles for a good cause

The Second Annual Relay for Life Poker Run will be held on Saturday May 9th. Registration is at 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. at American Motorcycle Company, 2512 Boundary St. This year there are 6 stops on the ride including: Harold’s Country Club, Yemassee; Ned’s Pub & Grub, Ridgeland; Tail Gators, Okatie; Mad Hatters, Okatie; Steamer Pub, Beaufort; and Rosie O’Grady’s, Beaufort. The last stop at Rosie O’Grady’s will have free hamburgers and hot dogs. Last bike in at 1:45 p.m., food starts at 2:00 p.m. There will be a 50/50 drawing with proceeds going to benefit Relay for Life Beaufort, SC. Cost is $15 per rider, $5 per passenger. All proceeds from entry fees benefit Relay for Life of Beaufort, SC. All riders/passengers will ride at their own risk. For more information or to sign up call 843-263-8723.

Support the Gamecocks 

Come to the Beaufort County Gamecock Club Dinner featuring speakers Everette Sands (Coach of the running backs) and Jay Brown. They will bring us up to date about the Gamecock Club and facility projects. The dinner is being held on Tuesday, May 12th, 6 p.m. at the Sanctuary Golf Club, Cat Island, SC. Tickets are $20 (dinner is included). To make your reservations, please contact Linda McCarty at 843-521-1445 or email at l.mccarty01@comcast.net Come out and support your Carolina Gamecocks!

The Redfish are coming 

Ja Malphrus will be the featured speaker at the May 13th meeting of the Sea Island Fly Fishers, 6 p.m. at Bay Street Outfitters, 825 Bay St. Beaufort. Ja is a native guide who grew up fishing local waters and will share his extensive knowledge. His talk will focus on redfish and how to catch them on top water lures. The public is welcome to this free event and refreshments will be offered. Call Jack Baggette at 843-441-4023 with questions.

Lilies on the River celebrates for 11th year

Hope Haven of the Lowcountry is celebrating its 11th annual signature fundraiser “Lilies on the River” event to be held on May 16th. This event is put on by and benefiting Hope Haven of the Lowcountry, the region’s nonprofit children’s advocacy and rape crisis center. The event gives people the opportunity to honor loved ones who have made a positive impact in their lives. This year at Lilies on the River, Hope Haven will be honoring former board member and current board member emeritus David Ames. For ten years, Dave has consistently supported and worked tirelessly to advance the mission of Hope Haven. As a tribute to him, the sale of lilies this year will be opened up to honor women and men! The public can purchase lilies to honor or memorialize the important people in their lives. The names of all honorees that lilies have been purchased for will be printed in a full page tribute ad in the Island Packet and Beaufort Gazette on Mother’s Day, May 10th. This year’s event will be held at the Berkeley Hall Club House. The event begins with a luncheon at 12 p.m. and is followed by a silent auction, a champagne toast, and includes a ceremony where all the lilies are released into the water with the names of women and men being honored and remembered displayed. Tax-deductible lilies may be purchased through May 1 for $15 per lily per person honored by visiting Hope Haven’s website at www.hopehavenLC.org or calling Hope Haven at 843-524-2256. Tickets for the luncheon can be purchased at the early bird rate of $60 per person by May 1. Seats are limited so call Hope Haven to make your ticket reservation at 843-524-2256.

Calling all women!

W.M.U. Garden Party to be held May 16, 2015 between 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Fellowship Hall Riverview Baptist Church, 2209 Boundary Street in Beaufort. Decorate a hat for the party! Prizes will be given for: Best All Around, Best Use of Flowers, and Funniest. Special Guest Speaker & Special Musical Guest!

A wine social

As part of our fund-raising for the Interpretive Center at Fort Fremont, the Friends of Fort Fremont are hosting a Spring Wine Social at Saltus Grill on Monday, May 18, 2015.

Leaders, join fellow officers to help troops 

The Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) is an organization of US uniformed officers: Active, Reserve, NG, former & retired. We promote a strong America & defend the rights of all who have served their families & survivors. Meet MOAA’s Low Country Chapter at its quarterly social/biz dinner, May 20th at Traditions at MCRD, Parris Island. The speaker will be Lt. Col. Paul Merritt, USMC (Ret.), Dir. of Transitioning Military Training, Technical College of the Lowcountry. Meet ‘n’ greet, 5 p.m.; dinner 5:45 p.m. Menu: Garden Salad, Chicken Francaise with pasta & vegetables, Tiramisu, coffee/ tea/soft drinks/cash bar, $25; casual dress. For reservations, contact Treas. Bill Severns MnBSeverns@aol.com/ (843) 770-9982 by May 12th; Web: http://www.lcmoaa.org. Call now; be a part of a great group with a vital mission!

Zumba to benefit Spina Bifida

GG’s Zumba Fit will be sponsoring a Zumbathon® to benefit Spina Bifida on May 30th from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The event will go for two hours and consists of exercise geared for “all levels of participants: hard core Zumba enthusiasts, those new to Zumba, and even entire families! “ Come out and have fun while helping to raise funds for children with Spina Bifida. Zumba is a non-traditional work out focused on dance styles from around the world. 100% of the proceeds will be donated to help support children with Spina Bifida that cannot afford the cost of a special Spina Bifida camp, as well as for books and supplies for families in hospital waiting rooms, and medical research to help find a cure for Spina Bifida. The Zumbathon® will also include a silent auction plus great snacks & beverages for all the exercisers. It will be held at the Praise Assembly of God at 800 Paris Island Gateway in Beaufort.The cost is $10 in advance and $15 at the door. Tickets can be purchased from your local Zumba instructor or contact GG at ggzumbafit@gmail.com, www.ggmack.zumba.com or on their Facebook page: GG’s Zumba Fit. See you there!

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ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays

What’s Happening

ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays