What To Do

Gamecock Classic golf tourney at Cat Island

The Beaufort County Gamecock Classic Golf Tournament sponsored by DuPriest Construction Co. will be on Saturday, June 8 at the Sanctuary Golf Club at Cat Island.  This is a 4 person scramble, Captain’s Choice format starting at 9 a.m.  Proceeds benefit USC Scholarship Athletes.  Entry fee of $100 per player includes a green fee & golf cart, gift bag, awards lunch, beverages and hole contests and prizes.  If you would like to play or get a team together, call Linda McCarty at 843-521-1445 or send to Beaufort County Gamecock Club, 2 Carolina Lane, Beaufort, SC 29907.

Black Chamber to have First Friday Networking

The Beaufort County Black Chamber of Commerce will have its First Friday Networking Event hosted by Levon Byrd of Legal Shield.  The meeting will be held at the Beaufort Quality Inn located at 2001 Boundary Street on June 7 from 6 to 8 p.m.  Presentations on protecting information and using technology will be given.  All members and the public are invited.  Refreshments and prizes. Details call 986-1102.

Get tickets for High on the Hog BBQ Festival

The next South Carolina BBQ Association competition will be the 2nd Annual High on The Hog BBQ Festival, presented by CBC National Bank to benefit LowCountry Habitat for Humanity on June 7 and 8. Last year’s event was an immediate sell out, with more than 900 pounds of butts being cooked. With twice the number of cookers registered this year, over 1,800 pounds of butts, 600 pounds of ribs will be cooked and distributed as samples. But the samples will go quickly and it’s first come, first served.  Be there when the doors open at noon on Saturday. In addition to the cooking teams, at least six restaurants will be selling their food, so there will be plenty for everyone.  Bricks on Boundary, Jim n Nicks from Bluffton, Sea Eagle, Brusters, Highway 21 Drive in and several more will on hand for the weekend. Tickets are $16 for Friday and $18 for Saturday and are available at www.highonthehogbeaufort.com, at the Visitor Center on Craven Street, the CenturyLink store on Boundary Street, CBC National Bank offices and at the Habitat offices on Parris Island Gateway.

Junior Cotillion offers scholarships to students

The 2013-2014 Mount Pleasant Junior Cotillion is offering scholarships for two students currently in third, fourth, or fifth grade.  Students are presented social skills and social dance at the Cotillion.  Director Mary Kennerty says, “Students need a social and character education to help their self confidence.”  Classes meet at the Snee Farm Country Club beginning in August.  For more information and to apply please contact Mary Kennerty at 881-8755 or marykennerty@att.net.  Visit our website: www.nljc.com/chapter/mtpleasantsc.

Flag Day Celebration will be at Waterfront Park

Flag Day Celebration & Musical Program, a patriotic salute to the American Flag, will be held Friday, June 14, from 6-8 p.m. at Henry C. Chambers, Waterfront Park, in downtown Beaufort. Bring a picnic basket, lawn chair or blanket and join us for this free event. The Knights of Columbus Beaufort & the city of Beaufort are cosponsors of the event.

Saturday afternoon at the (Jewish) Cinema

Beaufort’s historic synagogue, Beth Israel Congregation, invites the community to its first Saturday Afternoon at the (Jewish) Cinema.  The feature film is a surprise, guaranteed to be new for most in the community, a delight to all who have viewed it. Not your usual Netflix or cable fare. Popcorn will be served and, if warranted, a discussion will follow. Shown in Beth Israel’s Social Hall, the movie is timed so that attendees can enjoy dinner on the town and other evening plans afterward. All are invited Saturday, June 8 at 4:30 p.m. Beth Israel Congregation, 401 Scott Street. Admission: $3/person; $5/couple at the door.

Sportfishing and diving club has June meeting

The Beaufort Sportfishing & Diving Club’s June meeting will be held Thursday, June 13th at the Beaufort Yacht and Sailing Club on Lady’s Island, off Meridian Road. The social begins at 6:30 p.m. followed by the meeting at 7 p.m. Well known local Captain Wally Phinney of Sea Wolf Charters will give his presentation on Spanish Mackerel and the utilization of different planers, spoons, and live bait. He will also discuss various local, well-known fishing areas; particularly a ship wreck that is underwater most of the time. You do not need a reservation and guests are always welcome. For additional information, contact Captain Frank Gibson at 843-522-2020.

Fraternity celebrates Charter Day Service

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Xi Gamma Lambda Chapter Charter Day Service will be held Sunday, June 8 at 4 p.m. The Xi Gamma Lambda Chapter of Beaufort, South Carolina, will celebrate 31 years of existence. They will celebrate with a Charter Day Speaker who is Brother Don R. Weston, Past South Carolina Deputy District Director. A current resident of Greenville, Brother Don R. Weston has been employed with Ford Motor Credit Company for almost 29 years and is a Loss Preventions Operations Manager.  In 2013, Brother Weston launched Don R. Weston Consulting, a professional image management service, designed to enhance leadership style and training to his clients through appearance, behavior and effective communication.

The reigning South Carolina District Miss Black and Gold, Ms. Brittani Copeland from Rock Hill, will be performing musical selections. Also, the chapter will be honoring two Brothers of the Chapter as well as a few community members. A repast will immediately follow the celebration. The event will be at the Union Baptist Church, 1708 Old Shell Road , Port Royal. Free and opened to the public. For more information please call 843-812-6111.

Library seeks Mac Media Lab volunteers

Do you like using computers? Become a Mac Media Lab volunteer! Are you a techie? A gadget fiend? Or are you just really into computers?  The St. Helena Branch Library is seeking people just like you. Come volunteer and work with iMac computers or work with audio visual equipment as an instructor’s assistant. No Macintosh computer experience required, just basic computing skills such as: operating a mouse, keyboard, and surfing the internet. Come show off your tech skills with us and pick up some new ones. Call Melanie at 843-255-6547 to set up a volunteer appointment today. All Beaufort County Library volunteers are required to complete a volunteer application and background check.

Beaufort library has Dads-only Storytime

Let Mom have a break and let Dad (or Uncle or Grandfather) take the little one to storytime. Songs, fingerplays, fun! For children ages 8-35 months and their male caregivers. Registration required.

Time and Date: Saturday, June 15 at 10 a.m. at Beaufort Branch Library, 311 Scott Street, Beaufort, SC 29902

Contact 843-255-6432, scotts@bcgov.net, www.beaufortcountylibrary.org.

Parish Church of St. Helena offers camp 

“Veggie Fun World 2013” is a Christian summer program for children offered June 24-28 by the Parish Church of St. Helena, in downtown Beaufort. The second summer camp will be offered July 29-Aug. 2. Each program is distinct but related by the heroic super “Veggie Tales” characters used in crafts, songs, and activities. Praise music leader Michael McIntyre will lead our sing-along time. Children will enjoy outside games, water and sand tables, crafts, puppets, Bible stories, and Scripture verses. The daytime summer program runs from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. each day.

Each session has age-appropriate groups for children 18 months through 6 years of age. Each session costs $110 per child which includes all snacks and craft supplies. All children are welcome to come and share in hearing the good news about Jesus with Veggie friends and story tellers. For questions, contact Roz Dixon at 843-522-1712, ext. 220, or email her at nursery@islc.net. Register and pay online at www.sthelenas1712.org.

Foolish Frog features live music all monthlong

Here is a schedule of bands performing at the Foolish Frog on St. Helena Island on Sea Island Parkway.

• June 7: The Cluster shucks, 7:30 p.m.

• June 15: The Sometimes Later Band 7:30

• June 21: Worth and Ben

• June 22: The Bull Grapes, 7:30

Join a great group of ladies playing bridge

New in Beaufort? Looking for a good game of party bridge? Come join the ladies at Traditions on Parris Island each Tuesday morning at 10 a.m. for bridge and lunch. The group plays 24 hands of bridge with a lunch break halfway through the play.  They are normally finished by 2 p.m. If you are interested in receiving more information about weekly games, please email traditionsbridge@gmail.com or call 843-476-9233. We love to see new faces, and one and all are welcome. (Note:  The group does not offer bridge lessons; must already know how to play.)

Lending Room accepts used medical equipment

The Lending Room is an all-volunteer, 501(c)(3) charitable organization that lends gently used medical equipment to individuals regardless of income, age or insurance status. It aims to connect those who need medical equipment with unwanted items that would otherwise collect dust in an attic or be discarded. To arrange to donate or borrow items, please contact the Lending Room at (843) 524-2554. The pick-up/drop-off location is at Helena House Assisted Living at 1624 Paris Ave., Port Royal, SC 29935 directly across the street from the Port Royal Post Office.

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ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays

What’s Happening

ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays