What To Do

Iron Mike Bike Tour will be held on Parris Island

The Parris Island Historical and Museum Society will sponsor the Iron Mike Bike Tour of historic Parris Island on Saturday, May 4. The Iron Mike Bike Tour is 15 scenic miles and takes riders on a 16-stop tour of Parris Island’s history including several archaeological sites, colonial plantation site and military historic sites. The tour is self guided and starts at the Parris Island Museum, Bldg. 111. Riders can begin at their leisure between 9 a.m. and noon. The event is free and open to the public. A driver’s license, registration and proof of insurance are required to access the base. For more information, call 843-228-2951, or email tjscanlon222@hotmail.com.


Church holding annual Carteret Closet Sale

The UMW of Carteret Street United Methodist Church is holding their 3rd annual Carteret Closet Sale on Friday, May 3, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and on Saturday, May 4, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The sale will be held in the fellowship hall of the church at 408 Carteret Street and the proceeds will go to mission programs.


Local author to sign book at Taste of Beaufort

Beaufort author and photographer Janet Garrity will be signing copies of her book “Goin’ Down the River, Fish Camps of the Sea Islands” at McIntosh Book Shoppe, 917 Bay Street, Beaufort, on Saturday, May 4, 2013, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., during the annual Taste of Beaufort weekend. The book, the first ever published about fish camps, includes Garrity’s original photos, history, stories, old photos, and quotes about “goin’ down the river.”


Library presents mini-comic creation showcase

At the Mini-Comic Creation Showcase, bring stories to life through drawing and text. Under the direction of a professional graphic novel illustrator, teens can create their own mini-comic booklet. Just like the pros, teens are welcome to participate in a brief comic artists’ showcase until 1 p.m. Ages 12-18. The event will be from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, May 4, at the St. Helena Branch Library, 6355 Jonathan Francis Senior Road, St. Helena Island, Community Meeting Room. Free; all supplies provided. For more information, call 843-255-6547 or email mflorencio@bcgov.net or visit www.beaufortcountylibrary.org.


Black Chamber will have Friday Networking event

The Beaufort County Black Chamber of Commerce will have its First Friday Networking Event on May 3, hosted by the Nu Delta Omega Chapter, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.  Celebrating Women Entrepreneurs is the theme.  They are seeking women who are interested in having a display presenting their business or service.  To secure a booth, call 843-252-3863 or 843-707-9031.  The meeting will be held at the Charles “Lind” Brown Center (formerly the Green Street Gym) located at 1001 Hamar Street in Beaufort beginning at 6 p.m.  The public is invited. For more information, call 843-986-1102.


Community Prayer Breakfast held at YMCA

The YMCA of Beaufort County, located at 1801 Richmond Ave., will host the fifth Annual Community-Wide Prayer Breakfast on Thursday, May 2, at 7 a.m. The event is part of a nationwide National Day of Prayer celebration and is free and open to the community. Reservations are required and may be made by calling 843-522-9622.  YMCA membership is not a requirement to attend.


Sea Island Quilters will display works at show

Sea Island Quilters “Southern Comforts” Quilt Show 2013 will be held May 3, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and May 4 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Lind Brown Neighborhood Activity Center in Beaufort. Cost is $6, under 12 free. There will be more than 150 quilts on display with vendors, books, boutique, demonstrations and a silent auction.


Church services celebrate Eastern Orthodox days

St. James Orthodox Church will offer services each evening during the Eastern Orthodox Christians’ Holy Week through Saturday, May 4, with the celebration of “Pascha” or Easter at a service that will begin at 11:30 p.m. St. James Orthodox Church is located at 1014 Charles Street in Beaufort. All persons are encouraged to visit, regardless of beliefs. Contact Father James Bozeman at stjamesbeaufort@gmail.com or call 706-716-3255 for more.


Sea Island Fly Fishers to have interactive program

The Sea Island Fly Fishers final program before the summer break is May 8, 6 p.m., at Bay St. Outfitters in Beaufort. The program features a panel of club experts on several different subjects.  Each expert will introduce his subject and answer questions.  After presentations each expert will be available for small group follow up discussion.  Speakers are Tuck Scott on redfish, David Murray on casting, Paul Burton on cobia, and John Holbrook on wading.  The public is welcome and the event and refreshments are free.  Club members will be trying to stump our experts so join us in the challenge.   Call John Holbrook at 522-3616 with questions, and visit the club website at www.flyfishingbeaufort.com.


Potluck at Penn Center supports Colbert Busch

U.S. Congressman John Lewis (D-Ga.) invites you, your family and friends to the Penn Center on St. Helena Island for a potluck dinner on Sunday, May 5 from 1-3 p.m. Guest speakers will be Congressman Lewis, Rep. Kenneth Hodges and McKinley Washington. Hamburgers, hot dogs and tea will be furnished by the Elizabeth Colbert Busch Campaign. Please bring a blanket or lawn chair for the program and meal as you hear Rep. John Lewis reflect on character, citizenship, morality, courage, the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and why he believes you should vote for Elizabeth Colbert Busch.


Lady’s Island Country Club has charity tourney

On Friday, May 10 the third annual charity tournament for the late Kay Yow, WBB Coach at NC State, who died of breast cancer in 2009, will be held at Lady’s Island Country Club. Once again there will be celebrity coaches and local notables playing in the scramble format. Cost is $60 which includes golf and cart, buffet and beverage cart while playing. Lots of prizes, silent auction, tee gifts and 50/50 drawings. T-shirts are on sale for $12. Call Carol Meegan for more information or to sign up at 522-9053.

Annual croquet tourney will benefit AMIkids

The May 11 croquet tournament to benefit AMIkids will be held from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Brays Island off US 17 in Sheldon, about 15 miles west of Beaufort. For more information, to offer silent auction items or to sign up a croquet team, call Dr. Mike Harris at 843-524-1762 or Mike Ingram at 843-846-3149.

Sportfishing and diving club will hold meeting

The Beaufort Sportfishing & Diving Club’s May meeting will be held Thursday, May 9 at the Beaufort Yacht and Sailing Club on Lady’s Island, off Meridian Road. The social begins at 6:30 p.m. followed by the meeting at 7 p.m. “Kicking Fish Tail Since 1956,” Captain Judy Helemy will give a presentation on flounder fishing, inshore and offshore.  They will also discuss rigs, rods, reels, baits of choice, and various locations in rivers and estuaries. For additional information, contact Captain Frank Gibson at 843-522-2020.

Recycle electronics, shred documents at event

Do you have old computers or TVs that need to be thrown away or old documents that need to be disposed of safely and properly? On May 11 from
9 a.m. to 3 p.m., The Beaufort County’s Solid Waste and Recycling Division is holding an Electronics Recycling and Shredding Event. S.C. Law 48-60, enacted last year, prohibits dumping of electronic items in the landfill or at county convenience centers so this is the time to get rid of old electronics and it’s the perfect time to shred personal and tax documents. This event is taking place at 140 Shanklin Road. For questions about this event call the Solid Waste and Recycling Division at 843-255-2734 or go to www.bcgov.net/recycle.

Lilies on the River celebrates women

Hope Haven of the Lowcountry is celebrating its 9th Annual Lilies on the River event on Saturday, May 18. This annual fundraiser is put on by Hope Haven of the Lowcountry, the region’s nonprofit children’s advocacy and rape crisis center. The event gives people the opportunity to honor the women who have made a positive impact in their lives. The public can purchase lilies to honor or memorialize the important women in their lives. This year’s event will be held at the River House in beautiful Spring Island. The event begins with a luncheon at 12 P.M., a silent auction, a champagne toast, and includes a ceremony where all the lilies are released into the water with the names of women being honored and remembered displayed. Tax-deductible lilies may be purchased through May 3 for $15 per lily per woman honored by visiting Hope Haven’s website at www.hopehavenLC.org or calling Hope Haven at 843-524-2256.


Library: Meet explorer Captain William Hilton

All ages can come meet explorer Captain William Hilton as he tells you about his adventures along the Carolina coast. Learn about his life, discoveries, and the beginnings of colonial South Carolina with living historian Dwayne Pickett on Saturday, May 18, from 1- 2 p.m., at the Beaufort Branch Library, 311 Scott Street, Beaufort, SC 29902. For more information, call 843-255-6458, email sedmonds@bcgov.net or visit www.beaufortcountylibrary.org.

Local minister will hold graduation celebration

Jonas “With the Bonus!” Gadson will receive his Doctorate Degree in Theology on Friday, May 10 at 6:30 p.m. at the Carolina Theological Bible Institute in Bowman, S.C. The nationally-known motivational speaker and minister of the Beaufort Church of Christ will graduate from the Leadership Class of 2013 through the Beaufort Regional Chamber of Commerce in May. The public is invited to his Graduation Celebration on Saturday, May 11 at 4 p.m. at the Quality Inn – Town Center, 2001 Boundary Street, Beaufort. For more information, call 843-524-4281 or 843-379-8145 or email jonasgadson@yahoo.com.

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ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays

What’s Happening

ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays