What To Do

Lulu Burgess welcomes well-known silhouettist

Silhouettes by nationally known artist Clay Rice, grandson of Carew Rice, “America’s Greatest Silhouettist,” will be at Lulu Burgess on Saturday, December 15. Silhouettes are the perfect Christmas gift! Lulu Burgess is at 917 Bay Street, Beaufort. Call 843-524-5858 for an appointment. Silhouettes are $42 per person for two copies.

TCL Women hosting toy and food drive

The Low Country Womens’ Fellowship, also known as “TLC Women,” aims to empower women through Tender Loving Care, while touching the lives of others in the community. They are hosting their first holiday luncheon and toy and food drive. The luncheon will take place on December 15 at 1 p.m. at the Hilton Garden Inn on Boundary Street. The primary goal of this event is to increase the awareness of and to meet social needs within the community. This event promises to be filled with lots of food, fun and holiday surprises. In support of the toy and food drive, guests are asked to optionally bring or drop off a non-perishable food item, clothing item and/or a toy. Tickets are $20.  For  tickets or questions, please contact  Tonya Johnson Phillips at 843-322-0262.

Sportfishing and diving club to have meeting

The Beaufort Sportfishing & Diving Club’s December meeting will be held Thursday, December 13 at the Beaufort Yacht and Sailing Club on Lady’s Island, off Meridian Road. The social begins at 6:30 p.m. followed by the meeting at 7 p.m. Al Stokes, General Manager of the Waddell Mariculture Center, will be the guest speaker. You do not need a reservation and guests are always welcome. For additional information, contact Captain Frank Gibson at 843-522-2020.

Beaufort Christian Women’s Connection

The Beaufort Christian Women’s Connection will hold their meeting on Thursday, December 13 at the Hilton Gardens Inn at 2015 Boundary Street at 11:30 a.m. The guest musician is Whitney McDaniels and guest speaker is Peggy Hunt whose theme is “How to get along with a Fake Christmas Tree.”  Come join us to sing joy into Christmas.  Luncheon and program is $13.

Beaufort Agility Club offering free classes

Beaufort Agility Club is offering free classes in January. The Beaufort Agility Club is a nonprofit sporting club sponsored by Beaufort Dog. Contact them via e-mail Kelley@BeaufortDog.com or call 812-5394 for session details.

Annual Pelican Plunge held on Hunting Island

The fifth annual Pelican Plunge will be held January 1, 2013, at Hunting Island State Park at 1 p.m.; registration begins at noon at the lighthouse. Personal and team pledges benefit the park’s Discover Carolina — a program that teaches hands on curriculum-based science lessons to third, fifth and seventh grades in Beaufort County. For more information, call 843-838-2011 or visit www.friendsofhuntingisland.org.

DAR to hold annual tea ‘Christmas is Coming’

The Thomas Heyward, Jr. Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution will hold their annual “Christmas is Coming” Tea at the home of Mrs. Andrew Beall at 26 Carrier Bluff in Oldfield, Okatie at 3 p.m. on Thursday, December 13. In addition to enjoying refreshments, the members will prepare Christmas Cards to be forwarded to Victory House, a retirement facility for veterans in Walterboro. Call Regent Charlene Shufelt at 525-0158 for more information.

Join Fripp Audubon’s Christmas Bird Count

Join wildlife enthusiasts from Fripp, Harbor, Hunting, Lady’s and St. Helena islands on Saturday, Dec. 15. North America & the world! Dec.15. All bird and nature lovers from across the nation, at any level of expertise, are welcome and needed as observers in the field or as feeder-watchers in local backyards. Newcomers to birding will be paired with old hands on field teams. Even if you can’t get out, count birds at feeders in your own backyard. For times, team assignments and locations, contact Dick Work, 843-271-3351, or online at www.islc.net/audubon.

TLC Ministries to hold charity BBQ fundraiser

TLC Ministries will hold a charity fundraiser Christmas barbecue on Saturday, Dec. 15, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Beaufort Plaza, next to Staples. Sirloin steak is $10 per plate, and there will be many door prize giveaways. For more information, call 843-525-1115.

Boys & Girls Club thrift store needs donations

The Boys & Girls Club Thrift Store at 1211 Harrington Street, Beaufort is currently looking for volunteers and donations. We can provide a tax deductible receipt accepted by the IRS for any donations. All proceeds go directly to the local Boys & Girls Club. Please stop by or call 379-6350 for more information.

ABLE Foundation ornaments for sale

ABLE Foundation, the Disabilities Foundation for Beaufort County, wants to remind everyone that their annual ornament can be found in stores now.  The 2012 ornament features a Heron and is the fourth in a commemorative series depicting favorite Lowcountry scenes. The ornament, which can also be used as a medallion, was created locally and was commissioned from Buf’s in Beaufort. All proceeds go to support Camp Treasure Chest, a summer camp put on by the ABLE Foundation for children with special needs.

Ornaments are available at:

• Smiles by Wyles Dentistry, 134 Lady’s Island Drive, Lady’s Island

• Budget Print, 510 Carteret Street

• Sea Eagle Market, 2242 Boundary Street

• Green Herring Gallery, 1001 Bay St.

• Harbor Island Beach and Raquet Club, Harbor Island

• New Image Salon, 1615 Paris Ave., Port Royal

• Offices of Disabilities and Special Needs Dept., 100 Clear Water Way.

ARTworks presents ‘Tall Tales from Wales’

“Tall Tales from Wales” or “How Welsh are You?” is presented by Peter Townes of Blue Wall Group at ARTworks. On Friday, Dec. 14, and Satruday, Dec. 15, at 8 p.m., enjoy an evening of Welshness, explore who they are, and what they think they’re up to, including: the difference between the Welsh and the Irish, Scots, Picts and the English; A quick genealogy workshop exploring your own Welsh ancestry; The Welsh Discovery of America — the history of Madoc and his legendary followers, who discovered and settled America in 1150; Arthur who? The most famous Welshman of all … and finally, Dylan Thomas’s “A Child’s Christmas In Wales.” For tickets, call 843-379-2787 or visit www.artworksinbeaufort.org: $17 per person, $12 for students, $7 for children; $12 for groups of 10 or more.

Beaufort museum to host fish camps exhibit

Janet Garrity’s book “Goin’ Down the River, Fish Camps of the Sea Islands” can be seen up close and personal at a new exhibition that opens at the Beaufort History Museum. The exhibit’s opening night reception will be Thursday, December 13, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Beaufort’s City Hall. For reservations to the reception, send a check for $25 or $20 per person for members.

For information, call 843-470-1110 or www.garrity.com.

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ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays

What’s Happening

ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays