What To Do

Alzheimer’s support group meetings offered

An afternoon of food, fellowship and fun will be had at the Parkinson’s Support Group of the Lowcountry’s next meeting on Thursday, Dec. 6, at 1:30 p.m. at Helena House in Port Royal. The group will meet to discuss its plans for the upcoming New Year and enjoy some festive refreshments to kick off the holiday season. The monthly support group meetings are held at Helena House on Paris Avenue in Port Royal (across from the U.S. Post Office) on the first Thursday of every month. The meetings are free and open to anyone who is living with Parkinson’s Disease or who is a caregiver or has a loved one suffering from Parkinson’s. For more information or to arrange transportation, contact Rose at Helena House at 843-982-0233 or e-mail rewing@alcco.com.

National sewing guild starting local group

The Central Savannah River chapter of the American Sewing Guild, a national organization for sewing enthusiasts, is starting a neighborhood group in Beaufort. The first meeting will be Tuesday, November 27 at 1 p.m. in the Habersham Park House, 52 Harford, Beaufort. This event is free and area sewers of all interests and all skill levels are encouraged to attend. If you are unable to attend or need additional information, please call Kathy at 404-245-2309. For general information about ASG, go to asg.org.

Sunday Afternoons of Memoir writing class

Treat yourself to a break from the stresses of the season with a relaxing, toes-in-the-sand sort of experience. Join fellow writers for any or all of three Sunday Afternoons of Memoir — November 25, December 2, or December 9 — from 2 to 4 p.m. We’ll use author Natalie Goldberg’s (“Writing Down the Bones”) method of timed writing practice to springboard creating chunks of memoir that you can then weave into a story based on memories for yourself, friends and/or family members. You can even roll your creation, tie it with a ribbon and sneak it into a Christmas stocking as a gift from the heart. Bring a favorite notebook or journal, several just-right pens and a desire to spend a couple of hours in your creative, nurturing right brain in my sunlight-filled home at 72 Bostick Circle in Battery Point. The cost is $35 per person per workshop. For more information, contact Katherine Tandy Brown at 843-379-5886 or ktandybrown@gmail.com.

AAUW to meet at TCL, present speaker

The American Association of University Women Beaufort Branch  will meet on Tuesday, November 27 at 6 p.m., building 22 of  TCL Beaufort campus. The speaker will be Veronica C. Miller, coordinator of Keep Beaufort County Beautiful. For details and dinner reservations,  contact Dr. Diana Steele at 522-2796.

Spanish-American War topic of historical lecture

Learn about the vital role that our area played in the Spanish-American War. For an enlightening talk and enriching historical discovery, join the Historic Port Royal Foundation for the second lecture of our 2012-2013 series. Fort Fremont Project Team members, Ray and Marian Rollings, will discuss our area’s role in preparing for, supporting, and defending the U.S. during the Spanish-American War. The lecture will be Thursday, November 29 at 6:30 p.m., at The Union Church, 1004 11th Street, Port Royal. Tickets are $10 and are available at Port Royal Town Hall, 700 Paris Ave., or by calling John or Anna Ellerbe at 522-9923.

Driver safety course free for military, veterans

Learn defensive driving strategies and qualify for auto insurance discounts! Driver safety expert Harry Ammon conducts a widely acclaimed six-hour AARP course, Friday, November 30, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (with lunch break) at Summit Place of Beaufort, 1119 Pickpocket Plantation Dr., Beaufort. Open to all, 26 and older. Non-AARP, $14; member discount; free for military, veterans and dependents. Reserve your seat now by calling 843-521-1941.

Dr. Sue Morter speaks about energy medicine

Therapeutic Solutions is thrilled to welcome Dr. Sue Morter, authority of bridging science, spirit and human possibility to Beaufort for a one or three day program, Nov 30,  Dec. 1-2. International speaker, Master of Bio-Energetic Medicine and Quantum Field visionary, Dr. Sue utilizes the embodiment of high frequency energy patterns to activate full human potential. Through her seminars, she illuminates the relationships of quantum thoughts and energy medicine. Dr. Sue’s visionary model and techniques ignite an entirely new approach to living in creative genius and personal freedom through capturing and enhancing high-frequency energy patterns in the body. She draws from her experience as a doctor for more than 30 years, inspiration from a life-changing awakening during meditation, and her personal passion for cracking the code of life itself. Her greatest joy is sharing her discoveries with others.

In addition to her private practice, Morter HealthCenter, she is founder and visionary of the Morter Institute, an organization committed to teaching individuals self-healing techniques and a new approach to life based on Quantum Science. The program will be held at Quality Inn Beaufort Town Center.  To register go to www.morterinstitute.com/moregan.html or call 843-524-2554 for more information.

Fripp Island Friends of Music has piano duo

Fripp Island Friends of Music presents a long anticipated encore performance. Winners of countless competitions, Marina Lomazov and Joseph Rackers have an international reputation for their stunning artistry and interpretation. They will play solo and four-hand at a performance Sunday, December 2, at 5 p.m. at the Fripp Island Community Center. Tickets at the door: Adults $25 per person/$10 for students. All attendees receive an entry pass at the Fripp Gate and are invited to join the artists at an included catered event following the performance. For more information, call 843-838-6655 or visit www.islc.net/friendsofmusic.

43rd Senior Citizens’ Tea will be at MCAS

The 43rd Senior Citizens’ Tea hosted by the Officers’ Spouses Club of the Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort will be held at the MCAS Officers Club on Sunday, December 2 from 1 to 3 p.m. The tea, a favorite event for local senior citizens, is an afternoon of fun, food, entertainment and holiday cheer. All senior citizens are welcome and there is no cost to attend.  Limited transportation is available. RSVP for this time honored tradition by November 24, 843-305-2701 or mcasbeaufortosc@gmail.com.

To make the Senior Citizens’ Tea a success, a $30 “Sponsor a Senior” donation covers the cost for one individual to attend the tea.  You may donate any amount you wish and all donations over $30 include a listing in the donors section of the Senior Citizens’ Tea event program.  To donate, please call 843-305-2701.

Upcoming, ongoing events at the library

• Story times

Stories, songs, and games for children ages 2 to 6 will be held every Tuesday in November at 11:30 a.m. at the Lobeco Branch Library, 1862 Trask Parkway, Lobeco, SC 29931. The event is free.

Contact 843-255-6479, tracyeb@bcgov.net, beaufortcountylibrary.org.

• Wacky Wednesdays

Wii, Playstation, Karaoke — all ages are invited for a free fun night out at the library every Wednesday in November at 5 p.m. at the Lobeco Branch Library. Call 843-255-6479 or email gmolter@bcgov.net.

• Saturday Holiday Movie Marathon

There will be holiday movies on the big screen all day, popcorn and drinks provided; free and open to all ages. Saturday, December 8, from 10 a.m.- 5 p.m. at the Beaufort Branch Library, 311 Scott Street, Beaufort. Call ahead for film selections.

Beaufort Railroaders Model Train Exhibit  

Jointly presented by the club and the library, the show features multiple model train layouts in scales from grand to tiny. The free exhibit will be open December 11-15 at the Beaufort Branch Library, 311 Scott Street. Call 255-6441 to schedule group tours.


Aquarian Lightworkers Women’s Retreat 

The Aquarian Lightworkers Women’s Retreat will be held on Fripp Island from 6 p.m. Friday, Dec. 7 until 6 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 9. There will be meditations, qigong healing forms, restorative yoga, food healing demonstration and cooking with Qi, inspirational mini-workshops, private time and personal mini-healing sessions, powerful breathwork and healing circle, and winter solstice drum/dance party. The cost is $355 to $400, so give yourself the gift of health and well-being. Restore and charge your energy resources to a level you have never reached in your life. To register, contact Dottie Curtis, LMT, IC, 843-252-7716 or dotcurtis@centurylink.net.

Lulu Burgess welcomes well-known silhouettist

Silhouettes by nationally known artist Clay Rice, grandson of Carew Rice, “America’s Greatest Silhouettist,” will be at Lulu Burgess on December 15. Silhouettes are the perfect Christmas gift! Lulu Burgess is at 917 Bay Street, Beaufort. Call 843-524-5858 for an appointment. Silhouettes are $42 per person for two copies.

Qigong holistic exercise classes now available

QIGONG classes being offered on Mondays at 5:30 p.m. and Wednesday at 3 p.m. at Where Soul Meets Body, Massage Therapy & Energy Medicine, 1606B Paris Avenue, Port Royal.  The cost is $10. Qigong is a holistic exercise that strengthens and cultivates our vital life-force energy.  An ancient Chinese practice that is the mother of Tai Chi and Acupuncture is amazingly healing, restorative and relaxing. For questions, please call Dottie Curtis, LMT, IC at 843-252-7716.

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What’s Happening

ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays

What’s Happening

ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays