What To Do

Diaper Drive for CAPA Open Arms Shelter
Lulu Burgess, in downtown Beaufort at Old Bay Marketplace, 917 Bay St., will be hosting a holiday open house to benefit the Child Abuse Prevention Association’s (CAPA) Open Arms Shelter. The diaper drive will be through Sunday, Nov. 11. All sizes and brands are welcome. Lulu’s will also accept any charitable donations to help buy supplies for the shelter. In addition, there will be a Wish Tree with tags of Christmas wishes from children in need in Beaufort County. There will also be door prizes and drawings for all who donate. For more information, contact Nan Sutton, luluburgess@embarqmail.com or call 843-524-5858.

DAR chapter to meet
The Thomas Heyward, Jr. Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution will hold their next meeting at 2 p.m. on Thursday, November 8 at the new Beaufort History Museum located within the City Hall Building at 1911 Boundary Street. The highlight of the meeting will be a tour of the museum conducted by Katherine Lang followed by the business meeting including the induction of new members. For more information, please call Regent Charlene Shufelt at 525-0158.

‘Rising Star’ creates exhibit for Red Piano
For the past 20 years, the Red Piano Too Art Gallery has hosted an exhibit during Heritage Days. This year, the gallery is featuring its latest “Rising Star,” Burton native, Sonnell Thompson.
The exhibit will hang at The Red Piano Too Art Gallery during the month of November and is free and open to the public. The artist will be at the gallery from Nov. 8-11. For more information, call 843-838-2241 or email RedPianotoo@islc.net.

Soil, water conservation district board to meet
Beaufort Soil & Water Conservation District November 2012 Board Meeting Announcement Beaufort Soil & Water Conservation District Board meeting will be held Thursday, November 8 at 5 p.m. at 817 Paris Avenue, Port Royal.  Agenda includes routine staff and partnership reports for the month of October 2012, NRCS Workshop plans, Clean Marine Report, and progress on the Okatie Watershed 319 Grant. For more information call 522-8100.

Carolina v. Clemson at JSLB blood drive
The JSLB Carolina vs. Clemson Blood Drive on Thursday, November 15, will be from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. The Blood Drive will be held at the Jasmine Room at the Quality Inn at Town Center. Log on to www.igiveblood.com (use fund code 6011), and make an appointment online to donate. Please contact Sheila Miley, sheila@robinsongrant.com or visit www.jslbeaufort.org.

Beaufort Church of Christ holds revival
This is a special invitation for you and your family: We welcome you to the Beaufort Church of Christ “Where All the Doors Swing Loose on Welcome Hinges to You and to Yours!” for our 7th Anniversary Gospel Meeting and Revival!  Our Theme Is: “God Can Make You Well In 2012!” from November 11 to 15. Sunday, November 11, is Family & Friends Day With A Special Focus on Singles. Minister Jonas Gadson — will deliver three “Educational, Inspirational & Motivational” Messages. Services are 10 a.m.; 11:15 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. The Gospel Meeting/Revival continues Monday through Thurs. at 7:30 p.m. nightly. Everything is held at the Beaufort Church of Christ, 170 Robert Smalls Parkway, Beaufort. The event is free and open to public. For additional information, call 843-524-4281, 843- 379-8145 or email jg@jonasbonus.com, or visit www.BeaufortCoC.com.

‘Returning Catholics’ series to begin soon
Persons considering a return to the practice of their Catholic Faith, or those newly retuned, are invited to a six week series, conducted by a team of parishioners: Two Deacons and four Lay persons. Sessions will be at St. Peter Church, 70 Lady’s Island Dr., Beaufort, 6:30 – 8 p.m., Tuesday  evenings, Nov. 13, 20, 27 and Dec. 4, 11, and 18.  For more information, please contact:  Theresa Pulliam 524 – 2604, pulliams@hargray.com or Deborah Richard, 575 – 3742, deborahm@catholic.org.

Cat Island yard sale for Habitat for Humanity
Cat Island residents will hold a community-wide yard sale for Habitat for Humanity on Saturday, November 10 from 8:30 – 11:30 a.m. (rain date November 17). Homes all over the island will participate either in their driveways or in a central location on Sheffield Avenue. Household items, small appliances, rugs, pictures, baked goods, holiday decorations, and much more will be sold. 100% of the proceeds will go toward construction expenses for the Cat Island Builds for Habitat for Humanity home. Contact 524-7673 for more information.

LBAA: How you can help holiday helpers
If your Christmas shopping includes picking a charitable organization to give your time or money to, the Leadership Beaufort Alumni Association can help. It’s monthly forum will feature several local organizations that work to make the holiday season more enjoyable for those in need. Representatives of HELP of Beaufort, the Child Abuse Prevention Association, Backpack Buddies, the Port Royal Police Department, Grandparents Raising Children, Family Promise and the Little Red Dog Foundation will be on hand for the Tuesday, Nov. 13 program. The event, to be held at the Holiday Inn Beaufort at 2225 Boundary Street, will begin with a social period at 5:30 p.m. The presentation will follow at 6 p.m. and give Lowcountry organizations a chance to tell the community about their special holiday programs. Cost: None. Charlotte Gonzalez, 843-575-2366 or charlottegonzalez60@gmail.com.

Shell Point Baptist annual praise cookout
Shell Point Baptist Church Fourth Annual Thanksgiving and Praise Cookout and Bonfire will be Wednesday, November 14 at 6:30 p.m. Event is free, asking for a donation to the food pantry. Hotdogs,marshmallows, hot chocolate and cider provided. 871 Parris Island Gateway, Beaufort. Call 843-522-8616 for more information.

Free COSY training will be held at USCB
The Collaborative Organization of Services for Youth, or COSY, will be holding training Thursday November 8 from 1:30-3:30 p.m. It will be held in the auditorium of the Center for the Arts at USCB. Family Connections will be presenting the topic “Treasure Hunt: Finding resources for children with special healthcare needs.” 2.0 Social Work Continuing Education Unit’s will be awarded for this training session. COSY Training is FREE and open to the public but you must register allowing enough handouts to be prepared. To reserve a seat call (843) 521-3150 or email psettles@uscb.edu. COSY is made up of local professionals with a vested interest in the welfare of ALL families. These professionals help plan, develop and facilitate an effective continuum of support for Beaufort County Youth and their families. For more information, go to www.cosybc.org.

Beaufort Sportfishing and Diving Club meets
The Beaufort Sportfishing & Diving Club’s November meeting will be held Thursday, November 8 at the Beaufort Yacht and Sailing Club on Lady’s Island, off Meridian Road. The social begins at 6:30 p.m. followed by the meeting at 7 p.m. Al Stokes, General Manager of the Waddell Mariculture Center, will be the speaker. You do not need a reservation and guests are always welcome. For more information, contact Captain Frank Gibson at 843-522-2020.

St. Paul Baptist church has concert fundraiser
St. Paul Baptist of Beaufort invites you to experience the vocal styles of Bro. Scott A. Gibbs of Beaufort as he is featured in concert.  This event is an effort to generate funds for Youth Scholarships; it is free and opened to the public. A free will offering will be accepted. Please join us for an evening of joyful entertainment. The concert is Saturday, November 10, at 6 p.m. at St. Paul Baptist Church, 22 St. Paul Church Rd. Beaufort, 29906. For more information, call Marshell Mulligan at 843-846-2760 or Sheila Hudson 843-263-0560.

Sea Island Quilters to hold meeting
The Sea Island Quilters will meet on Thursday, Nov. 15 at Praise Assembly, 800 Paris Island Gateway, at 6 p.m. Special guest speaker will be Holly Anderson from Cummings, Ga. Holly is a certified quilt show judge and lecturer. The public is invited. For details contact Nan Brown at 441-4020 or scnanbrown@gmail.com.

Annual turkey shoot will be on Parris Island
Family fun and friendly competition, Saturday, Nov. 17, will be the annual Parris Island Rod & Gun Club Turkey Shoot — win delicious turkeys and hams! Starts at 7 a.m., all day at PI Rod & Gun Club range.  Only $2 per shot, club provides all ammo!  Refreshments available.  Bring your own gun (please, no scopes and no barrels longer than 32 inches).  A few spare youth and adult guns available. Details, call Danny Vinson, 843-812-1984, or visit http://www.pirodandgunclub.org.

Challenge Walk MS Fundraiser cookout
There will be a cookout on Saturday, November 17 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the plaza stadium parking lot to benefit the National Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Society. Featuring the Classic Car and Truck Club of Beaufort and a Fire Truck Display, hamburger ($8) or Hotdog ($5), chips, coleslaw, and drinks, proceeds benefit the National MS Society National MS Challenge Walk March 2013. If you can’t make it to lunch, you may make donations at: http://www.ChallengeMS.org and go to donate/search for Gwen or Kevin Ragsdale or Statler Financial Team.

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ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays

What’s Happening

ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays