What To Do

Beaufort Women’s Center offers support
If you are a post-abortion woman struggling through the pain of issues relating to an abortion experience, there is healing and hope. The Beaufort Women’s Center is offering abortion recovery assistance through “Healing Hearts,” a 10-week support group that will meet at the Center on Thursday evenings from 6:30 to 9 p.m. beginning September 6. All inquiries are confidential. Seating is limited so call 843-525-0300 today and let the healing begin. Ask for Susanne or Donna for more details.

Monthly support group helps with Parkinson’s
Are you or a loved one living with Parkinson’s disease? There are ways those living with Parkinson’s disease can improve their lives and the public is invited to learn more about them at the Parkinson’s Support Group of the Lowcountry’s next meeting on Thursday, Sept. 6, at 1:30 p.m. Speakers will be Jay and Marilyn Phillips of Parkinson’s Advocates in Research. The support group meetings are held at Helena House on Paris Avenue in Port Royal  on the first Thursday of every month. They are free and open to the public. For more information or to arrange transportation, contact Rose Ewing or Eric Fennell at Helena House at 843-982-0233 or e-mail rewing@alcco.com.

Port Royal Police Department gets award
On Friday, September 7, the Port Royal Police Department will receive an award from the Beaufort County Alcohol & Drug Abuse Prevention Agency. Chief Alan Beach and the Port Royal Police Department will be rewarded a Certificate of Recognition for the five years of collaboration with the Tobacco Compliance Checks. The Port Royal Police Department has worked together with Beaufort County Alcohol & Drug Abuse Prevention Agency to insure businesses in the Town of Port Royal were in compliance with the State’s Tobacco laws.

Black chamber has First Friday Networking
The Beaufort County Black Chamber of Commerce will have its First Friday Networking Event hosted by William Mobley on September 7 at Mobley’s Shoe Repair located at 12 Old Jericho Road in Beaufort from 6 to 8 p.m. All members and the public are invited.  Cost $5 members and $10 non-members.  Details call 986-1102.

Putting your life on the lines: Memoir Writing
Your life story doesn’t have to have been overly dramatic in order to write a memoir. In this class, you’ll recount and record those tales you’ve been telling your family, children and grandkids for years. Whether you choose to write about a specific experience or cover a number of years’ worth, you’ll learn the skills necessary to organize and craft a written legacy for yourself, your family and/or publication. Through in-class and at-home exercises, you’ll have a great start on your memoir by the end of the six weeks. Mondays, September 10 through October 15, 6 – 8 p.m. $110,Technical College of the Lowcountry, Beaufort Campus, www.tcl.edu/continuing-ed/life or 843-525-8205.

Wedding photographer to speak to photo club
The guest speaker at the Photography Club of Beaufort’s Sept. 10 meeting will be the talented and funny Jade McCully. Jade, and her husband Matthew, are owners and photographers of the Savannah-based photography business: Jade and Matthew Take Pictures. To see her and Matthew’s work, visit www.jadeandmatthew.com. The Photography Club meets the second Monday of every month, at 7 p.m. at ARTworks, 2127 Boundary Street.  For more information, please check the club’s website:  www.photoclubbeaufort.com  or email  pkseas@hargray.com.

Sportfishing and diving club holds meeting
The Beaufort Sportfishing & Diving Club’s next meeting will be held Thursday, September 13 at the Beaufort Yacht and Sailing Club on Lady’s Island, off Meridian Road. The social begins at 6:30 followed by the meeting at 7 p.m. A Shrimp Baiting Seminar will be presented by David Gasque of Bait Binder. David has created Bait Binder Shrimping Kits that contain a new pre-mix formula making it much easier for the local shrimp baiter to prepare and use.  David has given this presentation several times in Charleston with outstanding results. A shrimp net throwing demonstration will also be provided so you can have a perfect cast every time. Feel free to bring along your own cast net to participate in a throwing contest. You do not need a reservation. For more information, contact Captain Frank Gibson at 843-522-2020.

Low Country Carolina Club to watch Tar Heels
The Low Country Carolina Club is gathering at Montana’s Restaurant and Grizzly Bar in Bluffton on September 15 at 3:30 p.m. to watch the UNC Tar Heels take on the Louisville Cardinals. All Heels fans are welcome.

BHS cheerleaders host fall cheer clinic
The 2012 Beaufort High School Fall Cheer Clinic is hosted by BHS Cheerleaders from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 15 at the Beaufort High Gymnasium. Pre-K through 8th grade; $35. Pre-registration is recommended; space is limited. Visit http://bhs.beaufortsc.schoolfusion.us  or email msanders93@gmail.com.

Republicans have grand opening of headquarters
The Northern Republican Headquarters is having its Grand Opening at noon on Saturday, September 15. Congressman Tim Scott will be making an appearance and barbeque is being served by Sgt. White. The headquarters is at 1180 Ribaut Road, Beaufort. Park in the bowling alley parking lot and walk south.

Democratic Club helps ‘Get Out the Vote’ effort
As part of the “Get Out The Vote” effort to re-elect President Barack Obama, the Northern Beaufort County Democratic Club has scheduled a series of three meetings. The meetings will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Sept. 20, and Oct. 18, inside the Beaufort County Democratic Party Headquarters for Northern Beaufort County, which is located at 705 Carteret St. For more information, contact NBCDC President Theresa White at 597-2482.

Kiwanis Club to hold annual golf tournament
The 17th Annual Kiwanis Club of Beaufort Scholarship Golf Tournament will be Saturday, September 22, with 8:30 a.m. shotgun start at Ocean Point Golf Club at Fripp Island. Cost is $85 per player, foursomes. There will be door prizes and rounds of golf for winners. All of the proceeds will be used to benefit graduating seniors from Beaufort County schools with scholarships.

Autumn beginnings basketry workshop
Begin the autumn season with the creation of a handmade basket. Kim Keats will provide instruction and materials for a start-to-finish basket or sculpture using gathered and harvested materials such as vine, cedar bark, palm roots and fronds. Participants will learn a variety of basketry techniques including lashing, rib work, simple and random weaving. Participants are encouraged to wear comfortable clothing and bring a bag lunch. The workshop is for ages 12 to adult and will be held Saturday, Sept. 22, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at ARTworks,
2127 Boundary Street, Suite 18A in the Beaufort Town Center. Fees: $55. Registration: Contact Kim Keats, 843-384-2435 or keatskim@yahoo.com.

Fall Clean for JOY: A free yard sale
Fall Clean for JOY, Our Semi-Annual Yard Sale where everything is FREE will be held on Saturday, September 29 from 8-10 am at TheraVistas—263 Brickyard Point Road on Ladys Island. Sponsored by The Lending Room, Roxanne Cheney Organizes and TheraVistas. This event encourages you purge all those things you no longer need or want so someone else can enJOY them now. The Theme for this event is ‘Let Reality Prevail’! Decide if you really want to keep it, store it, clean it or fix it? If not, share with others who will enJOY your JOY. If you have acquired extra JOY from family members who have transitioned to other realms, consider the idea that just because they loved their JOY and you loved them, you don’t need store their JOY unless you truly also love it. Call 525-2554 to let us know when you will drop off your JOY.

Knights of Columbus hold Charity Bingo
Knights of Columbus Charity Bingo will be held Monday nights. Doors open at 6 p.m. and games begin at 7 p.m. All profits are distributed to charities within the Beaufort community. Bingo is located at 210-BB Ribaut Rd (behind Keith’s House of Plumbing). 522-3531.

Wanted: Used Medical equipment donations
The Lending Room is a local community service organization offering used medical rehabilitation equipment to those in need. They accept donations of equipment and are currently in need of wheelchairs, transport chairs, bedside commodes, shower chairs, shower benches, walkers, canes and quad canes. Please contact The Lending Room at 524-2554 or drop equipment off at Therapeutic Solutions, 73 Sams Point Road, Lady’s Island.

Military officers invited to leadership dinner
The national nonprofit Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) and the local MOAA Low Country Chapter need your help. Active, retired, National Guard, Reserve and former officers of any U.S. uniformed service — you’re all invited! Details, call 843-524-5577. Join us at Beaufort’s Holiday Inn, 2225 Boundary St., on Monday, Oct. 15. Social hour (cash bar) from 6-7 p.m.; dinner at 7 p.m. The cost is $25.50 per person; casual dress. For reservations, contact Rich Baker by Oct. 1 at tl9198@embarqmail.com or call 843-525-0795 or visit www.lcmoaa.pcriot.com.

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10 Healing Herbs for Hounds and Humans: # 9, The sweet benefits of licorice

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What’s Happening

ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays

What’s Happening

ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays