What To Do

Fundraisers support Boys & Girls Club
Two July events will help raise money for the Summer Campaign for the Boys & Girls Club of Beaufort.
• Beaufort Flea Market to Benefit Boys & Girls Club of Beaufort
When: Saturday, July 28, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Where: The Boys & Girls Club of Beaufort, 1100 Boundary Street.
Needed: Gently used items need to be dropped off at the club by Monday, July 23. Tax deduction forms available at drop off. For more information, call the Boys & Girls Club of Beaufort at 843-986-5437.
• Charity Christmas in July at Gilligan’s Seafood Restaurant
What: Parents and supporters of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Beaufort will be servers at Gilligan’s Seafood Restaurant. All tips will be donated to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Beaufort
Where: Gilligan’s Seafood Restaurant, 2601 Boundary Street, Beaufort.
When: Thursday, July 26, from 4 to
6 p.m. For more information, call 843-986-5437.

Stay cool with Jingle Jog, Christmas in July
Join FRIENDS of Caroline Hospice for the Jingle Jog 5K and Christmas in July Party at Coosaw Point River Club, a family fun event on Friday, July 27, from 6-9 p.m. The Jingle Jog 5K Run/Walk and 1 mile Fun Walk registration starts at 5:30 p.m., race starts at 6 p.m. The Jingle Jog is $25 for adults. Register online at www.active.com or download form at www.festivaloftreesbeaufort.com. It may be hard to believe, but there will be SNOW! Yes, Snow in July from 7 to 9 p.m. Entertainment will be by Drysdale Entertainment and the band the Side Street Walkers will perform. Other events include swimming, water slides, jump house and kids games. Barbecue will be from Palmetto Smokehouse and other food will be provided. Christmas in July tickets for adults are $10, kids ages 12-5 are $5, and kids under 5 are free. Call 525-6257.

Programs teach about Port Royal Sound
The public is invited to a free series of programs, “The Sound’s Good To Me” with guest speakers, a panel of local experts to answer questions, and a children’s program all geared to help people learn about this special area. The programs will be each Saturday  from 10 a.m. to noon at the future home of the Port Royal Sound Maritime Center, where SC 170 meets the Chechessee River, the heart of Port Royal Sound.
• July 28: David Harter, Glidden Paints and Hilton Head Reef Foundation, “Predators of Port Royal Sound.”
Visit www.portroyalsoundfoundation.org or email kmadden@portroyalsoundfoundation.org.

Golf tourney to benefit TCL scholarship fund
The Technical College of the Lowcountry Foundation will hold  the “Building our Community” Golf Tournament Monday, July 30 at Hampton Hall.  The event, sponsored by CareCore National, will benefit the TCL Foundation Scholarship Fund. The tournament will feature a scramble format for both men and women.  Golfers may try to a $10,000 Hole-in- One prize and a $50,000 raffle shootout competition. The $100 per person registration includes the cart, gift bag, a box lunch, and the hole-in-one contest. Registration begins at 8  a.m. and the Shotgun start will be at 9 a.m. To become a sponsor or to register, please call Louise Mathews at 843-470-5962 or email lmathews@tcl.edu.

Eat dinner at Gilligan’s and support CAPA
Good food for a good cause: Between 5 and 8 p.m. at Gilligan’s Seafood Restaurant, 2601 Boundary Street, Beaufort, on Tuesday, July 31, diners can support the Child Abuse Prevention Association (CAPA). Servers will be assisted by a CAPA volunteer, and all tips go to CAPA to help fund child abuse prevention and intervention efforts across the county. What a fun and delicious way to spend the evening! Call CAPA at 843-524-4350 if interested in helping with the event.

Sign your kids up for Summer Scribes 2012
Attention, all parents of sixth to eighth graders who like to write: Beaufort writer Katherine Tandy Brown is again offering a three-day summer writing course based on Natalie Goldberg’s classic “Writing Down the Bones” writing practice. This time-tested method furthers writing skills and encourages creativity. The series takes place Wednesday, August 1, Thursday, August 2, and Friday, August 3 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. in the sunny upstairs of the Charles Street Gallery at the corner of Charles and Greene streets. Class size is limited to five students. Cost is $65. For more information, contact Katherine at 859-312-6706 or ktandybrown@gmail.com.

Parkinson’s Support Group meets monthly
How can you help someone with Parkinson’s disease who has fallen? If you would like to find out, Occupational Therapist Candace Grose of Sea Island Rehabilitation will answer that question and more at the Parkinson’s Support Group of the Lowcountry’s next meeting on Thursday, Aug. 2, at 1:30 p.m. The support group meetings are held at Helena House on Paris Avenue in Port Royal on the first Thursday of every month. They are free and open to the public. For more information or to arrange transportation, contact Rose Ewing or Eric Fennell at Helena House at 843- 982-0233 or email rewing@alcco.com.

Lunch and Learn series free in Port Royal
The Lunch and Learn series is held at Port Royal Farmers Market, Heritage Park, Port Royal. The Saturday, open-air classes at the gazebo are free, just bring a folding chair. The classes begin at 11:30 a.m. and are presented by the Lowcountry Master Gardeners Association. Here’s a full schedule:
July 28: Think outside the box! Don’t be limited to rectangular plots for raised bed gardening.  Professor Joe Staton will show you how your raised bed garden can be a work of art. Don’t hide your veggie garden behind the garage, make a focal point of it. All the tools you need are a saw and a cordless drill.  Really.
August 4: Night Blooming Flowers.  Ever wonder why some flowers bloom only at night?  Master Gardener Sandra Educate will showcase flowers that really shine — at night.
August 11: Worm composting. Recycle your kitchen scraps into garden “Black Gold.” No more smelly garbage. Worm composting is odor free.

Black Chamber of Commerce hosts event
The Beaufort County Black Chamber of Commerce will have its First Friday Networking Event hosted by Betty Strickland of Barefoot Farms on August 3 at Barefoot Farms located at 939 Sea Island Parkway, St. Helena Island, from 6 to 8 p.m.  All members and the public are invited. Cost $5 members and $10 non-members.  Details, call 986-1102.

Free SC safety course held for young hunters
Attention all South Carolina hunter wannabees: A free SC DNR-approved, instructor-led, one-day Hunter Safety Education course and test is mandatory for all SC residents and nonresidents born after June 30, 1979, to obtain a state hunting license. Presented by Parris Island Rod & Gun Club on Saturday, August 4, at Moose Lodge #1855, 350 Broad River Boulevard, Beaufort. There’s a 7 a.m. start, food and drink will be provided. Pass the course and walk out with a temporary hunter education card. Reserve your seat now: Call Danny Vinson, 843-812-1984 or Jim VanDam, 843-252-2846. Young hunters ages 11 and up are invited — a great father-daughter/son activity. The SC DNR Hunter Education Program is dedicated to safe enjoyment of our outdoors. Students learn about responsibility and ethics in the field, wildlife conservation and firearms safety. Visit http://www.dnr.sc.gov/education/hunted.html for more information.

City offers Affordable Housing workshop
An Affordable Housing Program Workshop will be held Wednesday, August 15, at 10 a.m. at the City of Beaufort City Hall, 1911 Boundary Street, in the 2nd Floor Council Chambers. The workshop is free, but please register by emailing shirley@lowcountryhousingtrust.org. Learn how to apply for $7,500 in subsidy for First-time Homebuyers, $7,500 in subsidy for Community Stability Homebuyers, $15,000 in subsidy for Purchase of Bank Owned Property, $15,000 in subsidy for Energy Efficiency & Weatherization, $15,000 in subsidy for Accessibility Rehabilitation, Special Financing and $4,000 in Down Payment Assistance.

ARTworks auditions for ‘The Misanthrope’
Auditions are August 22 and 23rd at 7 .p.m. for “The Misanthrope” by Moliere, a comedy of manners in verse, in an original translation by Daniel H. Daniels at ARTworks in Beaufort Town Center. The production is this November, roles are for high school ages and up. ARTworks is the community arts center in Beaufort, at 2127 Boundary Street. Call 379-2787 or visit www.artworksinbeaufort.org.

Veggie Fun World at St. Helena Parish church
Veggie Fun World 2012 is a Christian summer program for children offered by the Parish Church of St. Helena in downtown Beaufort. Each program is distinct but related by the classic “Veggie Tales” characters used in crafts, songs, and activities. Session dates are August 13-17 and 27-31. Sessions I, II, and III are for children 18 months through 6 years. Each session has a fee of $130 per child. Contact Roz Dixon at 522-1712, ext. 220, or email nursery@islc.net. Register and pay online at www.sthelena1712.org.

St. Peter holds session for ‘Returning Catholics’
“Everything you ever wanted to ask about returning to the Catholic Church, but were afraid to ask”: For those thinking about returning to the practice of their faith, as well as for those newly returned, St. Peter Catholic Church will have a Question/Answer session on Saturday, August 18, from 10:30 a.m. to noon, in the Adult Education Room of the Parish.  This can be a great opportunity for persons to ask those questions. St.  Peter Church further offers to returning Catholics a series of weekly presentations, before Christmas and Easter.  These sessions also include time for questions and discussions that will be helpful.  For more information, contact deborahm@catholic.org.

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ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays

What’s Happening

ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays