What To Do

‘Catholic School Girls’ on stage at ARTworks
“Catholic School Girls” is produced by Misspent Youth Productions and written by Casey Kurrti and will be in the black box theater at ARTworks March 29 – 31 at 7:30 p.m.; April 1 at 3 p.m. In this satire of Catholic school life in the 1960s, four actresses play the nuns and the first through eighth grade girls at St. George’s School in Yonkers. An amusing portrait emerges, of girls maturing to the threshold of adolescence as they experience bonds of friendship, reprimands from authority figures, pressures from home, as well as the Beatles, the Addams Family, the Supremes and the election of a Catholic president. The black box theater at ARTworks is in Beaufort Town Center, at 2127 Boundary Street. Tickets are $17 and online at www.ArtWorksInBeaufort.org; Thursday, March 29 is “Pay What You Can” ($5 minimum.)

St. Helena has free organ performance
Organist Rhonda Sider Edgington, of Holland, Michigan, will give a free performance at the Parish Church of St. Helena (Episcopal), 505 Church Street, on Friday, March 30 at 7 p.m. This will be the first evening organ recital scheduled by the church as part of its Tricentennial Celebration Spring Concert Series. For more information, contact Pat Gould at patgould@islc.net or 843-522-1712 or visit www.sthelenas1712.org.

Spaghetti dinner raises money for Relay for Life
Let the Beaufort Lions Club cook a Spaghetti Dinner for you Friday, March 30, at 8 p.m. at St. John’s Lutheran Church, 157 Lady’s Island Drive. Meals are $10 for adults, $5 for children under 12. Eat in or take out, but either way you’ll be raising money for the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life event.

Fraternity sponsors annual car wash
The Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., XI Gamma Lambda Chapter of Beaufort County will sponsor their annual car wash in support of March for Babies- March of Dimes. Piggly Wiggly Grocery Store, 1900 Boundary Street on Saturday, March 31 from 9 a.m. to noon.

Grace & Glory Uptown is giving away chickens!
Chicks for Chicks Event will be held Saturday, March 31, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at GRACE & GLORY Uptown,  1029 Boundary Street (next to Talbots). Through World Vision (www.worldvision.org) we are donating chickens to hungry families.  Help us reach our goal!
• Every $100 you spend on March 31st we will give a chicken to a hungry family in Africa.
• We are offering a “Pick a Chick” discount 20-50% off one item;
• Food, Fun and Fabulous Fashions
We’re giving away chickens! Why chickens?
• Fresh eggs raise the levels of protein and other nutrients in a family’s diet;
• The sale of extra eggs and chickens can pay for vital basics like rice, milk and school supplies;
• Families can sell the offspring for extra income or share them with other families.

Beaufort Moose Lodge has Beatles tribute band
The Beaufort Moose Lodge #1855 is presenting an alcohol free, fundraising concert featuring the band “1964 The Tribute” on Saturday, March 31 at Beaufort Town Center. All net proceeds will go to Friends Of Caroline Hospice and “Moose Charities.” Rolling Stone Magazine says, “1964 is the best Beatles tribute on earth.” Sponsors for this fundraiser are Stokes Honda of Beaufort, Stokes Brown Toyota of Beaufort,  Stokes Used Car Center of Beaufort,  Stokes Brown Toyota of Hilton Head, Beaufort Marine Supply and 104.9 The SURF. Tickets for this event are online at www.moosefriends1964.eventbrite.com  20% discount code (tommymoose1855).

Sons of Confederate Veterans hold meeting
Beaufort County’s Gen. Richard H. Anderson Camp #47 Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV) will hold their monthly meeting on Monday, April 2. Meetings are held in the Harmony Masonic Lodge located at 2710 Depot Road in Beaufort, starting promptly at 7 p.m. Guest speaker will be Joe Long, Curator of Education for the Confederate Relic Room and Military Museum in Columbia who will speak on “Through Fiery Trials: Religion in the Civil War”.  Meetings are open to the public and guests, ladies are welcome to attend as well. Those interested in learning more about the SCV are encouraged to attend or review the Camp’s web site scvcamp47beaufortsc.com. Please contact Commander Jim Thomas with any questions you may have at 843-592-2299.

Come hear bluegrass at Pickin by the River
Pickin by the River (venue is bluegrass, oldtime,country and folk) will be held Saturday, April 7, from Noon  to 5:30 p.m. at Henry C. Chambers Waterfront Park. Pickers and listeners are welcome. Bring a chair and join us for the day. There are plenty of places to eat on the waterfront or bring a picnic lunch. No alcohol, no drums, no glass bottles, no charge. Stage show and open jams (throughout the park). Beginners to advanced players are welcome. It’s a great time to hone your talent or just to learn. If you have a group that would like to play on stage, please call Pat at 843-379-9084.

Bay Street Outfitters hosts fly fishing meeting
Wednesday, April 11 is the next meeting of the Sea Island Fly Fishers at 6 p.m. at Bay Street Outfitters in Beaufort.  Following a social hour, the club will recognize the winner of its recent fly-only redfish tournament. Tom Blair won with five fish and received a trophy and $100 gift certificate. The program will be a talk on cobia fishing. The club’s perennial winner of its fly-caught-cobia competition, Paul Burton, will share his secrets on finding and catching these great fighters. The public is invited to attend, especially if interested in fly fishing. Visit www.flyfishingbeaufort.com for more club information or call Jack Baggette at 522-8911.

Church to hold Spirit Fill Service ‘The Cross’
A Spirit Fill Service will be held at The Foot Of The Cross on Saturday, April 14, at 6:30 p.m., 168 Martin Luther King Drive, St. Helena Island. For more information, call  Bennie Dudley at 843-838-3909.

Women’s coastal skills clinic at Hunting Island
Weekend workshop to expand women’s knowledge of the Lowcountry outdoors! Weekend begins on the afternoon of Friday, April 13 with a Naturalist-guided “Secrets of the Salt Marsh” tour. Twelve educational, hands-on programs will be offered, including a History of the Lighthouse, Birding 101, Cast Netting, Salt Marsh Kayaking, Shell Fishing, Beachcombing, How to Make a Dreamcatcher and more. Meals included, camping accommodations at Hunting Island and a special rate on a hotel in nearby Frogmore available. Event runs from afternoon of Friday, April 13 through afternoon of Sunday, April 15, at Hunting Island State Park, 2555 Sea Island Parkway Hunting Island. The cost is $189 per person, plus cost of accommodations (deadline is April 1, limited to 60 women, 16 and over). Contact for reservations, more information, and accommodations is Amanda C. Wood at 843-838-7437.

Library commemorates Titanic 100 anniversary
The Beaufort library will commemorate the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the R.M.S. Titanic with a one-man theatrical presentation by Howard Burnham on Saturday, April 14 at 11 a.m.  The acclaimed one-man show, “Take her to the Sea, Mr. Murdoch,” is a 45-minute fully costumed dramatic monologue in which actor Howard Burnham, in costume as Captain E. J. Smith, will trace the history of transatlantic steam navigation while providing his take on the Titanic’s disastrous demise.  There is no charge; space is limited to 75 persons. Howard Burnham is an Englishman who lives in Columbia. His acclaimed self-researched and written one-man shows have played throughout England and on the B.B.C.

Women’s group hosts fashion show luncheon
“Springing into Fashion Do’s” by Belks with the Beaufort Christian Women’s Connection will be held Thursday, April 19, at St. Helena Parish Hall located at 507 Newcastle Street. Doors open at 11:45 and lunch is served at 12:15. Speaker for the day is Martha Cahoon, artist and author, whose topic will be “Painted Hope into Her Life”.  Luncheon and program is $12 and reservations must be in by Friday, April 13 and cancelled no later than Monday, April 16.  To make reservations, email or call Karen Whitehead at 838-7627 or mommakaren@islc.net. All women of the community are welcomed.

Habersham readies for Earth Day celebration
The Habersham community’s Green Committee is sponsoring an art contest, “Up-Cycled Art in Downtown Habersham,” of 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional artwork comprised of “junk/trash” or other items that would normally end up in a landfill in conjunction with Earth Day celebration.  There will be two separate contests:  Adults and Children, Grades K – 12.  The entries will be judged and on display during the Earth Day celebration on April 20, 4-7 p.m. during the regularly scheduled Farmers Market in the Habersham Marketsquare. Deadline for application submission is April 1. For information and application to participate, please contact Merle Wolfgang, mwolfgang47@gmail.com. The winners will be recognized and awarded during the festival. This family friendly event is designed to educate the community on options for a greener way of living. There will be fun and educational children’s activities throughout the Marketplace.  Meet local farmers and sample their goods while listening to live music by Billy Drysdale. Various “green” groups, organizations and exhibitors will showcase their products and services.

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Shark Fest no match for Club Karate students

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Annual Pet and Kids Fair at Habersham

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ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays

What’s Happening

ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays