What to Do

YA Everlasting Book Club

If you are an adult or teen who enjoys reading Young Adult Literature, this book club is for you. All meetings begin at 5:30 p.m. at the Beaufort Branch Library on Scott Street downtown and are free to the public.

Upcoming book discussions: July 10 – For a Muse of Fire by Heidi Heilig; Aug. 14 – Anger is a Gift by Mark Oshiro.

Registration open for game design and development classes

The Beaufort Digital Corridor announces a second summer camp sessions of Game On! – game design and development geared toward middle and high school students. Registration is now open for this limited seating opportunity.

The course will be held at the Beaufort Digital Corridor’s BASEcamp facility from 9 a.m. until noon, Monday-Friday, July 15-19.

Among the topics will be game strategy, puzzle design and a final project.

This is a special curriculum by Seth Konoza, an animation, game design and computer science educator at Beaufort High School. Students are introduced to the theory, tools, and practice required to create their own games.

Helping students to discover a passion for game design, computer science and coding, Game On! presents kids with the possibility of continuing their education in technology. 

Program manager Shelley Barratt adds, “In our third season of offering this course, we are well aware of the tech skills that the newer generation gains early on. The goal is to offer other skills — like critical thinking and user experience — to augment that, and the real work commences once they follow that curiosity throughout their education and into a potential tech career.”

Eco Camp celebrates 30th year
Beaufort Conservation District will have its 30th Eco Camp July 22-26th. “The Best of Eco Camp” will feature favorite programs from years past with a focus on our coastal ecosystem. Elementary students will examine critters found in oyster reefs, pluff mud, and dock fouling, dissect fish, do a mock dolphin necropsy, as well as practice shrimp net casting. Campers will see local live critters, learn about butterflies, safety and first aid. Friday the students will tour the Port Royal Sound Maritime Museum and take a marsh walk. All campers will receive a T-shirt to decorate and have lunch on Friday sponsored by the Farm Bureau Women’s Committee. Please sign up by July 9 to get this years T-shirt. For details, call 843-255-7306 or visit beaufortconservationdistrict.org.

June Beaufort Drum Circle Dates
All are invited to share some good vibes with the Beaufort S.C. Drum Circle. The Drum Circle gathers every second Monday of the month from 5:30 to 7 p.m. and every fourth Thursday of the month from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Our final June event will be Thursday, June 27 at the Contemplative Garden in Henry C. Chambers Waterfront Park in downtown Beaufort.

Everyone is welcome to attend this family friendly event. No experience is necessary. Rain or shine. Please bring a chair, a friend, and maybe an extra drum or hand percussion instrument if you have one to share.
For questions or to join our mailing list, please email us at beaufortscdrumcircle@gmail.com or contact us on our Facebook page Beaufort SC Drum Circle.

Run, Forrest, Run: 25th Anniversary Celebration and Screening

Join the Beaufort County Public Library on July 6 to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the classic film “Forrest Gump,” which was filmed in Beaufort.

The free event begins with behind-the-scenes content, trivia, treats, and the chance to win a prize from The Chocolate Tree from 12:30-1:30 p.m., followed by a free screening of the film from 1:30-4 p.m.

For more information, please call 843-255-6458. Ask how to borrow the book (or the sequel),

100 Women Who Care Beaufort to meet

A meeting from 5:30-6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, July 9, marks the third meeting in the fifth year for 100 Women Who Care Beaufort. Founded by Jeneane Ryan, this organization brings together women four times a year to choose a deserving, non-profit organization in Northern Beaufort County to receive $100 from each member. Since 2015, this organization has raised $254,105.

Please consider attending this meeting in the Fellowship Hall at First Presbyterian Church of Beaufort, 1201 North Street.

For more information, call 703-472-1780.

Hunting Island Lighthouse tours

Climb the only Lighthouse in South Carolina open to the public and learn about the workings and history of the Lighthouse at Hunting Island State Park. 

Join Keeper Ted and tour guides any Thursday in June at 10 a.m. You must be 44-inches tall to climb. Cost is $2 per person. Call the Nature Center at 843-838-7437 for reservations. Park entry fees apply.

Friends of Hunting Island’s Tuesday Turtle Talks

The Friends of Hunting island announce the 2019 Tuesday Turtle Talks running Tuesday, June 11 through Tuesday, Aug. 13 at 10:30am at the picnic shelter by the Lighthouse. There is no fee for the TTT, but the park entry fee does apply. 

Each week various topics will be discussed including the natural history of loggerhead turtles, what happens when the turtles come to Hunting Island to lay their eggs, and the conservation and challenges specific to a barrier island such as Hunting Island State Park. Participation, ideas and questions are always welcome. 

After the talk, participants can join TTT host Peggy Willenberg on a short beach walk. All ages are invited to attend this educational and engaging program. 

And for early risers: If you want to join a turtle patrol to check out loggerhead nests, come to the Visitor’s Center parking lot at 6 a.m. sharp any day of the week, and talk with a volunteer in an orange shirt to join a group for that day’s patrol. All ages welcome.

YMCA to offer CPR classes

The Wardle Family YMCA, located at 1801 Richmond Ave in Port Royal, offers CPR classes for community members on Saturdays from 8 a.m. to noon on the following dates in 2019: June 22, July 20, August 17, September 7, September 19, and November 23. 

Cost is $35 for this YMCA-certified course and those interested need to register at the Y as space is limited and filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Questions? Contact Lou Bergen, Aquatics Director to register for this class. Call the Y at 843-522-9622 or visit beaufort-jasperymca.org

Beaufort Heritage Explorers Camp at the Santa Elena History Center

Immerse your child in a week of interesting local history from 1566 to the 1900s at the Beaufort Heritage Explorers summer camp at the Santa Elena History Center, hosted by the Santa Elena History Center, The Second Founding of America: Reconstruction Beaufort and the Historic Beaufort Foundation.

Dates are June 20-28 or July 29-Aug. 2, 9  a.m.-1 p.m. Each day concludes with lunch from 12:15 p.m. until pick up with lunch provided on Friday.
The cost is $150 per child with all proceeds benefit participating nonprofits. There are 15 openings for rising 3rd grade through rising 5th grade and 15 openings for rising 6th grade through rising 8th grade.
There must be a minimum of 10 per age group registered by June 15. For more information or to register, visit https://santa-elena.org/new-summer-camp-for-2019/.

June activities at Hunting Island State Park

There are fun, interesting and educational activities every day hosted by Park Ranger and Lowcountry Master Naturalist Megan Stegmeier. 

Mondays: Tie dye, 11 a.m.; Secrets of the Salt Marsh, 4 p.m.

Tuesdays: Sea Turtle Tracks, 10:30 a.m.; CCC Video, 1 p.m.; Beach Walk, 3 p.m.

Wednesdays: Alligator Talk, 11 a.m.; Stepping Stones, 2 p.m. 

Thursdays: Interpretive lighthouse tour, 10 a.m.; Feeding Frenzy, 3 p.m.

Fridays: Lowcountry reptiles, 11 a.m.; Fish printing, 2 p.m.

Saturdays: Turtle time, 11 a.m.; Creatures of the Night, 2:30 p.m. (June 27); Sharks!, 3 p.m. (June 29)

For a description of these programs and a complete calendar of activities, go to southcarolinaparks.com/hunting-island and click on “Programs & Events.”

All are invited to attend these free events, though there is an entry fee to Hunting Island State Park and reservations are needed for lighthouse programs.

For more information, call 843-838-7437 or go to the Friends of Hunting Island website and the Facebook page: FOHI Sea Turtle Conservation Project.

Get moving with Beaufort Track Club

Join the Beaufort Track Club at the Beaufort High School track from 6:30-7:30 p.m. each Tuesday night for an open community track workout. Beginner, intermediate, and advanced workouts are posted each week to ensure that you are getting the workout that you need.

Visit the Facebook page “Beaufort Track Club” for more information.

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ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays

What’s Happening

ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays