What To Do

Fripp Audubon Birding Workshop
Come to the Fripp Island Community Centre, Thursday, Nov. 17 at 6:30 p.m., for a free, fascinating, informative program that will expand your knowledge of bird lore. Lowcountry bird expert Ken Scott will focus on identification of local birds that we all see in our yards and on our feeders. Ken will also familiarize you with migrating birds that are “just passing through” the Lowcountry. Enjoy an educational experience in the pleasant company of other wildlife enthusiasts. Live off Fripp? Get a free pass at gate. This workshop is part of the Club’s run-up to the Annual Christmas Bird Count, Saturday, Dec 17th, a global birding activity YOU can participate in. Details: Pete Richards, 843-441-2153, or pete.richards@comcast.net, and please visit our Website www.islc.net/Audubon.

Beaufort Kids boutique to open at Habersham
There will be a special boutique devoted to Beaufort children in the Habersham Marketplace from November 17-30, Tuesday – Friday 10 a.m. – noon and 2-5 p.m. It will host a specialty of children’s handmade bows, tutus, clothes, and embroidery. Beaufort Kids Christmas Boutique will also be open for the tour of Homes in Habersham on Saturday, November 19 and Sunday, November 20.  The boutique will be housed at 24 Market Street next to the sales office. Stop in for special one of a time offers on one of a kind children’s clothing, accessories and toys.

Sea Island Quilters to hold meeting
The Sea Island Quilters will meet on Thursday, November 17, 6 p.m. at the Praise Assembly, 800 Parris Island Gateway. For details contact Helen Goldman at 525-6155.

Lowcountry Chorale
to perform concert
Please join The Lowcountry Chorale for another amazing set of performances on Friday, Nov. 18 at 7 p.m. or Saturday, November 19 at 3 p.m. Directed by Cliff Kosier and accompanied by Gloria Bockelman, the concerts will feature “A Night at the Movies.” Relive your favorite songs and enjoy the standard movie fare of popcorn and a beverage. St. John’s Lutheran Church on Lady’s Island Drive (802) is the site and the musical home to the chorale.  Tickets are $10 for adults and $7 for youngsters. For more information, call 521-1017.

All Pro Dads to meet at Coosa Elementary
All Pro Dad will meet Friday, November 18 at 7 a.m. in the Coosa Elementary School Gym. Team up with other dads and kids for a quick, before-school breakfast and a 45-minute program of fatherhood and family topics. This month’s topic is “Being Thankful.”  You’ll take away some great tips and resources to help you be the best Dad you can be, and you’ll strengthen your relationship with your kids at the same time. It’s fun, and it’s free!   You must RSVP to www.allprodad.com/dd/2508 as breakfast is complements of Chick-fil-A. Space is limited. For more information, please contact Mike Mashke at 843-525-5154 or mmashke@cbcnationalbank.com.

Turkey Shoot at Parris Island Rod & Gun Club
A Turkey Shoot for family fun begins at 7 a.m. Nov. 19 at the Parris Island Rod & Gun Club range on the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island. Win hams and turkeys! The cost is $2 per shot and the club provides ALL ammunition. Refreshments available. Participants are asked to bring their own guns. No scopes, please, and no barrels longer than 32 inches. A few youth and adult guns will be on hand for shotgun-deprived participants. Details: Nick Russell, 843-524-5577, 843-812-9697.

Zonta Club to host 13th annual oyster roast
The Zonta Club of Beaufort is hosting its 13th Annual Oyster Roast Fundraiser on Saturday, November 19 from 6-9 p.m. at Live Oaks Park in Port Royal. Proceeds are used to help fund the club’s scholarship program and local service projects. A $20 advance ticket gets you all-you-can-eat oysters, beer, hot dogs and chili.  Tickets are $25 at the gate, kids 12 and under are free.  Tickets are at Hair Studio 280 525-1224 and Carolina Floral Design 843-524-7900.

Military retirees meeting and seminar
Military Retirees’ Meeting & Seminar at Naval Hospital Beaufort on Saturday, 19 November, from 9 a.m. to noon. All military retirees, spouses, widows & widowers welcome — FREE flu  and pneumonia shots, plus coffee and donuts! Your hard-won retiree benefits are under the gun as never before — experts will be on-hand to provide up-to-date information you and your family need to know. Topics include recent hospital improvements (e.g., pharmacy, gymnasium, clinics, labs, services), Beaufort base housing opportunities for retirees/surviving spouses, TriCare Prime & TriCare for Life, latest from Marine Corps Community Services, future plans for Beaufort bases and much, much more. Event sponsored by Beaufort Military Retiree Council. Seating limited; contact Aubrey Burton, 843-522-3476/843-263-2513/aburton@islc.net.

Noted leaders discuss Beaufort’s history
Brought to you by Leadership Beaufort Alumni Association and Cosponsored by Beaufort Regional Chamber of Commerce, the Beaufort Leadership History will be held Wednesday, November 30, 5:30 p.m. Social, 6 p.m. program at the Beaufort Arsenal. Cost:  Free. A noted historian and the city’s current mayor will join longtime former Mayor Henry Chambers in a discussion of Beaufort leaders past and present at a free Leadership Beaufort Alumni Association forum Nov. 30.   Larry Rowland, history professor emeritus at the University of South Carolina Beaufort, and Mayor Billy Keyserling also will participate in the event. The panel will discuss the history of Beaufort’s leaders.  Keyserling, a former state legislator and city councilman, has been mayor since 2008. Chambers was mayor from 1969 to 1990, and his tenure included conversion of the city’s run-down waterfront to the public park that now bears his name. Rowland is an authority on local and state history and is one of the authors of the 1996 book “The History of Beaufort County, South Carolina: 1514-1861.” RSVP appreciated for planning purposes but not required.  Information: Contact Charlotte Gonzalez, LBAA secretary, at 843-575-2366 or  charlotte.gonzalez@yahoo.com.

Chamber holds annual Legislative Reception
When:  Thursday, December 1, 6 – 8 p.m.
Where:  Historic Beaufort Arsenal, 713 Craven Street, Beaufort
Cost:  $35 for members, $70 for non-members
What: The Annual Legislative Reception provides an opportunity for chamber members to networking with local and state elected officials.  The chamber will present our 2012 Legislative Agenda to our elected officials.  Additionally, our state legislative delegation will have an opportunity to discuss their goals for the upcoming legislative session. Please RSVP to Amy Kaylor at amy@beaufortsc.org or 843.525.8524.

Fripp Friends of Music brings back pianist
Fripp Island Friends of Music brings back pianist Thomas Pandolfi.  Julliard graduate Pandolfi, a leading interpreter of George Gershwin, will perform selections from Liszt, Chopin and Gershwin. Sunday, Dec. 4, at 5 p.m. at Fripp Island Community Center, Fripp Island. The cost is $20 a person; $10 for students. Free Fripp pass at gate. Attendees are invited to join the artist at a catered event after the performance. For details www.islc.net/friendsofmusic/ or call 843-838-6655.

42nd Senior Citizens’ Tea will be at MCAS
The 42nd Senior Citizens’ Tea hosted by the Officers’ Spouses Club of the Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort will be held at the MCAS Officers Club on Sunday December 11 from 1 to 3 p.m.  The Tea, a favorite event for local senior citizens is an afternoon of fun, food, entertainment and holiday cheer.  All senior citizens are welcome and there is no cost to attend.  Limited transportation is available.  Join us for this time honored tradition; RSVP by November 30 to Kate Jindrich at (843) 476-6948 or katejindrich@yahoo.com for reservations and information.

Photo With Santa Fundraiser at studio
Captured Moments Photography at 1402 King Street in Beaufort is hosting a three day ‘Photo With Santa Fundraiser’ to benefit HELP of Beaufort. Bring your little ones to the studio on December 12, 13, or 14 from 3 to 7 p.m. and have their photo taken with Santa Claus himself.  Who needs a drive to the shopping mall this year? Cost per sheet is $20, and portions of the proceeds benefit HELP of Beaufort. Please call Captured Moments Photography at 843-379-0223 for more information.

Drop off Toys for Tots at Ballenger Realty
Once again this year, Ballenger Realty is a drop-off location for the Toys For Tots campaign.  Please bring your new, unwrapped toys which will be distributed as Christmas gifts to the Lowcountry needy children between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, Ballenger Realty, 613 Carteret Street.  There is ample parking on the side and back of the building.

Groups offer weekly bereavement meetings
When: Every Tuesday, 5 p.m.
Where: Summit Place of Beaufort
1119 Pick Pocket Plantation Drive
Beaufort, SC  29902
Tidewater Hospice and Summit Place have joined together to offer a weekly bereavement group. This free forum will provide help to people who have experienced a loss and would like support and information associated with grief and bereavement. This is a group for those who have experienced a death of a loved one.  Participants will explore, within a trusting and nurturing environment, their reactions to loss, learn about the grieving process, develop strategies for coping and begin to integrate this change into their lives in order to move forward.  For more information, contact: Marie James, MA, Tidewater Hospice at 843.757.9388.

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ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays

What’s Happening

ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays