What To Do

St. Peter’s Church to have clothing sale

St. Peter’s Catholic Church, 70 Lady’s Island Drive, will be holding its fourth annual clothing sale July 17-19.  Hours will be Thursday, July 17 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Friday, July 18 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; and Saturday, July 19 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Call 843-592-0708 for more information.

5K to benefit Fripp Island Turtle Program

The Fripp Island Turtle Program is pleased to announce that the seventh Annual Turtle Crawl will be held on Friday, July 18 at the Fripp Island Beach Club. This family fun event with feature both a 5K race as well as a 1 mile fun walk/run. Both events start at 8:30 a.m. on Fripp Beach. Registration and packet pickup will begin at 7:30 a.m. in front of the beach club. New features for the event this year include: 5K timing provided by Play Hard Event Timing, as well as online registration at www.runsignup.com or visit the Fripp Island Turtle Team Facebook page. Proceeds benefit the Fripp Island Turtle Program, a 501(c) 3 nonprofit volunteer nest protection program permitted by the SCDNR and dedicated to the conservation of sea turtles and educating the public about this amazing species. Participation is only a $25 donation to the program. Sign up to join the fun and do your part to help the South Carolina state reptile, the loggerhead sea turtle, by visiting this link: https://runsignup.com/Race/SC/FrippIsland/TurtleCrawl.

St. Helena library holds CreationStation events

• 3D Printing of Body Parts — A Lunch and Learn Session: Join Doctors Trusk, Yost, and Kindy from MUSC who will demonstrate the use of the 3D Biofabrication Printer and the advances in medical science. Luncheon platters will be provided, please call to register for this lecture. Friday, July 18 at 1 p.m.

• Film Making: Learn how to shoot short films using our HD flip cameras.  Program is open to ages 8 to 17. Space is limited, registration required. Saturday, July 19 from 2 to 4 p.m. Contact info: 843-255.6547. St. Helena Branch Library is located at 6355 Jonathan Francis Sr Road, St. Helena Island, SC, 29920. All events free, visit www.beaufortcountylibrary.org for details.

See screening of Gullah special ‘Circle Unbroken’

Anchor Media Group, LLC, a worldwide content producer and distributor of home entertainment and broadcast programming with its headquarters in Charleston, announces the premiere of its newest television special “Circle Unbroken — A Gullah Journey from Africa to America,” starring Beaufort’s own Anita Singleton-Prather and The Gullah Kinfolk. The event will be Saturday, July 19, at 7:30 p.m. on the big screen at USCB Center for the Arts. Shot entirely on location in and around historically significant areas of Beaufort, and the Sea Islands, “Circle Unbroken …” portrays the origins of the Gullah culture from its early roots in Africa to modern time, utilizing lavish high definition videography, authentic and stirring Gullah spiritual music and a powerful narrative history. A mini-concert by Aunt Pearlie Sue and The Gullah Kinfolk will be presented prior to the showing of the television screening, and a dessert reception will follow. Seating is limited. Adult tickets are $20; under 18 $10. Proceeds benefit the Gullah Traveling Theater. For tickets visit www.uscbcenterforthearts.com or call 843-521-4145. For more information, contact Ron Small at rsmall@anchormediagroup.tv.

Volunteers needed for oyster castle reef builds

The SCDNR will be building some more oyster reefs — this time using oyster castles and they’d love for volunteers to participate. If you are interested or have any questions, contact Ben Stone at StoneB@dnr.sc.gov or 843-953-9023.

• Tuesday, July 22: Oyster castle reef build.  Sam’s Point Boat ramp in Beaufort. Meet at the ramp at 11 a.m.

• Wednesday, July 23: Oyster castle reef build. Sam’s Point Boat ramp in Beaufort. Meet at the ramp at 11:30 a.m.

• Thursday, July 24: Oyster castle reef build.  Eddings Point Boat ramp in Beaufort. Meet at the ramp at noon.

Builds could take up to two to three hours. Please bring close-toed shoes that can get muddy. Gloves, bug spray, sun block and water will be provided.

New volunteer tutor sessions being held

Beaufort County School District Adult Education will be holding a New Volunteer Tutor Information Session Monday, July 28; 5 to 6 p.m. at the new Adult Education site, 1300 King Street, Beaufort. Attending this session will inform participants about volunteer tutor opportunities with Adult Education. An English for Speakers of Other Languages Tutor Training Workshop will be offered Tuesday, July 29, Wednesday, July 30 and Thursday, July 31 from 5 to 8 p.m. at Adult Education on King Street. All three training sessions and one information session are required and will prepare new volunteers to tutor adults in English-speaking skills. Please call Cindi Riley, ESL/Basic Literacy coordinator at 843-322-0787 for more information.

Hunting Island holds sand sculpture contest

The 7th Annual Sand Sculpture Contest at Hunting Island State Park will be hosted by Friends of Hunting Island on Saturday, July 26, from noon to 4 p.m. Gather family, friends, co-workers or put a team together. Enter as an individual or teams. The contest will be located on the beach in front of the lighthouse, the free registration will be at the beach. Listen to the Heritage Steel Band playing Beach Music during the contest. Prizes will be awarded in each category, with awards presentation held at 3:30 p.m. Tools permitted included hand tools and sculpting tools including buckets, shovels, scoops, carving tools, putty knives, spray bottles for water, kitchen utensils, strainers, rakes, etc. Work must be confined in given boundaries. Use only natural materials found on or near the beach. Decorations such as shells, reeds, and small rocks may be used. No artificial decorations or materials are permitted. Categories include:

• Sand Fleas (up to 8 years old, must have an adult as a leader)

• Sand Hoppers (ages 9-15)

• Sand Tribes (families)

• Sand Shapers (adult or small team of adults)

• Best in Show

Judging will be based on originality, composition and technique. All contestants will be expected to take whatever they brought back out with them. Please respect all sea birds and animals on the beach.

Grace Chapel church celebrates anniversary

Grace Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church celebrates its anniversary with the theme “Grace: Our link to the past, our bridge to the future,” inspired by Ecclesiastes 3:15. The church is located at 502 Charles Street, Beaufort.

Pre-anniversary events:

• Sunday, July 20, at 5 p.m.: “Men In Gospel – Singing Praises To The Lord”

Save the date for anniversary Services:

• Wednesday, July 23, at 7 p.m.: Rev. Dr. Sam T. Spain and Lady’s Island Baptist Church Family.

• Thursday, July 24, at 7 p.m.: Rev. Dr. Bettye W. Broomfield & Allen Chapel AME Church Family.

• Friday, July 25, 7 p.m.: Rev. Herbert Temoney and St. Luke AME Church Family from Charleston.

• Sunday, July 27, at 4 p.m.: Presiding Elder Lorenza T. Baker, Orangeburg District and guest choirs

• Saturday, August 2: Church Picnic at Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort.

Contact 843-524-6091 or 843-525-0708 for more information.

Sorority sponsors forum on scholarship searches

Mu Pi Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., sponsors “Secrets to the Scholarship Search.” Answer the following questions: Do you need to apply for a scholarship to attend college? Do you find it difficult to find scholarships? If you answered yes to either question, this workshop is for you. Ms. Kimberly D. Brown, founder and CEO of Designing Creative Futures LLC, will be a guest speaker on August 1 at St. Helena Public Library during the teen lock-in. Ms. Brown will share “Secrets to the Scholarship Search.” Using her proven methods, a Battery Creek High School graduate was awarded the Gates Millennium Scholarship in 2014.

Save the date: Habitat’s Upcycled Art Auction

The LowCountry Habitat for Humanity ReStore is celebrating its 10 years of operation with an art auction like no other.  Local and regional artists are treasure hunting within the store’s aisles for items to repurpose, recycle, reclaim or reimagine. They’re looking for the sometimes hidden beauty in gently-used items to create works of art. These new creations will be auctioned at an Upcycled Art Auction to be held at The Shed in Port Royal on Saturday, August 23, from 6 to 9 p.m.

According to Habitat’s Executive Director, Brenda Dooley, “If you’re one of those people who has been missing the fun and creativity of the Birdhouse Auctions that Habitat used to host, you will not want to miss this event.”

The auction’s Honorary Chair is artist Cassandra Gillens.  Another local artist, Deanna Bowdish, will serve as the evening’s auctioneer.   Entertainment will be provided by the Sweetgrass Angels. Tickets for the event are $25 and are available now at the ReStore at 612 Parris Island Gateway or online at www.lowcountryhabitat.org. Proceeds from the evening will support LowCountry Habitat for Humanity’s affordable housing program. For more information about LowCountry Habitat for Humanity, call 843-522-3500.

County accepting photo calendar submissions

Beaufort County is now accepting submissions for its tenth annual Land Preservation Calendar photo contest.  The 2015 calendar theme is “Branching Out: The Life, Landscapes & Love of Trees in Beaufort County.” Winning photos will be showcased in the 14-month calendar which is intended to help promote the County’s Rural and Critical Land Preservation Program. The deadline for submissions is Monday, August 25 at 5 p.m. Photos must be taken within the physical boundaries of Beaufort County.  The contest entry form and submission criteria are available at www.bcgov.net. For more information, email calendarcontest@bcgov.net or call 843-255-2354.

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ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays

What’s Happening

ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays