What To Do

ArtiZen Yoga has free class for active military

On the second Thursday of every month from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., ArtiZen Yoga provides a free all-level yoga class exclusively for active military and their spouses. This month’s class will be held Thursday, July 10, and will be taught by Ayren Pfeifer, certified Ashtanga teacher, and a military spouse of 13 years. Childcare will be available for a small fee: $5 for one child, $3 for each additional child.

Therapist helps support group with exercises 

Do you wonder what exercises are most beneficial to those living with Parkinson’s Disease? Are you struggling to modify your exercise routine while living with a  movement disorder? If so, come dressed to exercise on Thursday, July 3, at 1:30 p.m. when Tim Gurley, a physical therapist with Amedisys Home Health, will demonstrate ways in which therapy can improve balance and coordination, reduce fatigue and relieve pain at the Parkinson’s Support Group of Beaufort & Port Royal’s next meeting. The meeting is free and open the public. Support group meetings are held from 1:30 to 3 p.m. on the first Thursday of every month at Shell Point Baptist Church on Parris Island Gateway, in Port Royal. For more information, call Rick Ostrander at 843-525-1229 or Rose Ewing at 843-252-3001 or rewing@enlivant.com.

Beaufort Lions Club holds pancake breakfast

Beaufort Lions Club Pancake Breakfast will be held Saturday, July 12, from 8 to 11 a.m. at Sea Island Presbyterian Church, 81 Lady’s Island Drive. Items on the menu include pancakes, toast, eggs, sausage, cheese grits, coffee, and OJ. The price is $6 for adults, $3 for children. For more information, contact Honika Plowdeniz at 843-715-1221.

Beaufort Aglow will have speaker at meeting

Beaufort Aglow International invites men, women and teens to their monthly meeting on Saturday July 12, beginning at 10:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. The meeting is held at Gilligan’s Seafood Restaurant, 2601 Boundary Street, Beaufort. The speaker will be Huxie Scott, a native of Savannah. She is an Aglow worship leader and a member of Overcoming By Faith Ministries in Savannah. She has worked for jazz musicians, the late Ben Tucker and Lionel Hampton. In 2004, Huxie was inducted into the Savannah Tribune Hall of Fame and voted Best Female Contemporary Gospel Artist. Her focus is to celebrate Jesus in songs and the spoken Word. For more information, call 843-290-5563 or 525-0525.

New volunteer tutor sessions being held

Beaufort County School District Adult Education will be holding a New Volunteer Tutor Information Session Monday, July 28; 5 to 6 p.m. at the new Adult Education site, 1300 King Street, Beaufort. Attending this session will inform participants about volunteer tutor opportunities with Adult Education.

An English for Speakers of Other Languages Tutor Training Workshop will be offered Tuesday, July 29, Wednesday, July 30 and Thursday, July 31 from 5 to 8 p.m. at Adult Education on King Street. All three training sessions and one information session are required and will prepare new volunteers to tutor adults in English-speaking skills. Other training opportunities will also be offered. Please call Cindi Riley, ESL/Basic Literacy coordinator at 843-322-0787 for more information.

Sign up now for the Downtown Plate Crawl

Do your family and friends love your cooking? Do you have a signature dish? Are you willing to put it to the test and go head to head with one of Beaufort’s local chefs in a blind taste test competition? Main Street Beaufort announces the Downtown Plate Crawl: Home Cooks vs. Local Chefs, Saturday, August 16 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Home cooks interested in competing are encouraged to contact Main Street Beaufort, USA for submission forms and details. Submission will be due by Friday, July 11. Up to 10 submissions will be challenged by local chefs and contacted by July 31. Want to be a taster? Wrist bands will be sold for $20 per person which will include tastings at each tasting station and will go on sale at the Main Street Beaufort office Thursday, July 31. Wrist bands may be purchased at the event, but only 150 will be sold so purchasing in advance is encouraged. For more information, call 843-525-6644 or email info@downtownbeaufort.com.

St. Helena’s to host Vacation Bible School

Welcome to Jungle Safari! Get ready for a life-changing adventure hosted by the Parish Church of St. Helena and taking place at Holy Trinity Classical Christian School, 302 Burroughs Avenue. Each day begins at Toucan Jam where kids will sing, shout, praise, pray, and be introduced to a Bible story and the daily theme. After kids experience the other activities of the day, kids gather back at Toucan Jam to be encouraged to count on God and to be motived to serve others. Other sites at Jungle Safari include Zip Line Bible Time where kids will explore the Bible story in a variety of interactive ways; Jaguar Junction where kids have time to move around, have fun and fill up on snacks; Lizards Leap where kids sing to the jungle beat and have fun creating musical crafts; and Slug-A-Bug S.W.A.M.P. where kids are encouraged to serve with a mighty purpose! All these fun activities connect to the Bible story, Bible memory verse, and the nature of God. The camp will be held Monday through Thursday, July 7-10 from 9 a.m. to noon. Contact Linda Tully at 522-1712, ext. 202. Register at www.StHelenas1712.org.


Greg Jones leads free football camp at BCHS

NFL star and Beaufort native Greg Jones and The Lead Block Foundation will hold the second annual Friday Night Lights Youth Football Camp on Friday, July 11 from 5 to 9 p.m. at Battery Creek High School, 1 Blue Dolphin Drive, Beaufort. The free camp is open to 150 participants ages 10-18 on a first come, first-serve basis. The camp is facilitated by Olympus Foundation Management. Coaching staff will emphasize fundamentals, form and technique, as the program is a non-contact camp. Campers will be grouped according to age, size and ability, allowing them to compete against campers of similar talents. Campers should wear T-shirt, tennis shoes, shorts or sweats and bring sweat towel. This camp allows children and teens the unique opportunity to attend a football skills camp at no charge. Advance registration required. For more information or to register online, visit www.leadblockfoundation.com.


Non-denominational class invites women, kids

The Beaufort Day Class of Community Bible Study will hold an Informational Coffee on Wednesday, July 16 at 10 a.m. at Parish Church of St. Helena, 507 Newcastle St., Beaufort. This event is open to all area women and children interested in a non-denominational class that presents an in-depth Bible study in a caring format. Free childcare is provided for the coffee, but pre-registration is required for mothers bringing children. Community Bible Study has classes worldwide and has been in Beaufort for 13 years. CBS is not associated with any church or denomination, but meets in local churches that host the study. The 2014-15 Day Class, studying 1 & 2 Corinthians, will meet at the Parish Church of St. Helena from September through April on Thursday mornings and includes classes for women and children, infants to age 10. Please call Sandi Fischer 838-0212 or e-mail fishnet@islc.net to pre-register if bringing children to the coffee. For more information, find CBS on Facebook or visit www.beaufort.cbsclass.org.

Beaufort welcomes its first Tomato Festival

Beaufort’s first Tomato Festival will feature 10,000 pounds of locally grown fun all day Saturday, July 12, at 5 Cane Island Farm Road, Beaufort. The day begins with a tomato obstacle run. It’s not your typical festival run because once runners cross the finish line they will enter into an all-out tomato food fight. There will be food trucks, as well as a kid zone, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Proceeds from the festival go towards the YMCA’s Annual Scholarship Campaign. To register or for more information, visit tomatofestivalsc.com.

County accepting photo calendar submissions

Beaufort County is now accepting submissions for its tenth annual Land Preservation Calendar photo contest.  The 2015 calendar theme is “Branching Out: The Life, Landscapes & Love of Trees in Beaufort County.” Winning photos will be showcased in the 14-month calendar which is intended to help promote the County’s Rural and Critical Land Preservation Program. The deadline for submissions is Monday, August 25 at 5 p.m. Photos must be taken within the physical boundaries of Beaufort County.  The contest entry form and submission criteria are available on the county’s website www.bcgov.net. For more information, email calendarcontest@bcgov.net or call 843-255-2354.

Grace Chapel church celebrates anniversary

Grace Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church celebrates its anniversary with the theme “Grace: Our link to the past, our bridge to the future,” inspired by Ecclesiastes 3:15. The church is located at 502 Charles Street, Beaufort.

Pre-anniversary events:

• Wednesday, July 9, at 7 p.m.:  “Celebrating Our Elders — 80 Plus”

• Sunday, July 20, at 5 p.m.: “Men In Gospel – Singing Praises To The Lord”

Save the date for anniversary Services:

• Wednesday, July 23, at 7 p.m.: Rev. Dr. Sam T. Spain and Lady’s Island Baptist Church Family.

• Thursday, July 24, at 7 p.m.: Rev. Dr. Bettye W. Broomfield & Allen Chapel AME Church Family.

• Friday, July 25, 7 p.m.: Rev. Herbert Temoney and St. Luke AME Church Family from Charleston.

• Sunday, July 27, at 4 p.m.: Presiding Elder Lorenza T. Baker, Orangeburg District and guest choirs

• Saturday, August 2: Annual Church Picnic at Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort.

Contact 843-524-6091 or 843-525-0708 for more information.

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ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays

What’s Happening

ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays