What To Do

Beaufort Lions Club to hold pancake breakfast 

Beaufort Lions Club Pancake Breakfast will be held Saturday, February 15, from 8 to 11 a.m. at Sea Island Presbyterian Church, 81 Lady’s Island Drive, Beaufort. The cost is $6 for adults, $3 for children. Pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage links and sausage patties, grits, toast, coffee, milk, and orange juice will be served with a smile. For questions, contact Honika S. Plowdeniz at 843-715-1221.

Women’s group holds Valentine Luncheon 

All are welcome to attend a Valentine Luncheon, to be held Saturday, February 15 from noon to 3 p.m. at The Sanctuary Golf Club on Cat Island. Please join TLC Women’s Fellowship for a time of fun, food and fellowship. The cost of the meal is $10. The highlight of the luncheon will be creating Valentine Cards for the Bayview nursing home residents. Please RSVP to Tonya Phillips at 843-322-0262 or thelowcountrywomen@gmail.com.


Support Exchange Club of Beaufort’s flag display 

On President’s Day, February 17, the Exchange Club of Beaufort will host a Field of Honor flag display. The Field of Honor flag displays began on the first anniversary of the 9/11 attack. The Exchange Club has chosen this event to honor the men and women who have or are serving in the military and to remember those who have given the ultimate sacrifice. A flag can be flown to honor your serviceman or women for $10 each. All donations will be granted to Pillows For Patriots. ”We recently have more requests for pillows than we have funds, so let’s please not forget our troops still there, and about to deploy,” said Barb Farrior, coordinator. Pillows For Patriots sends pillows to the brave men and women in our military in Afghanistan and Iraq. To sponsor a flag, please contact Angel Flewelling at 843-525-0102.


Daughters of American Revolution will meet 

The February meeting of the Thomas Heyward, Jr. Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution will take place on Thursday, February 13 at the Fellowship Hall of First Presbyterian Church, 1208 Newcastle Street, Beaufort at 2 p.m. New chapter members Joanie Keefe, Candy Matera, Dianne Gibb and Caroline McElveen will be inducted. Also Shelby Lynn Saunders, a Senior at Whale Branch Early College High School will be introduced as the winner of the annual DAR Good Citizens Award. Contact Charlene Shufelt at 525-0158 for more.

Annual Valentine Bridge Luncheon will be held

It’s time to sign up for the Valentine Bridge Luncheon at the Parish Church of St. Helena, set for Friday, Feb. 14 in the Parish Hall, 507 Newcastle St., Beaufort.  The annual event is from noon to 4 p.m. and includes lunch and an afternoon of bridge. Cost is $25 per person.  Register by Tuesday, Feb. 11 on the church website, www.StHelenas1712.org. Anyone who enjoys playing bridge is welcome to attend..  This year’s proceeds will be used to purchase tricycles for the children’s playground at the church. For more information, contact Roz Dixon at 522-1712, ext. 220, or nursery@islc.net.


Marine Corps League holds spaghetti dinner 

The Yellow Footprints Detachment of the Marine Corps League presents the Second Annual Charity Spaghetti Dinner to be held on Saturday, February 22, from 1 to 6 p.m. at the AMVET Hall located at 1831 Ribaut Road, Port Royal.  Tickets are $10 at the door, take-out and cash bar available. There will also be a Silent Auction. The public is welcome. For more information, contact Bernie Eveler at 843-342-4834 or eveler110@yahoo.com.


Clemson Extension holds 2014 Turf School 

The 2014 Turf School is scheduled for Monday, February 17, and includes one day of information on the technical challenges of maintaining high quality turfgrass. This program is for professionals who work in a variety of turfgrass environments. Pesticide Recertification Credits will be awarded. The class will be at Palmetto Electric Cooperative New River Office, 1 Cooperative Way, Hardeeville. Register at the Clemson Service Online Shopping Mall https://shopping.clemson.edu or contact Laura Rose at lrose@clemson.edu or 843-255-6060, ext. 117.


Sea Island Quilters will meet at Praise Assembly

The Sea Island Quilters will meet on Thursday, February 20, 6 p.m. at Praise Assembly, 800 Parris Island Gateway. Members will reveal their completed “Challenge Quilts.” For details, contact Diana DeWitt at 379-3353.


Black Chamber, SCORE offer business plan class 

The Beaufort County Black Chamber of Commerce is teaming up with the Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE) to offer a class on developing a business plan. Included in the course will be information on accessing a business loan and other financial strategies. The class will be held Monday, Feb. 24; Wednesday, Feb. 26; and Friday, Feb. 28 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the chamber office at 801 Bladen Street in Beaufort.  Enrollment is $25 and will be reimbursed upon completion of all three sessions. To enroll, call 843-986-1102.


New archaeology chapter organizing in Beaufort 

The Archaeology Society of South Carolina has multiple chapters throughout the state. However, there are many people north of the Broad River who are interested in archaeology and are organizing a chapter in Beaufort. The first organizational meeting will be held Monday, Feb. 17, at the Beaufort County Library on Scott Street from noon to 1 p.m. There will be a brief discussion about the society and the significance of archaeology in Beaufort County. The tentative plans for the ASSC/Beaufort Chapter include four quarterly meetings in a public venue. There will opportunities for field trips and participation in regional archaeological digs. Meetings will be free and open to the public, however, membership in ASSC/Beaufort is encouraged. For more information, contact Donna Young at portroyalqueen@hotmail.com.


‘The Trauma Center’ to hold grand opening

Next Level Living presents “The Trauma Center” — a place where the broken, the displaced, and the lost can be restored back to the place where they can dream again, where their gifts can be birthed and destiny can come forth. If you or someone you know falls into anyone of these situations then attend the grand opening on Friday, Feb. 21, 2014 at Love House Community Bowling Center, 1140 Ribaut Road, Beaufort. There will be a different speaker or presenter to share each time. It is their mandate to help some awesome individuals. The speaker will be Prophetess Joyce Hardenett all the way from the Florida; she has an awesome story. This event is free to the public.

Riverview Baptist Church has upcoming events 

• Chili Cook-Off & SIlent Auction: Riverview Baptist Church, 2209 Boundary Street, Beaufort, SC. Saturday, February 15, from 3 to 5:30 p.m. All proceeds will be donated to the missions fund.

• Homecoming Sunday at Riverview Baptist Church, 2209 Boundary Street, on March 2 from 10 a.m. to noon. Join the congregation for special music and a guest speaker for this event. Fellowship and a meal to follow the service.


DNR program hosting oyster shell bagging

Because of the increased oyster reef restoration efforts over the last few years in southeastern South Carolina, the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources’ SCORE program will be hosting an oyster shell bagging to prepare for the coming reef build season in Beaufort County. The bagging will be at Beaufort County Works, 120 Shanklin Road, Beaufort, from 9:30 a.m. to noon on Saturday, Feb. 22. Please RSVP to score@dnr.sc.gov if you (or an organization you) would like to attend this event.

Local sorority offers various scholarships 

The Beaufort Sigma Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa, an international honorary sorority for women educators that seeks to promote high standards in education, is offering two scholarships. The first is for Beaufort County teachers who reside in Beaufort County and who are enrolled in post-graduate degree program in education. The second is for an undergraduate student at USCB who is pursuing a baccalaureate degree with a major in education.

Information, eligibility criteria, and application materials are being sent to all principals in Beaufort County, and to the Financial Assistance Office at USC Beaufort. The scholarships are for use in the summer or fall semesters, and the funds are paid directly to the college or university of the recipients. Recipients are invited to the Alpha Delta Kappa June luncheon where the scholarships will be presented. The scholarship award amounts are determined each year by the sorority and depend on the availability of funds, but historically range from $500-$1,500. The deadline for applications is April 30. For more information, please contact Cathy Tillman at cntillman@embarqmail.com.

To include your event in the What To Do section, please send all emails and inquiries to theislandnews@gmail.com.

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ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays

What’s Happening

ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays