Water Fest 2017 notes

Photo above: Bed racers from H&S Squadron, Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort, get the full force attack by a bucket of water straight to the face at the 2016 Beaufort Water Festival Bed Races. Photo by Bob Sofaly.


As anyone who has ever attended the Beaufort Water Festival, parking can be tricky. However, this year the organizers have added a shuttle from the Beaufort County Government Center at 100 Ribaut Road for some of the popular events. 

Road/river closings

• The Beaufort River will be closed from 1-4 p.m. Saturday, July 22

• Bay Street between Harrington and Charles will be closed from 5-6 p.m. Friday, July 21, and from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, July 22.



The weather

The weather can be somewhat unpredictable in July, however, the Water Festival has a covered stage and most musical acts will play in a light rain or drizzle. Occasionally they have to wait out a sudden shower. In the case of a total rain out, no refunds will be issued.

Order tickets

Events that require tickets include the Concert in the Park, Motown Monday, Teen Dance, Talent Show, Lowcountry Supper, River Dance and the Commodore’s Ball. They can be purchased in advance at www.bftwaterfestival.com/event-tickets.html.  


There is now an official social media hash tag for Water Festival, #BftH20Fest. Now visitors can “tag” Water Festival when posting pictures – and selfies – to social media. 

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Obituary: Beekman Webb

Beekman Webb of Beaufort, S.C., a beloved husband, father, and grandfather passed away peacefully at home