Beaufort’s Ken Eshleman, 76, joined the United States Marine Corps in 1970 in Colombia, Pa. After Boot Camp at Parris Island and Infantry training, he became a Combat Engineer and was sent to Okinawa and Japan. The following tour saw him at Lejeune training as a Special Weapons courier. His next assignment was to Parris Island in personnel administration, then to Lexington, Ky., as an Inspector/Instructor at a Marine Reserve base. Onward, he was assigned to MCAS Kaneohe in Hawaii, followed by Headquarters Marine Corps in Washington. His last two tours took him to Iwakuni, Japan and finally to MCAS Beaufort where he retired as a Gunnery Sergeant from the Provost Marshal’s office in 1990 with 20 years service. Thereafter, he served as a Firefighter/EMT at the Hilton Head Fire Department.

– Compiled by John Chubb, American Legion Post 9. For nominations, contact