United Way of the Lowcountry’s “Day of Caring” packages food and builds community – The Island News – Beaufort, SC

United Way of the Lowcountry’s “Day of Caring” packages food and builds community

More than 300 volunteers from across Beaufort and Jasper Counties rolled up their sleeves during the United Way of the Lowcountry’s “Day of Caring” to package 75,000 vitamin enriched meals. This is the first time for the two day event, which took place at the Beaufort YMCA in Port Royal and the Boys and Girls Club of Bluffton.. “This is important because we have a lot of food insecurities in our communities,” said Tina Gentry, United Way of the Lowcountry, CEO. “There are many people who go to bed hungry because they have to decide if they are going to pay their light bill or put food on their table. There are children who look forward to going to school because they know it is the only time they will have a hot meal. The Day of Caring is a wonderful way to bring people together for a common purpose and make a difference.”

During the event, volunteers were split into groups and created an assembly line, measuring macaroni, rice, beans and other ingredients to package protein-fortified meals, which were distributed to several United Way agencies in our community. Second Helpings assisted in getting the food distributed to food banks throughout the area. “It was amazing to see how all these volunteers came together and cranked out all of this food,” said Maureen Korzik, Second Helpings Executive Director. “It was a great exercise in community collaboration. The food went out on our trucks and was distributed to our agencies throughout the week. This was particularly good because shelf stable protein is hard to come by.”

“The children at the CAPA’s Open Arms Children’s Home eat family style and this initiative helps us provide these meals at a lower cost,” said Christina Wilson, CAPA’s Executive Director. “Our grocery bill would be unmanageable were it not for the generosity of our amazing community. We are thankful for the United Way and all of those who helped during the Day of Caring for the many meals they prepared.”

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Obituary: Beekman Webb

Beekman Webb of Beaufort, S.C., a beloved husband, father, and grandfather passed away peacefully at home