Traffic circle is roundabout of distress – The Island News – Beaufort, SC

Traffic circle is roundabout of distress


By Cherimie Crane Weatherford

It is said that change is the one constant in life. Expected, planned and choreographed, change brings about excitement, adventure and even peace.

However, not all change offers reason for ceremonious celebration. 

Small towns handle change as well as overly tired toddlers handle bedtime. We know it is coming; we have seen it before yet we are willing to fight it to the death no matter how much it is needed. Our beautiful town is tossing and turning with the torments of change at every corner.

Steadfast we tightly grasp all that we can with the hopes that not all of our comfort will be conformed towards the unrecognizable realm of development’s dire reach. 

Options intrigue us as long as they are few, improvement romances us as long as it is rightfully romantic and expansion allows us room to protest the parameters of necessary growth. 

All in all, change is a constant we consistently hate. Arguably our very essence is the opposite of change. Our accolades toast our traditional small town charm as they persuade travelers to pack our streets. The smaller we are, the bigger our reach. It’s all quite confusing. 

There is no better example than the Lady’s Island traffic circle. All aspects of humanity can be witnessed as our small town struggles to accept this French-born response to increased attention. 

It is a symphony of confusion that separates men from boys, women from children and manners from mayhem. It’s a roundabout of emotional distress from those that prefer a more direct approach. 

In order to fully appreciate a small town’s response to change, simply find a safe perch and watch as Beaufort’s best attempt to navigate the new right in the middle of the familiar old. Some rush in and navigate with ease, others hesitate for examples of successful survival and the most unwilling forge on, refusing to accept the path has changed. It’s beautiful Beaufort chaos at its best. 

As with all necessary nuisance, the shine will wear off, peace will be restored and for many it will become part of their small town story. But until then commuters will curse, confusion will ensue and we will finally have something, other than sand gnats, that makes our existence less than perfect. Safe travels Beaufort, SC. 

Cherimie Crane Weatherford, owner of SugarBelle boutique, real estate broker and observer of all things momentous and mundane, lives on Lady’s Island with her golfing husband, dancing toddler and lounging dogs.

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