The take over, make-me-over

By Takiya Smith

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest, hottest and sexiest of them all? If while staring at your mirror, asking this question, you get nothing but dead silence and the woman in the mirror is staring back at you with wide-eyed confusion, it could be time for a makeover. With the fall season knocking at our door, beckoning for us to answer, what better time to update, throw out the old, bring in the new and jazz up your image.
Head to toe, image certainly isn’t just anything, yet amazingly, it literally can mean almost everything.  A short, classic, neck grazing bob paired with a pristine and polished set of well manicured nails speaks class and a sense of elegance. Whereas, a tight, French chignon, combined with this season’s hottest hues in a handbag plus a daring pair of knee-high boots reveals a risk-taking fashionista all her own.
A makeover has no boundaries and options are limitless when total consideration is given in full perspective.  Hair can be cut, extensions can be added and color can be explored. Make-up can change, looks can be created and advice can be given. Clothing and shoes can be altered, mixed and matched and shopping is just down- right fun.
No matter your style, flow, vibe or taste, we all can agree that a “new you” always seems to bring out the better in the best of you. The walk is a little taller, the talk is full of confidence and the look is positively empowering.

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