The secret on Ribaut Road

By Lee Scott

My hairdresser, Kelly, and I have a special relationship. Not only does she give me a great haircut, but we chat and share stories about our families. Her two daughters are the ages of two of my granddaughters. It works out perfect at holidays when I am not sure what to buy them. Kelly always knows.

But, not too long ago, I had to cheat on her. I felt guilty, but she was out of town and I had one of those moments that said: “Cut hair! Now!” I think many women can appreciate this moment. 

Someone had mentioned to me that there was a cosmetology program at the Technical College of the Lowcountry, or TCL. Surely, they had to practice on someone, why not me? I called in and the receptionist Jane said there was a cancellation for the next morning and I could come in. The beauty salon gods were watching over me.

I arrived promptly and as I was walking in, I met a very personable young woman named Reshia. After I checked in, I discovered Reshia would be doing my hair and I thought that was a lucky sign. She sat me in the chair and we discussed what I wanted, and then I met her teacher, Miss Libby. Libby DeLoach was as friendly as Reshia, and also an excellent teacher. The whole time I was in the chair, she would come over and talk to Reshia. “Look at this” or “Let’s do that.” Or sometimes, Reshia would go to Miss Libby and ask for suggestions.

While Reshia was cutting, we chatted about her family and what she did to keep busy. I told her about my life too. As I recall, there was a lot of laughter that day.  Throughout the process, she would look at me in the mirror and ask, “Is this OK?” And I would smile and say “Yes!”

When Reshia was finishing up, Miss Libby came over and they discussed a few things and there was some additional clipping here and there. I was so pleased with the outcome, and I told her too.

 The atmosphere in the “hands-on” classroom was relaxing and businesslike, yet upbeat. I credit Miss Libby for understanding that cutting hair is not just about the cut. Clients look for the ability to connect with their hairdresser, and I enjoyed meeting Reshia.

For those interested in getting a great cut at a very affordable price while giving cosmetology students real life experience, find more information online at They offer more than just hair cuts, too, such as manicures and pedicures.

Overall, this was a wonderful experience. (But do not fear Kelly, I will be back. I cannot wait to hear the latest about the girls.)

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