By Pamela Brownstein
A fundraiser for the Beaufort High School Big Green Booster Club brought a packed house to the new Port Royal Pasta Company on Thursday, July 28. More than 70 members of the community came out to support the efforts of Mike Ingram and others to improve the athletic facilities at the high school.
In a passionate speech, Ingram described a vision that started with a desire to have what other school venues have. Three years later, that vision has become a reality. Already they have painted the press box and the goal posts, pruned trees, and painted the streetscape and sidewalk on the way to the football stadium green. They also improved the football field, making it a “field of dreams” and are closer to their goal of making it the best field in the state.

“This is happening, this is real. Don’t mess with the future of our young kids,” Ingram said.
The event was held at the new Port Royal Pasta Company, 1430 Ribaut Road, before the restaurant was even open. The food was a sampling of what to expect under the direction of General Manager Keith Potts, of Keith’s Place. They served light hors d’oeuvres such as roasted asparagus; cherry tomatoes filled with mozzarella cheese, basil and balsamic vinaigrette; homemade meatballs and tasty sandwiches.
The actual lunch menu is filled with many Italian dishes. Pasta rustica, chicken pesto paninis and cannolli samplers are a few that come to mind, so you can bet the Lunch Bunch will be back to get the full effect of the culinary delights at Port Royal Pasta Company.
The Booster Club is grateful for the support of those individuals and businesses that have already become Friends of the Program: Port Royal Pasta Company, Pro-Slab, Big Green Booster Club, AMI kids Beaufort, D&S Heating and Cooling, Easy Rentals, Serve-Pro, Mazzana’s Landscaping, SCE&G, Sea Island Tree Care, Martin & Lindsey Landscaping, Valley Crest, Gasque and Associates, Allison & Ramsey Architects, Palmetto Site Prep, The Dataw Football Club.
You can also show your support by volunteering at the games, joining The Touchdown Club — where you pledge $1 per touchdown scored — or by visiting
In the words of Mike Ingram: “This is truly an opportunity to give back and serve our students and athletes at Beaufort High School.”