“A Separation” from The World Series presented by Emerging Pictures in HD at USCB Center For the Arts on Monday, May 21 at 7 p.m.
Synopsis: A married couple is faced with a difficult decision — to improve the life of their child by moving to another country or to stay in Iran. Set in contemporary Iran, the film is a compelling drama about the dissolution of a marriage and family. Simin wants to leave Iran with her husband, Nader, and pre-teen daughter, Termeh. However, Nader refuses to leave behind his Alzheimer-suffering father, compelling Simin to sue for divorce, custody of their daughter and separation.
Ratings & Reviews: Internet film site IMDb gives it a rating of 8.5 and Rotten Tomatoes critic’s: 99% and audience: 94%. Certainly the highest marks we are likely to see this season. It won the 2012 Best Foreign film Oscar.
Previewer Comments: This is an amazingly well constructed film about people’s lives and relationships where interactions between them, is not what it may seem to us or to them. Frequently, the characters and the audience are pressed to find the “best” solution, only to be thwarted by another happening or different understanding what actually happened. Both are faced with trying to determine moral, ethical, religious and legal solutions to find the right answer, the right outcome. We learn how hard work this is, as nothing is as black and white as we would prefer to it to be. The question the film raises is who actually knows what is appropriate or right? … And with that realization, what do we do about it … what does anyone do about it?
Post Film Panel Discussion: There will be a panel discussion with audience members who wish to stay regarding the issues the film raises and what outcome is “right.” I will moderate the discussion and the panel members will be: John Sheppard, Parish Associate at Sea Island Presbyterian Church; Dr. Julie Murphy, PhD in counseling with an active practice that frequently encompasses family issues; and Sam Scoville, an attorney with Harvey and Battey who leads their domestic family practice. Each of the panel members will address the audience’s questions or positions from their own different professional perspective. Don’t miss it!
Rated: Rated PG-13 for mature relationship material.
Tickets for adults are $7, seniors $6, students $5. Call USCB Center for the arts box office at 843-521-4145 or purchase day of performance. Box office opens one hour prior to show time.
Dennis Tavernetti is a resident of St. Helena Island and retired to the Lowcountry having a lifelong interest in the arts. He encouraged USCB’s Center for the Arts to investigate the possibility of bringing Indie, World and Documentary HD films to Beaufort.
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