St. Helena’s Anglican Church hosting Back to School Bash


Event caters to foster care and adoptive families

Staff reports

St. Helena’s Anglican Church has announced they will serve as a community host for the Back to School Bash, sponsored by the Jockey Being Family Foundation. Over the past two years, this event has been hosted at 66 sites across 22 states and has positively impacted the lives of more than 8,900 foster and adopted children nationwide.

The third year of Back to School Bash eventswill be held Sunday, July 28, from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Parish Hall at 507 Newcastle Street, Beaufort.

Designed for foster and adoptive children, ages 5 through 14, these events provide a unique venue for special guests to have fun, be introduced to new resources and prepare for the upcoming school year. Perhaps most importantly, it is a chance for the entire community to come together and wrap their arms around these children and families who need us the most in our communities.

At the event, children will receive a signature Jockey Being Family backpack and teddy bear. New this year, the Jockey Being Family Foundation is excited to partner with the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation. Thanks to their generosity and support, each Back to School Bash host site will be able provide special guests with a fully loaded back-to-school supply kit, generously donated by Marines Toys for Tots Foundation.

“While we’re extremely proud of the event and its impact on foster and adoptive families,” Jockey Being Family Foundation Vice President Jake McGhee said. “We’re always looking for ways to improve upon the experience for host sites and our guests. Being able to partner with an organization like Toys for Tots who also cares so passionately about kids in this space has been a blessing. We are pleased to know that instead of spending grant money on school supplies, host sites can now spend that money on other ways to make a more lasting impact on families.”

A goal of the Back to School Bash is that it serves as a catalyst for communities to continuously invest in and champion foster and adoptive children and their families. St. Helena’s is excited to host the Back to School Bash and provide an opportunity for community members to engage in this impactful initiative.

Foster and adopted children and families can get further details on registration and participation at .

Want to Go?

Who: All foster and adopted kids and families

What: Back to School Bash

When: 3 to 5 p.m., Sunday, July 28

Where: St. Helena’s Anglican Church, The Parish Hall, 507 Newcastle Street, Beaufort, SC 29902

More info: For More information and to register, click

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