Sports briefs

Sign up for PALS new basketball league

Beaufort County Parks and Leisure Services (PALS) will offer a new basketball league consisting of players between the ages of 17 and 22. Registration is open now through Friday, December 21 at the Burton Wells Recreation Center in Beaufort.

Players must provide a completed application which can be obtained online at or picked up at Burton Wells or Buckwalter Recreation Centers. Birth certificates are required for participation.

The registration fee for basketball participation is $60 and will include the uniform for the regular season of play.

For more information, visit our website at or call the Burton Wells Recreation Center at 843-255-6680.

BHS girls tennis team maintains high GPA

Coach Riedmayer congratulates the Beaufort High Girls Tennis Team for not only becoming Region 8-4-A Champions for the seventh straight year, but for the girls’ efforts in the classroom. The team GPA was 4.66 out of 5 on the AP scale and 3.65 out of 4 on the state scale. This was accomplished while traveling to away matches, missing classes and working hard on the courts five days a week.

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