Special Delivery


It’s been a longstanding tradition at the Beaufort Memorial Hospital Collins Birthing Center to send December newborns home as little “stocking stuffers.” In order to assure this year’s holiday babies and their parents receive their own special keepsake, members of the Sea Island Quilters created and donated more than 100 stockings to the hospital late last month.

Photographed with Beaufort Memorial RN and lactation consultant Geneva Baxley (2nd from right) are the Sea Island Quilters members who delivered the stockings: Cathy Persson, Barbara Rader, Anita Bryde, Bobbie Elder, and Jane Pfarner. Several additional members, including Margie Macready, Ellen Roberts, Brenda Lucas and Donna McCoy missed the photo but contributed their talents to the project, too.

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Obituary: Beekman Webb

Beekman Webb of Beaufort, S.C., a beloved husband, father, and grandfather passed away peacefully at home