From left, President Mike Monahan, award recipients Col. David Mills, Lt. Col. Brad Cousar and Wayne Cousar with Secretary & Military Awards Chairman Col. Harold Mills. Photo courtesy of Randy Atkins.

Sons of American Revolution holds annual formal meeting in December

From staff reports

The Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) Beaufort Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter held its annual black tie formal dinner meeting at the Dataw Island Club on December 2, 2022.

More than 70 members and guests socialized during this pre-holiday gathering in honor of their patriot ancestors and to recognize several chapter members for their service to our country. Making it special were the celebrants, father’s and their sons.

President Mike Monahan and Secretary and Military Awards Chairman Col. Harold Mills honored Wayne Cousar, USAF, and son Lt. Col. Brad Cousar, GANG, with the SAR’s fourth highest award, the War Service Medal, for their respective service in Vietnam and SW Asia and Afghanistan. 

Col. Mills, a Vietnam Air Force veteran and SAR War Service Medal recipient, was able to be a part of the presentation of the award to his son Col. David Mills, a career Marine Officer with service in Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Not many SAR Chapters have the chance to honor both father and son members at the same time for service to our Nation. In addition to this award, Chapter Compatriot Col. David Mills, Chief of Staff, 2nd Marine Logistics Group, Camp Lejeune, N.C., was the guest speaker that evening, discussing in detail the forming and operation of “The Afghan Refugee Camp at Marine Base Quantico, Virginia” of which he was in command in late 2021. More than 5,000 refugees were processed and 104 babies were born between August and December.

Member James Atkins was also honored that evening for his five years of service to the chapter. The evening ended with the attendees singing God Bless America to bagpipe music performed by chapter member Robert Strothers.

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