• Thursday, Nov. 3, don’t throw your pumpkins away! Beaufort Elementary School will take them between 8:30-10:30 a.m. They will be cut up and uses as part of a yearlong school wide composting in the courtyard project run by students in the fourth grade.
• Thursday, Nov. 3, Beaufort Academy High School’s Parents Association Meeting will be at 7 p.m.
• Friday, Nov. 4, Whale Branch Early College High School’s Marching Warrior Band will perform at Belk from 2-4 p.m. Congratulations to the band on being recognized as WTOC’s Band of the Week for the week of October 17.
• Friday, Nov. 4, St. Peter Catholic School is closed for teacher in-service.
• Saturday, Nov. 5, Fall Ball at Beaufort Academy, 8 p.m.
• Sunday, Nov. 6, Fall back — Day Light Savings.
• Tuesday, Nov. 8, Beta Club induction at St. Peter Catholic School.
• Wednesday, Nov. 9, there will be a ribbon cutting ceremony for the Dr. Wall Memorial Fountain Dedication at Beaufort
Academy, 2 p.m., followed by the 6th Grade Greek Peek Dinner Theatre, 6 p.m.
• Wednesday, Nov. 9, is Picture Day for the underclassmen at Whale Branch Early College High School.

Volunteers needed for LIMS’s Book Fair
Lady’s Island Middle School’s Book Fair is right around the corner and parent volunteers are needed to work mornings and afternoons at the fair Nov. 14. Please contact Paige Lancaster at 843-524-0549 or email her at aelancaster@embargmail.com.
Rett Syndrome Awareness
Congratulations to St. Peter Catholic School for raising $803 in October for the International Rett Syndrome Foundation. Students celebrated the on Oct. 26, with a dress down day wearing purple to support Sofia Giordani’s little sister Isabella who is 23 months old and was diagnosed with a variant of Rett Syndrome.
Stop that bully
Beaufort Elementary Principal Morillo is bringing awareness to the nationwide problem of bullying and cyberbullying in schools. Bullying can be physical or psychological intimidation, from hitting and stealing to spreading rumors, teasing or social exclusion. Cyberbullies can make their identities and make attacks 24/7 via computers, cell phones or other electronic devices. “Parents, you play a key role in whether or not your child becomes a bully,” said Principal Morillo. “Parents who have a good relationship and talk openly with their child, raise children who are less likely to bully others.” Kids need a positive adult attitude to follow as an example. If you or your child is bullied, remember you have school counselors, social workers, nurses, administrators and teachers to talk to.
School briefs are compiled by Tess Malijenovsky. To have your school events published, email schoolnews@beaufortislandnews.com.