• Thursday, Dec. 1, Riverview Charter School’s first basketball game against St. Gregory’s at Beaufort Middle School; boys play at 4 p.m., girls at 5 p.m. It’s also Chick-fil-A night for Riverview Charter School, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Come show your Stingray Spirit! Ten percent of all proceeds dine in or drive-through, will be donated to the school. This fundraiser has generated over $900 for Riverview so far this year.
• Thursday, Dec. 1, Beaufort Academy sophomores and juniors return from annual college trip.
• Thursday, Dec. 1, BHS Voices Winter Concert will be at the Arts Center at Beaufort High School. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. • Concert begins at 8 p.m. Tickets $7 at door or call 322-2173 or bhsvoices@gmail.com.
• Friday, Dec. 2, Interim reports go home for Beaufort Elementary and Mossy Oaks students.
• Friday, Dec. 2, first through fourth grades at Beaufort Academy go to Savannah Children’s Theater.
• Friday, Dec. 2, Indent-A-Kid will be at Mossy Oaks Elementary.

• Sunday, Dec. 4, The Christmas Parade downtown, 3 p.m. Riverview Charter School has great plans for its float this year and needs help assembling the float and participating in the parade. Please contact RCC President Nicole Gates (gates@hargray.com) if you would like to volunteer to help assemble the float prior to the parade and/or if you would like to participate in the parade.
• Dec. 5-6, ninth and tenth graders at Beaufort Academy swim with the manatees at Okefenokee Swamp. Also, seventh and eighth graders go to Washington, D.C., Dec. 5-8.
• Tuesday, Dec. 6, is Riverview Charter School’s Kindergarten Gratitude Celebration.
• Tuesday, Dec. 6, Beaufort Academy Pre-K and kindergarten students visit the Festival of Trees.
• Tuesday, Dec. 6, is St. Peter’s Catholic School’s PTO meeting.
• Wednesday, Dec. 7, Beaufort Academy first through fourth grade students visit the Festival of Trees.
Guinness World Record
Students from Beaufort Academy and Lady’s Island Elementary joined in along with students in 27 countries and all 50 states in the USA with the World’s Sport Stacking Association (WSSA) to set a new Guinness World Record for “Most People Sport Stacking at Multiple Locations in One Day.” The number of people to beat was 316,736, and the WSSA hoped to reach a goal of 350,000 stackers. November 18, these students helped to set the new Guinness World Record with a total of 372,510 stackers!
Leukemia Cup Regatta
Beaufort Academy Sailing Club and the Beaufort Yacht and Sailing Club with host the Lower Coastal #3, SAISA Point Regatta and Leukemia Cup. With 10-12 schools participating, all money raised will be donated to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society in memory of Dr. Randy Wall, and that awards will be given for both the winner of the regatta and the person who raises the most money. The regatta will start at 10 a.m.; it’s open to the public (and free) to watch.

Master Gardeners donate to St. Peter’s Diggers Club
Sandra Educate and other Master Gardeners from the Lowcountry Master Gardener Association donated over 500 bulbs to the students in The Diggers Club to glorify the campus of St. Peter’s Catholic School this coming spring. The ladies came to one of the school’s regular meetings with bulb planters in hand to teach club members how to plant bulbs in various parts of the Carolina Fence Garden on the school grounds. They returned twice to complete the planting. The students had a great time digging up the dirt, burying the bulbs deep down and covering them with dirt.
GLEE “Give a Note”
Riverview Charter School moves on to the next round of the GLEE “Give a Note” judging. It’s in the running for a prize ranging from $10,000-$50,000 for music and chorus equipment. Stay tuned to learn their results December 15.
Day One of W.A.L.L. Interim
During the first week of the 2011 W.A.L.L. Approach Interim, students will participate in numerous activities, from internships in and outside of Beaufort (Upper School), the annual BA College Trip (Upper School), a trip to the Savannah Aquarium (5th and 6th grades), or right on campus (5th – 12th grades). Those on campus can select Interim classes such as Drama, Skills Tutoring, a History of Rock and Roll, Art Classes, Moviemaking, Soccer, SAT Math Review, Polymer Clay, History of the Marines, Girls Lacrosse, Yoga, Learning Strategies, Golf, Cake Decorating, Science Fair, Woodworking and a Babysitting course. Week Two will continue with additional Internships, a trip to Washington, D.C. (7th and 8th grades), and different Interim classes on campus.
School briefs are compiled by Tess Malijenovsky. To have your school events published, email schoolnews@beaufortislandnews.com.