SCGOP announces convention plans

From staff reports

The South Carolina Republican Party Executive Committee voted on Wednesday night, April 28 to have a hybrid in-person state convention on Saturday, May 15.

According to a release from the S.C Republican Party (SCGOP), per state law and SCGOP rules, the Party reorganizes every two years, with precinct meetings throughout March, county conventions in April, and state convention in May. Roughly 1,400 people, at a minimum, from across the state typically attend the state convention – delegates, alternates, and guests.

The state Executive Committee voted to require each county party to caucus in-person by county and cast their votes through paper ballots at a local meeting on May 15. County totals will be reported to the Credentials Committee in Columbia. A representative from each county will serve on the Credentials Committee.

At the state convention, 870 state delegates will conduct party business and elect SCGOP state leadership – Chairman, 1st Vice Chairman, 2nd Vice Chairman, and 3rd Vice Chairman – by a majority vote.

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