Ready for a Body Makeover?

The next session of Body Makeover, Beaufort Memorial LifeFit Wellness Services’ comprehensive weight-management program begins Jan. 20. Designed to create lifelong healthy habits, participants meet to exercise three times weekly in small groups over the course of 12 weeks, with each group led by one of LifeFit’s wellness coaches.

“Losing weight isn’t easy, but the payoff for your health can be huge,” said Ricca Callis, a Beaufort Memorial Life Fit Wellness coach. “In order to help folks start the process, we created our Body Makeover program to provide the tools they need to take off the pounds — and keep them off.”

The program’s strong focus on nutrition education also means participants receive personalized nutrition plans and counseling, and take part in special events, including cooking demonstrations at Breakwater and a shopping trip to Publix to learn how to choose foods wisely.

Maybe most importantly, participants also have the opportunity to build relationships with their coaches and other participants, creating a community of health-minded individuals within LifeFit.

“To keep participants motivated, the program is set up as a friendly competition where teams earn points for attending classes and events, reducing inches, improving their fitness performance and keeping a food log,” said Callis, who designed and helps administer the Body Makeover program at Beaufort Memorial. “It culminates with a final fitness challenge and awards banquet.”

The results are in from the most recent session, which ended in November, and they’re impressive. Thanks to the structure, motivation, accountability and personal attention the program provided, participants were able to decrease blood pressure, total cholesterol, LDL, triglycerides and blood glucose levels. What’s more (or less, depending on how you look at it), they also lost up to 21 pounds, 18 total inches and 9.2 percent body fat.

The group ranged in age from 33 to 80, and included 11 community members and seven Beaufort Memorial employees. Most were participating for the first time, but two were “veterans,” back for another round of the program. All fitness levels were represented, from brand-new exercisers to recreational athletes, as the program is designed for everyone to be able to participate.

If you want help meeting your weight-loss and fitness goals, call Beaufort Memorial LifeFit at 843-522-5635 or email Ricca Callis at or David Purser at for more information and to register. Jan. 15 is the deadline to register.

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