Rabbinical Scholar to visit Beth Israel Synagogue

Rabbi Moshe Edelman, a creative, inspiring and scholarly teacher, will be the guest of Congregation Beth Israel in Beaufort on Friday, March 25, and Saturday, March 26. As a Scholar in Residence, Rabbi Edelman will be teaching in the Synagogue at 401 Scotts St. in Beaufort on a variety of interesting topics. Guests are welcome; there is no cost, but donations are welcome.

On Friday evening at 7 p.m., Rabbi Edelman will discuss Purim, after the fact, exploring how this holiday is not a “kids-only” time. He will show how the quintessential episode of anti-Semitism rests within the scroll of Esther, and talk about the contemporary lessons of Purim’s past and present.

Saturday morning at 10 a.m., Rabbi Edelman will give a talk entitled, “As the World Turns: Generations Emerge.” The Rabbi will talk about the duality of life events like a child being born, while, at the same time, an elderly woman dies in another locale. A husband must purchase a grave to mourn his long-time wife, as he fears facing the reality of becoming a “single parent.” He will discuss how parenting and grand-parenting skills are poorly (or rarely) ever taught.

Saturday afternoon, from 4-6 p.m., the Rabbi will give a talk on “A Strategy for Jewish Life.” Rabbi Edelman will help participants discover how to create a sacred persona and to build a communal holiness.

For 19 years, Rabbi Edelman had been a well-respected and popular rabbi-teacher with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. A resident of New York, he served as Rabbi of the North Shore Jewish Center in Port Jefferson Long Island for 17 years. He helped build the congregation to over 800 families with passionate commitments to Shabbat observance, Torah study, pilgrimages to Israel for teens, families and senior adults.

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Obituary: Beekman Webb

Beekman Webb of Beaufort, S.C., a beloved husband, father, and grandfather passed away peacefully at home