Bob Sofaly photo Marie Smalls, right, Director of the Board of Voter Registration and Elections of Beaufort County, describes how the testing procedure of voting machines will be done Friday morning at the Beaufort County Voting and Registration Office on Gault Rd. At far left is Vernon Kemp who performed the actual test.


Above: Beaufort County Director of the Board of Voter Registration and Elections Marie Smalls, right, describes how the testing procedure of voting machines will be done Friday morning at the Beaufort County Voting and Registration Office on John Galt Road in Beaufort. Photos by Bob Sofaly.

Election Information Systems Specialist Vernon Kemp tapes sample ballots on the wall during the test of voting machines Friday morning at the Beaufort County Voter Registration Office. About half a dozen people from various communities in Beaufort County showed up for the test, which covered actual testing of software and a detailed explanation of how difficult voter fraud is in Beaufort County.
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