From staff reports
Two John Paul II Catholic School seniors have been promoted to the rank of Eagle Scout.

Jonathan Field and Hayden Jennings are members of St. Peter’s Catholic Church Troop 200. Jonathan’s project was the addition of a beach volleyball court and Hayden’s project was the addition of an outside classroom.

“I realized that our school loves volleyball – credit to our Powder Puff Volleyball Tournament and House Volleyball Tournament last year – so I made it my mission to construct an outdoor volleyball court,” Field said in a news release. “As soon as we set the net up, students were playing on it. Since then, its only rest has been at night when the students aren’t at school.”
Field noted that many hands and hearts contributed to his project and he is grateful for their help.
“Bill Nimmer, Richard Jennings, and Michael Brock were instrumental in achieving a final product worthy of admiration, and I could not have done it without the continued support of my parents,” Field said. “I would also like to thank other JPII students that supported my cause.”
“I thought an outdoor classroom structure was a great idea, so I went with it,” Jennings said. “Anyone who visits or attends the campus of JPII can take a trip down to the classroom and use it. It is a great alternative learning environment along with a great spot to relax.”
According to Hayden, his project would not have been possible without the special support of his parents.
“I had my parents help me all throughout my scouting career and so when the Eagle Scout project slowly approached, they were by my side the whole time.”
Many of Hayden’s friends, fellow scouts, and JPII classmates (Sam Rembold, Aidan Tibbitt, Kristian Santos, Jonathan Field, Tripp Currier, David Shaw, Edwin Cisca, Ben Richardson, Austin McIntosh, Malone Kinard-Huisinger, and Steven Schidrich) stepped up to assist him in constructing the classroom.
Only four percent of Boy Scouts achieve Eagle Scout, the organization’s highest rank. To reach Eagle Scout, a scout must earn a minimum of 21 merit badges, plan and oversee a project requiring at least 100 man-hours, and additional community service requirements.