By Reb Zusha and Rachel Kalet
L’Shana Tovah! Happy New Year! May you be inscribed in the Book of Life for another year of sweetness and health!
We are so happy to return to Beaufort just in time for the New Year. As the High Holidays approach, the question we should be asking ourselves is not what can I am expect from G-d this year — instead what can G-d expect from me this year? Let us change our focus this year from what I will get instead to a new reality of what I can give.
What has Beaufort given to you over the years? Beautiful sunsets, a waterfront park full of celebrations, theatre, fun and a beautiful place we all can call home.
Let us give the highest gift that we can this year. Let us give something better. Let us give something new to G-d. Let us sound the shofar and let us hear what the Ram’s Horn is saying to us all: “Arise! Shine! Shake off the dust that has consumed you for so long and embrace what comes out of the dust, which is Adam himself. A new year, more importantly, a new you! A new community in Beaufort. How will we change? How will we change for the better of Beaufort? A place that has given us so much and asks so little from us.
New clothes for the New Year? A new start. More importantly, maybe a new heart that gives, to live, to inspire and make peace here in the Lowcountry. Let us learn this on Rosh Hashanah as we dedicate ourselves to not only to love G-d, but to love our neighbor as ourselves. Let this be the true beacon of our lives here — the true Lighthouse of Beaufort for all who know us and see us. Let everything that we do be an inspiration up to heaven above , where there is a seeing eye, a hearing ear and all our deeds are written in a book — the Book of Life — and let it be so said for those of us who live in Beaufort so that we will be inscribed for a good year, sealed for a good year, a year of love for our community. L’Shana Tovah.
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