By Pamela Brownstein
When I look back at the past year, I find myself asking, “What kind of mom am I?” After an informal poll of myself, I’m coming up with mixed results.
I’m not one of those overprotective parents. If my 16-month-old falls down (which happens often) I don’t freak out. I don’t hover over him, and I think he enjoys having free reign to explore. But I have found myself being more of a Safety Lady than I ever pictured.

My husband, who is more laid back than I will ever be, has had frequent opportunities to tell me to relax, there’s no need to take the baby to the hospital at 3 in the morning just because he’s coughing.
I’m also not really the domestic goddess I once believed I could be. Our house is kind of messy on the days I’m working, and most of the time I’m too tired to care. At seven months pregnant, it’s getting harder to pick up random toys found in odd places or books strewn about the living room. But by the end of the week, I go on a big cleaning kick.
I’m a working mom, but I work from home so I have more flexibility than most, so I can’t even totally claim that role.
I like to provide healthy food for my toddler, and I like going to the grocery store stocking up for meals, but I wouldn’t describe myself as a good cook. My husband jokes that I am more of an idea person, while he is the executor.
Does all of this mean I’m just an average mom? Certainly, that cannot be! Luckily, this survey is rigged and I view not being on either extreme of the Mom Spectrum as a good thing. So what does this self-reflection reveal? I’m the best mom I can be, and that’s what’s most important.