Members needed for two county boards
The Beaufort County Council is seeking members for its Children’s Foster Care Review Board and it Disabilities and Special Needs Board.
To learn more about the boards, visit www.bcgov.net and click on “Departments.”
For more information, call Sue Rainey, clerk to council, at 843-255-2184, or suer@bcgov.net. She will provide guidance and walk applicants through the process.
Sanford staff to be available for questions
U.S. Rep. Mark Sanford’s district staff will hold satellite office hours on Thursday, July 7, on St. Helena Island.
Satellite office hours are conducted around the district by the representative’s staff in order to be as accessible as possible to constituents requiring assistance on issues related to the federal government. Additionally, anyone wishing to express an opinion or ask a question is welcome to stop by.
The satellite office will be held starting at 1 p.m. at the St. Helena Branch Library at 6355 Jonathan Francis Senior Road.
County to get new library bookmobile in 2017
The Beaufort County Council recently approved the purchase of a new Beaufort County Library bookmobile.
The new bookmobile will serve communities throughout Beaufort County and will include four iPad workstations, a circulation desk with wireless scanner/printer, shelving space for 2,500 books and WiFi.
“This bookmobile is simply the most cost-effective way to expand library services to communities in Beaufort County that do not currently have a library branch within easy commuting distance,” said library Director Ray McBride.
Funding for the vehicle will come from Beaufort County Library impact fees, and funding for staffing and operating the bookmobile were included in the library system’s fiscal year 2017 budget.
The library system retired its last bookmobile in 1993.
Library administration is in the process of determining the new bookmobile’s collection, staffing, route and schedule.
The anticipated delivery and start date for the new bookmobile is spring of 2017.