News Briefs

County treasurer to speak to LIBPA

Mr. Dour Henderson who was elected to the office of Beaufort County Treasurer in 2010, will be the guest speaker at the Tuesday, June 11 meeting of the Lady’s Island Business and Professional Association meeting to be held at 8 a.m. in the Beaufort County Realtor’s Association Headquarters located in the Palmetto Business Park on Lady’s Island Drive. The meeting is open to the public.

Mr. Henderson, originally from Spartanburg, came to Beaufort following his 35 years in the banking industry. Prior to assuming the position of treasurer, he served seven years as a member of Beaufort County Assessor Department. He holds certificates from the South Carolina Banker’s School at the University of South Carolina, the Graduate School of Banking at Louisiana State University and East Carolina University. During his time as a resident of Beaufort he has held positions with the Home Builder’s Association, the United Way and other civic and service organizations.  He is the former Chairman of the Aiken Chamber of Commerce and is a graduate of Leadership Beaufort.

Mr. Henderson has been requested to include the following in his discussion with our members.

• What changes have you initiated in the County Treasurer’s office and why?

• What future changes in the treasurer’s office do you recommend be initiated?

• Are the annual property tax sales a just and fair process?

• The fiscal impact on Beaufort County of the economic slowdown.

• Why, in your opinion, should the office of treasurer be elected versus being hired as a county employee?

Volunteers needed for Healing Heroes group

Members of the group, Healing Heroes of the Lowcountry Fund, which supports severely disabled veterans and first responders, hope interested residents will join their cause.

Organizer Donnie Beer, a member of Beaufort City Council, said the group is composed of former Lt. Dan Weekend volunteers and others who want to continue their service to ‘healing heroes’ in need. “During local Lt. Dan efforts in the past, we developed a highly capable team and built up a momentum that was very effective. We want to continue that impetus and expand it. But, we need more volunteers to help drive our mission.”

Dick Clarke, last year’s Lt Dan 3 Director of Operations, said although the Lt. Dan concert has moved to Charleston, new and exciting events are planned for Beaufort.

The group has scheduled an organizational meeting at Beaufort City Hall, on Sunday, June 23 at 4 p.m. All interested members of the public are encouraged to attend. The group has also established a Face Book page under the name, Healing Heroes of the Lowcountry Fund. Visitors to the page are invited to ‘like’ and ‘share.’

For more information, call Beer at 843-379-6099.

ABLE Foundation ornaments available

ABLE Foundation, the Disabilities Foundation for Beaufort County, is pleased to announce its annual ornament is now available.  The ornament is the fourth in a commemorative series featuring favorite Lowcountry scenes.  The 2013 ornament features a dolphin. The ornament, which can also be used as a medallion, was created locally and was commissioned from Buf’s in Beaufort.

All proceeds from the 2013 ABLE Foundation ornament will go to fund a summer camp called Camp Treasure Chest for children with needs such as developmental delays, cerebral palsy, Down Syndrome, genetic disorders and autism who require special services.

Ornaments are available at several locations including Budget Print, 510 Carteret Street, Beaufort;  Halo Salon, 184 Sea Island Parkway, Lady’s Island; Harbor Island Beach and Racquet Club, Harbor Island; Herban Marketplace, 1211 Newcastle Street, Beaufort; New Image Salon, 1615 Paris Ave., Port Royal; Smiles by Wyles Dentistry, 134 Lady’s Island Drive, Lady’s Island; Offices of Disabilities and Special Needs Dept, 100 Clear Water Way, Beaufort. Contact ABLE at (843)255-6300.

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One Farmer’s Story: Part II

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Obituary: Beekman Webb

Beekman Webb of Beaufort, S.C., a beloved husband, father, and grandfather passed away peacefully at home