News Briefs

Mayor Keyserling to speak to LIBPA

Mayor Keyserling will be the guest speaker at the Tuesday, May 14 meeting of the Lady’s Island Business and Professional Association to be held at 8 a.m. in the Beaufort County Realtor’s Association Headquarters located in the Palmetto Business Park on Lady’s Island Drive.

He was elected Mayor of the City of Beaufort in 2008 and reelected for a second term in 2012.  Prior to assuming his present office as mayor he served one term as a member of the City Council and two terms as District 124 Representative in the South Carolina House of Representatives. He has served as a staff member at the U. S. Senate and House of Representatives. A graduate of Brandeis University with a MS from Boston University, his experience in the private sector includes being owner of a public affairs and marketing /communications business, founder of two local businesses and is a licensed Real Estate Broker.  Mayor Keyserling has been requested to include in his discussion with our members the following subjects.

• Can the downtown business area of the City of Beaufort realistically serve in any capacity other than tourist support?

• Will the traffic resulting from the eventual development of the White Hall property overwhelm the Woods Memorial Bridge?

8 What will be the effect of adopting the new form-based code on the City of Beaufort?

• Can the City of Beaufort reduce its operational cost any further and still provide adequate services?

• What services does the City of Beaufort provide to its businesses on Lady’s Island in return for the revenue generated by them?

BJWSA celebrates Drinking Water Week

Beaufort-Jasper Water & Sewer Authority is recognizing National Drinking Water Week 2013 by holding its annual Customer Appreciation event on Thursday, May 9.  Drinking Water Week is an annual celebration of our most precious natural resource, and BJWSA takes the opportunity to recognize all of its customers. This year’s Drinking Water Week theme is “What do you know about H20?”

Customers are invited to stop by BJWSA’s main campus at 6 Snake Road in Okatie on Thursday, May 9 from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. for hamburgers and hot dogs. BJWSA staff will also be on hand to talk with customers about drinking water and answer related questions.

Sheriff’s Office investigating robbery

The Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a robbery and assault that occurred last Friday evening on a St. Helena roadway.

Just after 6 p.m. Friday, May 3, Sheriff’s deputies responded to the area of the Penn Center on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr Dr in reference several anonymous reports of a possible fight in progress. Upon arrival, deputies made contact with a 52-year old male who advised he’d been robbed.

The victim reported that he was walking down the road when a vehicle occupied by four black males pulled up beside him. The subjects asked the victim to buy cigarettes for them. When the victim refused, the subjects got out and assaulted the victim, reportedly hitting him with sticks until he blacked out. The subjects took an undisclosed amount of cash from the victim and fled the scene.

The victim, who was grossly intoxicated at the time of the attack, suffered minor injuries for which he refused any medical attention. He was unable to provide any description of the suspects. The Sheriff’s Office asks that anyone with information contact either Investigator SSgt. J. Fraser at 843-255-3416 or Crimestoppers.

County dedicates Fort Fremont marker

The historical marker at Fort Fremont on St. Helena Island was officially dedicated to the Beaufort County community on May 1.

Fort Fremont was built back in 1889 and remained active until 1921. Today it is listed in the National Register of Historical Places. In 2004, Beaufort County bought 15 acres of the fort’s original land through the Rural and Critical Lands Preservation Program and the Trust for Public Lands.

Beaufort Council Chairman Paul Sommerville was the Master of Ceremonies and guests from the Friends of Fort Fremont, SC State Historic Preservation Office and the SC Historical Marker Program spoke.

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Obituary: Beekman Webb

Beekman Webb of Beaufort, S.C., a beloved husband, father, and grandfather passed away peacefully at home