Burn ban issued
The South Carolina Forestry Commission issued a State Forester’s Burning Ban for all counties which took effect at 6 p.m., Saturday, March 22. This ban prohibits all outdoor burning, including yard debris burning, prescribed burns, campfires and bonfires and other recreational fires.
This action follows a Red Flag Fire Alert issued Friday, March 21, with high winds, gusty conditions, and low relative humidity expected to persist. These conditions create a significant wildfire risk, making outdoor burning especially dangerous.
Chat With Council moved to Thursday, March 27
Beaufort County Council is hosting another “Chat With Council” as an opportunity for members of the public to get to know Council members and ask questions.
The chat will be held Thursday, March 7, from 6 until 8 p.m., at Hilton Head Island Branch Library, 11 Beach City Road.
The chat will be informal and registration is not required. There will be a sign up sheet for those interested in speaking however no minutes will be taken, the meetings will not be televised, nor will County staff be on premises.
Council members are encouraging all members of the public to attend and ask questions on any topic of concern to them.
For more information, please contact the Clerk to Council’s office at 843-255-2180.
Family Promise names Trinh executive director
Family Promise of Beaufort County has announced John Trinh will be its new Executive Director.
Trinh has experience in numerous nonprofit organizations, and has built, developed, and improved many service-related and workforce development programs. He has worked with vulnerable populations to assist and support in areas of housing, employment, and education.
He holds a Bachelor’s degree from Empire State University and a Master’s degree from Colgate Rochester Crozier Divinity School.
In 2024, a critical component of Family Promise’s long-term strategy was completed with the purchase of Freedom House. The house has provided an immediate upgrade and expansion to the services the nonprofit provides its homeless families.
Fort Fremont History Center announces expanded hours
Beginning April 1 and running through July, the Fort Fremont History Center will expand operating hours. The new hours are Thursdays from 1 to 4 p.m., Fridays from 1 to 4 p.m., Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Sundays from 1 to 4 p.m. There is no admission fee.
Docent-led tours are available by request. The Fort Fremont Preserve is open from dawn to dusk, Monday through Sunday. A self-guided walking tour is available for smartphones from the Apple or Google Play stores. For more information or to download the app, visit www.fortfremont.org.
Spanish Moss Trail Albergotti Trestle reopens
All repairs on the Albergotti Trestle have been completed, and the Spanish Moss Trail Albergotti Trestle has reopened as of Friday, March 21.
Power of the Purse Tickets on sale
Tickets are on sale for the 13th annual Power of the Purse presented by Tanger Hilton Head, happening April 10 at Saltus River Grill in downtown Beaufort.
Join Women United in supporting vital education initiatives in Beaufort and Jasper counties. Enjoy signature cocktails, a virtual auction, a blind wine raffle, live music, and more, all while making a difference.
Go to https://bit.ly/4j7IV3f to purchase tickets. For sponsorship opportunities or to donate an auction item, call 843-837-2001.
County’s plastic pollution surveys to remain open until April 1
In 2018, Beaufort County Council passed an ordinance that was intended to limit the number of plastic bags that end up in our fragile environment. The County is considering revisiting the ordinance to ensure that it is having the intended effect and is being fairly implemented.
Counties, municipalities, and countries around the world are at a pivotal point in the battle against plastic pollution. Global production and use of plastics has outpaced population growth, and 8 million pieces of plastic pollution make their way into the ocean every day. Beaufort County aims to create healthier, safer, and livable communities through the reduction of environmental pollutants.
The survey found at https://bit.ly/4jycSdV, has two options: one for consumers, the other, for business owners.
Both surveys are brief and there are also two fact sheets that can be downloaded for further information. One fact sheet involves plastic bag bans and the other is entitled Lowcountry Plastics Fact Sheet.
The survey has been extended and will be available until Tuesday, April 1.
Poll workers needed; training available
The Board of Voter Registration and Elections of Beaufort County will be holding 10 new poll worker training classes.
All of the classes will be held at the main office, located at 15 John Galt Road, Beaufort, S.C. 29906. The classes will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., on the following dates: Saturday, March 22; Wednesday, April 23; Wednesday, May 14; Saturday, May 24; Wednesday, June 18; Wednesday, July 16; Saturday, July 26; Wednesday, Aug. 20; and Wednesday, Sept. 17.
To sign up for a class, visit https://beaufortsc.easypollworker.com/home.
HELP of Beaufort hosting fundraiser
HELP of Beaufort is hosting a Smoked Ham fundraiser. The northern Beaufort County food pantry is selling Smoked Hams for $45. Order and pay online at www.helpofbeaufort.org, or call 843-524-1223.
Pickup date is from 9 a.m. to noon, Saturday, April 19 at the Piggly Wiggly Shopping Center at 1347 Ribaut Road in Port Royal.
County VA to offer End of Life Planning Seminars for veterans, families
Beaufort County Veterans Affairs is hosting End of Life Planning Seminars for veterans and their families.
These seminars address things veterans and their families can do today to ensure their personal effects are in order. They also discuss Veterans Affairs benefits that surviving spouses may be entitled to receive.
They will be offered at either 9 a.m. or 1 p.m., at convenient locations around Beaufort County:
- Tuesday, May 20: Hilton Head Branch Library, 11 Beach City Road.
- Tuesday, May 27: Beaufort Library, 311 Scott Street.
RSVPs are required for space and resource purposes. Please contact Crystal at 843-255-6880 to reserve your seat. For questions and more information please contact Beaufort County Veterans Affairs at 843-255-6880.
— Staff reports