50th Parris Island Museum Gala postponed due to weather

The 50th Anniversary Gala for the Parris Island Museum scheduled for Saturday, Jan. 25, was postponed. Due to the weather circumstances, the Board of Directors has decided to hold the event at a later date.

Those with questions or concerns may contact Shellie West Hodges, Executive Director, at, or Joan Petrucci, President of the Board of Directors, at, with any questions or concerns. Or call the museum gift shop at 843-228-2166.

SCDOT to hold a drop-in about I-95 improvements in Jasper County

SCDOT will hold a drop-in public information meeting on Thursday, Jan. 30, 2025 regarding I-95 corridor improvements from US 278 (Exit 8) to S.C. 336 (Exit 21).

The meeting will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. at Hardeeville Recreation Center at 285 John Smith Road in Hardeeville.

SCDOT representatives will be available at the meeting to discuss the proposed project with members of the community. There will be no formal presentation.

SCDOT will accept public comments on this proposed project at through Feb. 14, 2025. For more information about this and other proposed SCDOT projects, visit

Moms Demand Action hosting survivors event

In honor of National Gun Violence Survivors Week, Lowcountry Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America will host an event Saturday, Feb. 1 in Bluffton.

The Gun Violence Survivors Event will take place from 10 a.m. to noon in the large meeting room at the Bluffton Branch Library, located at 120 Palmetto Way. Doors will open at 9:30 a.m.

Local Moms Demand Action leader Richard Hammes will give an overview of gun violence in the nation and in South Carolina. He will also discuss what the organization is doing to prevent future tragedies.

Bluffton Police Chief Joseph Babkiewicz, and grief and loss counselors Deanna Smith and Julie Raino will share their experiences, and offer suggestions on reducing gun violence and promoting safety.

Three local gun violence survivors will share their stories of loss.

“The families sharing their gun violence stories were very compelling last year for those in

attendance, and these new stories will be as well,” Hammes said.

The event will wrap up with a Q&A period and a discussion of what can be done to prevent gun violence.

“Here is an opportunity to support gun violence survivors and get information from those involved with law enforcement and counseling assistance,” Hammes said.

Please email to register for the event.

County’s plastic pollution surveys open until March 1

In 2018, Beaufort County Council passed an ordinance that was intended to limit the number of plastic bags that end up in our fragile environment. The County is considering revisiting the ordinance to ensure that it is having the intended effect and is being fairly implemented.

Counties, municipalities, and countries around the world are at a pivotal point in the battle against plastic pollution. Global production and use of plastics has outpaced population growth, and 8 million pieces of plastic pollution make their way into the ocean every day. Beaufort County aims to create healthier, safer, and livable communities through the reduction of environmental pollutants.

The survey found at, has two options: one for consumers, the other, for business owners.

Both surveys are brief and there are also two fact sheets that can be downloaded for further information. One fact sheet involves plastic bag bans and the other is entitled Lowcountry Plastics Fact Sheet.

The survey will be available until Saturday, March 1.

Beaufort Twilight Run needs sponsors

The 15th Annual Beaufort Twilight Run still needs sponsors. This is an opportunity not only to help support the students at Riverview Charter School but also to promote a business or place of employment.

Each sponsorship goes directly to our Capstone Field Trip Fund, which helps lower costs for all field trips, especially the Capstone experiences and reduces the financial burden for families. Sponsorships at every level make a meaningful difference. For example, a $2,500 sponsorship can help:

  • Send one 8th grader to Costa Rica
  • Send two 5th graders to Washington, D.C
  • Send 10 2nd graders to Barrier Island.

For more information, contact Haley Romeo, BTR Sponsorship Chair at Review the sponsorship packet at or complete the sponsorship form at Thank you for your support of the Beaufort Twilight Run and Riverview Charter School.

County VA to offer End of Life Planning Seminars for veterans, families

Beaufort County Veterans Affairs is hosting End of Life Planning Seminars for veterans and their families.

These seminars address things veterans and their families can do today to ensure their personal effects are in order. They also discuss Veterans Affairs benefits that surviving spouses may be entitled to receive.

They will be offered at either 9 a.m. or 1 p.m., at convenient locations around Beaufort County:

  • Tuesday, Feb. 18: Lobeco Branch Library, 1862 Trask Parkway, Seabrook.
  • Tuesday, Feb. 25: Bluffton Branch Library, 120 Palmetto Way.
  • Tuesday, May 20: Hilton Head Branch Library, 11 Beach City Road.
  • Tuesday, May 27: Beaufort Library, 311 Scott Street.

RSVPs are required for space and resource purposes. Please contact Crystal at 843-255-6880 to reserve your seat. For questions and more information please contact Beaufort County Veterans Affairs at 843-255-6880.

— Staff reports

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