Open Land Trust hosting 50th annual meeting

For its 50th annual meeting, the Open Land Trust is hosting an Oyster Roast and Chili at 6 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 21, at the Beaufort Yacht and Sailing Club at 30 Yacht Club Drive in Beaufort.

Cost are $15 and it is payable by phone or by mail at P.O. Box 75, Beaufort, S.C., 29901. RSVP on or before Thursday, Oct. 7 to Haley Romeo at or 843-521-2175.

Area COVID-19 vaccine clinics

There are two COVID-19 vaccination clinics in the area this week:

From 8:45 a.m. to 4:05 p.m., Thursday and Friday, Beaufort County Health Department, 601 Wilmington Street, Beaufort (Pfizer 12+, Moderna, Janssen 18+); and

From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday, Beaufort Memorial Express Care, 1680 Ribaut Road, Port Royal (Janssen 18+, Pfizer 12+).

October LIBPA meeting

The Lady’s Island Business Professional Association will meet at 8 a.m., Tuesday, Oct. 12, at the Beaufort Realtors’ Association Headquarters at 22 Kemmerlin Lane, Lady’s Island.

City of Beaufort Director for Community & Economic Development David S. Prichard, AICP, will be the featured speaker. The meeting is free and open to the public. Stop by for coffee and conversation concerning the community.

Public input needed on transportation plan

The Lowcountry Council of Governments (LCOG) is working to update the 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) and Rural Area LRTP.

These plans will identify transportation needs for the urbanized and rural areas over the next 20 years and provide a set of multimodal strategies to address these needs.

In put on the region’s transportation needs with a short survey at

The survey closes Friday, October 8. For more information, visit, contact Stephanie Rossi, Planning Director for the Planning Department at Lowcountry Country Council of Governments, at 843-473-3958 or email

County accepting applications for 2 percent tax grants

The Beaufort County Accommodations Tax Board is now accepting applications from organizations in Beaufort County wishing to receive grants from the 2 percent state accommodations tax fund.

South Carolina law allows for a 2 percent tax levy on the rental of all transient accommodations to help provide financial support to promote tourism and fund tourism-related activities in municipalities and counties within the state.

As a result, individuals staying overnight in hotels, motels, inns, and vacation rentals pay 2 percent in addition to the statewide sales tax and any local sales and use tax applied to their lodging cost.

The current year application (2021/2022) is available online at

Applications will not be accepted or reviewed if received incomplete or after 5 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 8.

Questions regarding the application process should be directed to Shannon Milroy at or 843-255-2302.

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