News Briefs

Beaufort, Port Royal mayors highlight new Coastline

A new episode of The County Channel’s series Coastline features the mayors of northern Beaufort County. Joining host Suzanne Larson are newly elected Town of Port Royal Mayor Joe DeVito and City of Beaufort Mayor Billy Keyserling.

This 66th Coastline episode highlights the 2020 agendas for both municipalities. Topics include transparency in communication and developments that are making north of the Broad even more inviting for new citizens and businesses.

Coastline airs on The County Channel Sundays at 9:30 a.m., Tuesdays at 11:30 a.m., Thursdays at 8 p.m., and Fridays at 9 a.m. Coastline is a monthly news show filmed in-studio and produced by The County Channel.

Watch all programming for The County Channel on Comcast Ch. 2, Hargray Chs. 9 and 113, and Spectrum Ch. 1304. Viewers can also watch programming live and on-demand at The County Channel’s website at

Councilman Dawson to host meeting about services in Big Estate, Jenkins

Beaufort County Council Member Gerald Dawson (District 1) is hosting a district meeting at 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 13 about county solid waste and recycle services in the Big Estate and Jenkins communities. The meeting will be held at the Booker T. Washington Center, 182 Booker T. Washington Circle, Yemassee (map).

The guest speaker will be Dave Wilhelm, Beaufort County Assistant County Administrator for the Public Works and Sustainability Division.

Residents do not need to register in advance for the meeting. For more information, please contact Beaufort County Council Member Dawson by email at: or by phone at 843-255-2192.

County offices to close for Presidents’ Day

All Beaufort County offices, to include Library branches and Parks and Recreation facilities, will be closed Monday, Feb. 17, in observance of the Presidents’ Day holiday. All County offices will resume their regular hours Tuesday, Feb. 18.

All Convenience Centers will remain open. Operations at the Hilton Head Island Airport and Lady’s Island Airport will be available. Emergency and public safety services will be available as normal.

Arthur Horne groundbreaking set for Tuesday

Beaufort County is holding a groundbreaking ceremony for its new Arthur Horne Building at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 18 in the courtyard of the Robert Smalls Government Complex – between the County Courthouse and the County Administration Building at 100 Ribaut Road, Beaufort.

Once completed, the new Arthur Horne Building will have almost 8,000 square feet of office space, allowing the County to consolidate certain departments. Construction should be complete in mid-March 2021.

Beaufort County Council will lead the groundbreaking ceremony along with representatives from Beaufort County Administration and the construction, engineering, and design teams. The Beaufort County Facility Management Department is managing the project.

Parking will be available in the County Administration parking lot. The entrance to the lot is located near the intersection of Boundary Street and Marsh Road.

County Councilman Flewelling hosting meeting about Camp St. Mary’s Property

Beaufort County Council Member Brian Flewelling (District 5) will host a public meeting from 6-7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 25 at John Paul II Catholic School, 4211 Okatie Highway, about the future use of the County’s Camp St. Mary’s property.

The meeting is open to the general public. Residents do not need to register in advance for the meeting. For more information, please contact Flewelling by email at, by phone at 843-255-2200 or by mail at c/o Clerk to Council, Beaufort County, P.O. Drawer 1228, Beaufort, SC 29901.

SCETV now on YouTube TV

South Carolina ETV (SCETV) announced that it is now streaming live on YouTube TV. Dedicated live channels for SCETV and PBS Kids, as well as on-demand programming, are now available to YouTube TV subscribers.

YouTube TV represents SCETV’s first livestreaming partnership and includes episodes and on-demand content from PBS favorites, including “American Experience,” “Antiques Roadshow,” “Frontline,” “Great Performances,” “Masterpiece,” “Nature” and more.

Currently, local programming is not included on SCETV’s live YouTube channel. However, the network will explore options for local program inclusion in the months ahead.

For more information on SCETV, visit

Beaufort Garden Club giving away trees

To celebrate its 85th anniversary, the Beaufort Garden Club, in conjunction with the National Garden Clubs Plant America project, is giving away 85 Redbud tree saplings. These native trees will grow into beautiful and carefree additions to the landscape.

These free trees can be picked up at the Gazebo at the Port Royal Farmers’ Market on Saturday, Feb. 29 from 9 a.m. until noon. Limit one to a family.

Clemson offering Turf School in Beaufort

Turfgrass professionals can learn the latest research-based information for turfgrass management during Clemson University’s annual Turf School to be held from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 13 at the Beaufort Extension Office, 18 John Galt Road.

The Turf School is a one-day course designed and conducted by Clemson University scientists to help turfgrass managers overcome the technical challenges of managing grounds, lawns, recreational parks, athletic fields and sod-production facilities.

The 2020 program will focus on identifying and implementing best management practices for irrigation water quality, insect pests, diseases, fertilization and weeds. Pesticide Recertification credits will be awarded for South Carolina participants.

Cost is $75 per person and is due upon registration. Contact Laura Lee Rose at or call 843-473-6025. Register online at

County hosting meetings about solid waste, recycling

During its Public Facilities Committee meeting Jan. 21, Beaufort County Council heard a recommendation report on the future use of convenience centers. Key considerations include limiting the amount and type of waste accepted at the centers and introducing a decal system to restrict use of the convenience centers to Beaufort County residents.

Beaufort County Council has made no formal decision at this time regarding changing the operating status of any of its eleven convenience centers.

As part of its evaluation of the report and in conjunction with staff from the County’s Public Works and Sustainability Division, Beaufort County Council Members will be hosting community meetings about the County’s solid waste and recycle services in the very near future. All of the meetings will be open to the public.

As the meetings are scheduled, details will be published on the County’s website,, as well as the County’s Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn pages. The County Channel will also share meeting details throughout its daily programming schedule.

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