The site on Ribaut Road where the Port Royal fire truck took the life of a Port Royal man and then crashed on Friday has been turned into a memorial for the victim of this tragic accident. The outpouring of emotion regarding this tragedy has been very profound. The memorial has been set up by strangers.
Reports have surfaced that the suspect in the case, Kalvin Hunt, had escaped from the Naval Hospital after Veteran’s Affairs took him there on Friday. Also, according to a TV news interview with Hunt’s family over the weekend, Hunt is suffering from PTSD after serving our Country in Afganistan.
Friday afternoon at around 4:30, Kalvin Hunt of Sumter, SC allegedly stole the fire truck in Port Royal while it was on a call at a local apartment complex. At the time, Hunt was described by witnesses as ‘disturbed’. He drove the truck up Ribaut Road plowing into vehicles near the intersection at the McTeer Bridge, and caused multiple vehicle accidents and one fatality as Justin Nicholas Miller was struck and killed. The truck crashed into a tree outside of the new Dollar General store near Ribaut Lanes.