Nancy Metzger discusses her quilt on display at Penn Center

Nancy Metzger with her quilt, 'On the Road to Jericho'. Photo by Sharon Kimber.
Nancy Metzger with her quilt, ‘On the Road to Jericho’. Photo by Sharon Kimber.

Nancy made the quilt in honor of the victims who lost their lives at the Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston last June. The quilt was also displayed in the lobby of the church before Nancy donated it to the congregation during Sunday services. Reverend Dr. Betty Deas Clark, Pastor accepted the quilt on behalf of the congregation and the families of those who were lost. The quilt will remain in the Sunday school area and be used as a learning tool. The quilt featured the names of the victims and the words ‘We are One’, the slogan chanted by Charlestonians after the tragedy.

Nancy is a member of the Sea Island Quilters and lives on St. Helena Island.

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Beekman Webb of Beaufort, S.C., a beloved husband, father, and grandfather passed away peacefully at home