Mossy Oaks work continues at brisk but successful pace

From staff reports

Mossy Oaks Multijurisdictional Drainage Task Force Chairman Neal Pugiliese gave an update on the Mossy Oaks Stormwater Project in his weekly newsletter after two weeks of work in Basin I (Vicinity of the Duck Pond) and Basin II (Vicinity of Southside Park).

Basin 1 

(vicinity of Duck Pond)

Work in Basin 1 in the vicinity of Jane Way and First Blvd. continues at a very brisk pace. We’re cleaning and shaping ditches and will soon apply grass seed to limit erosion. While the ditch work continues, First Blvd. will remain closed for the safety for residents and work crews.

Despite both the rain and cold weather, work along the Spanish Moss Trail continues at a very productive rate with more massive drainpipes being installed, along with preparatory work to accommodate 1,000 feet of new sewer pipe.

Also, drainpipe was installed along North Royal Oaks following the relocation of utility services.

As of today, there is only one more gas line and one more water service line that requires relocation throughout the entire project area.

Next week, work along Jane Way and First Blvd. should conclude. All major drainpipes have been installed throughout the Jane Way and First Street constellation.

These new pipes represent a huge increase in capacity to handle stormwater, meaning that homes are less prone to flooding than ever before. Some work remains at the end of Jane Way following the relocation of the final gas service line.

Once work on Jane Way concludes, crews will shift to the area where Battery Creek Road intersects with the Duck Pond. The final water service line will be relocated, massive drainpipes will be installed and Battery Creek Road will be restored to the correct elevation. We expect that Battery Creek Road will be closed in the vicinity of the Duck Pond for approximately 3 to 5 weeks, depending on weather.

Next week, crews will begin assembling 1,000 feet of new sewage line to be installed along the Spanish Moss Trail on or about Dec. 15. After that, the Spanish Moss Trail will be repaved and restored to its original condition.

Work along the ditch system between North Royal Oaks and West Royal Oaks will continue.

Basin 2 

(vicinity of Southside Park)

All improvements along Battery Creek Road have been completed, and all the drainpipes on Lawton Farms Road have been installed and are completely functional.

Work on the Spanish Moss Trail in this basin is being done by another construction company and as in Basin 1, about 1,400 feet of steel sheet pile are being driven into the Spanish Moss Trail between Riverside and Brotherhood. To date, about 800 feet of steel wall has been installed with about another 600 feet to go.

Once the steel sheet wall is installed the tidal flap gates and drainpipes will be installed. Residents should expect another three weeks of steel sheet pile driving along the Spanish Moss Trail.


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