Mossy Oaks project on schedule as end nears

From staff reports

The Mossy Oaks Stormwater Project remains on schedule and on budget, according to the latest update from Mossy Oaks Multijurisdictional Drainage Task Force Chair Neal Pugliese, Col. USMC, Ret.

Basin 1 

(vicinity of Duck Pond)

The project had another fantastic week of production, with all major drainage from Beaufort Middle School to the Spanish Moss Trail functional and draining exactly as designed. Minor drainage and cleanup work on Jane Way and other areas is expected to be completed soon, contingent on the weather.

As of this update, 1,000 feet of sewage pipe under the Spanish Mass Trail has been installed at the correct elevation ahead of schedule. This allows workers to install the last of the major storm drainpipes under the Spanish Moss Trail, which will complete the entire basin’s drainage system.

Next week, we’re hoping to put the initial layer of asphalt along Battery Creek Road with the goal of opening the road before Christmas. After that, Battery Creek Road will be closed periodically to allow workers to replace a walkway and install the final layers of asphalt. This work is contingent on the weather.

Work will resume on the Spanish Moss Trail to install the steel sheet pile caps and final four drainage pipes under the Spanish Moss Trail. When this is completed, the Spanish Moss Trail will be restored to its original condition.

Finally, weather and soil conditions permitting, work along the ditch system between North Royal Oaks and West Royal Oaks will continue.

Basin 2 

(vicinity of Southside Park)

The project in this area is substantially complete, and the contractor is working on the final punch list items.

Work on the Spanish Moss Trail in this basin is being done by another construction company, and as in Basin I, about 1,400 feet of steel sheet pile wall is being installed. Driving this wall should be completed in 3-4 days. After the final portions of the wall are installed, three tidal flap gates with improved drainage will be installed. Once this has been completed, the Spanish Moss Trail will be repaved and restored to its original condition.

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