Larry Dandridge

More on the Miracle of Fisher House Charleston

By Larry Dandridge

This article provides more helpful information about the Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center’s (RHJVAMC) Fisher House Charleston and Fisher Houses in general. Last week’s article described the Fisher House Charleston and how important the house is to military members, veterans, and their families in the Lowcountry of South Carolina and Georgia. You can read that article online at Hopefully, the first article convinced all veterans to:

  • Ask a county or area Veterans Service Officer (VSO) or other VSO to explain what veterans’ benefits they are eligible for (healthcare) and how to apply for those benefits. Find S.C. County VSOs at Find Ga. area VSOs at
  • Learn about Eligibility for VA Health Care at
  • Learn about VA healthcare benefits and how to apply at and
  • Find out if you can get VA healthcare at and by asking the eligibility office at your VA Medical Center or Community-based Outpatient Clinic (CBOC). The Beaufort CBOC is located in the Naval Hospital at 1 Pinckney Boulevard, Beaufort, S.C. 29902, Phone 843-770-0444. The RHJVMC is located at 109 Bee Street, Charleston, S.C. 29401-5799, Main Phone 843-577-5011, and the Eligibility/Enrollment Phone is 843-789-7008.
  • Sign up for VA healthcare by going to and or at a VA Medical Center or CBOC),
  • Find out who their Primary Care Physician, Registered Nurse, and Social Worker are. Read about your VA Primary Care Provider and PACT Team at
  • Read about VA Social Workers at and
  • Tell their family members about the Fisher House Charleston and the supporting 501c3 charity, The Friends of Fisher House Charleston, Inc. Read more about Fisher House Charleston at and
  • Consider donating to the Friends of Fisher House Charleston. To make donations go to and donate online or make checks payable to Friends of Fisher House Charleston, Inc. Mail donations to: Friends of Fisher House Charleston, Inc., P.O. Box 1678, Charleston, S.C. 29402-1678.
  • Consider donating money or needed items to Fisher House Charleston Directly by calling 843-805-8200.
  • Consider donating money or needed items to the Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center and Healthcare System by following the instructions at To drop off donations at the RHJVA Medical Center call 843-789-7230
  • Becoming a volunteer at the Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center or one of its’ CBOCs by following the instructions at The RHJVAHCS needs Regularly Scheduled Weekly Volunteers, Volunteers to Serve Occasionally, Volunteer Drivers, Healthcare College Student Volunteers, and High School Students (called the SYVP Volunteer Program).
  • Use the Fisher House Charleston when your veteran is an inpatient in the RHJVA Medical Center or a VA Approved Community Care Hospital in the Charleston area.

Fisher House Charleston Wish List

Individuals and organizations wanting to make donations of things the house needs can go online at or to see a current list of needed items and the applicable QR Codes.

The Fisher House Charleston “Wish List of December 22, 2023”, shows the following items are needed regularly:

  • Kitchen items: Cookie mixes, single serving coffee creamer (liquid only), aluminum foil, plastic wrap, tea and coffee K Cups, condiments, disposable coffee cups with lids), individual packs of sugar/Splenda/honey, fresh fruit, canned pasta (ravioli, spaghetti, etc.), frozen single-serving and family microwaveable meals, individual-sized snacks (granola bars, cookies, crackers, fruit cups, chips, cereal, oatmeal, trail mix, etc.).
  • Household tems: Gift cards (Walmart, Visa, Costco, Harris Teeter, etc.), laundry detergent (liquid or pods and preferably Tide), vinegar (for cleaning), Lysol/Clorox disinfectant wipes, Zip-loc plastic bags (quart and gallon), toilet paper, Mrs. Myers hand soap, Mrs. Myers dish soap, Mrs. Myers all-purpose cleaner, and paper towels.
  • Big Item Needs: Contact the Fisher House Charleston managers, Erik Zielinski at or 843-805-8200 or Charity Anderson at or 843-805-8200 for current large item needs.

Items can be dropped off or mailed to the Fisher House. Please call 843-805-8200 before bringing donations to Fisher House Charleston.

Cook a Meal for Veterans and their families at Fisher House Charleston

Many organizations and individuals have volunteered to cook a meal for veterans and their families at Fisher House Charleston. Go to and click on the MEAL TRAIN button to schedule a day to prepare a meal.

Directions to Fisher House Charleston

The driving directions to Fisher House Charleston, 150 Wentworth Street, Charleston, S.C. 29401 are shown below.

  • From the VA Medical Center: Turn right on Bee Street; Turn right on Rutledge Avenue; Turn left on Wentworth Street.
  • From 1-26E: Take 17S to Rutledge Avenue; Turn left on Rutledge Avenue; Turn left on Wentworth Street
  • From 17N: Take Courtenay Street exit to Calhoun Street; Turn left on Calhoun Street; Turn right on Rutledge Avenue; Turn left on Wentworth Street.

The safety of guests is a top priority at Fisher Houses. There is a key or fob to get into a Fisher House and a key to get into the guest’s private suite. VA campus police (or military police for Houses on Military Bases) are in the area to ensure everyone’s safety. The RHJVAMC Police phone number is 843-789-7251.

How to check for a Fisher House near you

According to, “If you or someone you love is receiving care at a VA or military medical center, check the list of Current Houses to see if there is a Fisher House that can help.

The criteria to stay is established locally by the medical center or installation command so please contact the location with any questions. There is never a charge to stay at a Fisher House.” Watch the Fisher House Foundation YouTube Video “How to Stay at a Fisher House,” found at and

The bottom line

Not everyone who comes to Charleston is on holiday. The cost of lodging in Charleston is high. Veterans may stay in a VA Medical Center for days, weeks, or months, and some have been inpatients for more than a year. Please get the word out to military members, veterans, and their families that the Fisher House Charleston (and all Fisher Houses) are there for them. And please encourage your friends, clubs, businesses, houses of worship, and organizations to volunteer and donate money and needed items to Fisher House Charleston.

Larry Dandridge is a Vietnam War wounded warrior, disabled veteran, ex-Enlisted Infantryman, ex-Warrant Officer Pilot, and retired Lt. Colonel. He is a past Veterans Service Officer, a Patient Adviser at the RHJ VA Hospital, the Fisher House Charleston Good Will Ambassador, and the VP for Veteran Affairs for the local Army Association Chapter. Larry is the author of the award-winning book Blades of Thunder and a contributing free-lance writer with the Island News. Contact him at or 843-276-7164.

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