Mindfulness workshop held

Trish Thompson, Dharma teacher, ordained by Thich Nhat Hanh, and certified Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction instructor, will offer an all-day workshop at TheraVista on Ladys Island, Saturday August 17, to explore various mindfulness practices for health and happiness in our selves, in our communities and in the world. According to her, “Our personal well-being is not separate from that of our families, our workplace, our schools, and even all of society.”

Trish has made her home in Viet Nam for the past eight years where she has been encouraged by Thich Nhat Hanh to continue his work of building a bridge between the East and the West.  A native of Hampton Country and a resident of Beaufort for several years prior to moving to SE Asia, she has 24 years of direct experience in the application of Mind/Body Awareness practices, Inner Child Psychology, and Buddhist Meditation. She is currently visiting and teaching in the US.

In this workshop she will cover topics such as: mindfulness of breathing, reducing stress and caring for the body, cultivating joy and happiness, finding time to relax and enjoy life, cultivating mindful speech and compassionate listening, and examining our culture’s consumption and production values.

Sponsored by Sea Island Sangha, which Trish founded.  Additional sponsors…  TheraVista, and the Beaufort Mindfulness Community, the event is open to all. The program runs from 10:00-3:00. The fee is $15 or whatever you can afford and includes a vegetarian meal. Space is limited. To reserve a place contact Martha ORegan 843/812-1328 or theravista@gmail.com

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